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  1. latimer

    Understanding coverage of climbing plants

    Cheers @Pete8 i think that’s confirmed T. J. for the trellis!
    Cheers @Pete8 i think that’s confirmed T. J. for the trellis!
    Cheers @Pete8 i think that’s confirmed T. J. for the trellis!
    Cheers @Pete8 i think that’s confirmed T. J. for the trellis!
  2. JWK

    What are we doing in the garden 2024

    I hope the gloves were not too expensive,
    I hope the gloves were not too expensive,
    I hope the gloves were not too expensive,
    I hope the gloves were not too expensive,
  3. JWK

    Show us your purchases 2024

    Thank you, I’ve had all of them before and they haven’t survived here either. I should try to take cuttings, but I’m already overwintering way too many things in the house.
    Thank you, I’ve had all of them before and they haven’t survived here either. I should try to take cuttings, but I’m already overwintering way too many things in the house.
    Thank you, I’ve had all of them before and they haven’t survived here either. I should try to take cuttings, but I’m already overwintering way too many things in the house.
    Thank you, I’ve had all of them before and they haven’t survived here either. I should try to take cuttings, but I’m already overwintering way too many things in the house.
  4. Papi Jo
    Like x 13

    Close-ups of flowers

    Hellebore, making seeds.
    Hellebore, making seeds.
    Hellebore, making seeds.
    Hellebore, making seeds.
    PXL_20240321_162351277.jpg IMG_20240318_111659~2.jpg PXL_20240319_094617091.PORTRAIT~2.jpg DSC00388.jpeg 127_4456.JPG Anemone nemerosa.JPG
  5. Fat Controller

    Irrigation system

    Very much. Thank you :)
    Very much. Thank you :)
    Very much. Thank you :)
    Very much. Thank you :)
  6. xxxDawnxxx

    Black leaves Acuba Japonica Gold Dust

    Yes they were hardened off before planting in the ground. The others are all okay. I wasn’t sure if I’d overwatered them. Hopefully they’ll still be okay then. Thank you @flounder for replying :)
    Yes they were hardened off before planting in the ground. The others are all okay. I wasn’t sure if I’d overwatered them. Hopefully they’ll still be okay then. Thank you @flounder for replying :)
    Yes they were hardened off before planting in the ground. The others are all okay. I wasn’t sure if I’d overwatered them. Hopefully they’ll still be okay then. Thank you @flounder for replying :)
    Yes they were hardened off before planting in the ground. The others are all okay. I wasn’t sure if I’d overwatered them. Hopefully they’ll still be okay then. Thank you @flounder for replying :)
  7. tattiebogle

    Quince ? Question.

    It’s a Chaenomales japonica which is also known as the Japanese’s not the same as the culinary quince Quince - Wikipediabut it’s fruits (although smaller) can be used in a similar...
    It’s a Chaenomales japonica which is also known as the Japanese’s not the same as the culinary quince Quince - Wikipediabut it’s fruits (although smaller) can be used in a similar way Flowering Quince Fruit (aka Chaenomeles japonica aka Japanese Quince) - Backyard Forager
    It’s a Chaenomales japonica which is also known as the Japanese’s not the same as the culinary quince Quince - Wikipediabut it’s fruits (although smaller) can be used in a similar way Flowering Quince Fruit (aka Chaenomeles...
    It’s a Chaenomales japonica which is also known as the Japanese’s not the same as the culinary quince Quince - Wikipediabut it’s fruits (although smaller) can be used in a similar...
  8. JWK

    Tomato Growing 2024

    @JWK If there is only a single feed pipe coming in, is it not possible to put a flow tap on it to adjust all the drippers at once? I have this on my raised beds to allow me to control or even...
    @JWK If there is only a single feed pipe coming in, is it not possible to put a flow tap on it to adjust all the drippers at once? I have this on my raised beds to allow me to control or even switch off a feed/bed.
    @JWK If there is only a single feed pipe coming in, is it not possible to put a flow tap on it to adjust all the drippers at once? I have this on my raised beds to allow me to control or even switch off a feed/bed.
    @JWK If there is only a single feed pipe coming in, is it not possible to put a flow tap on it to adjust all the drippers at once? I have this on my raised beds to allow me to control or even...
  9. BB3


    'Little people' or 'Little person' when referring to babies, toddlers or infants really sets my teeth on edge. What's wrong with 'babies', 'toddlers' or 'infants' for goodness sakes?
    'Little people' or 'Little person' when referring to babies, toddlers or infants really sets my teeth on edge. What's wrong with 'babies', 'toddlers' or 'infants' for goodness sakes?
    'Little people' or 'Little person' when referring to babies, toddlers or infants really sets my teeth on edge. What's wrong with 'babies', 'toddlers' or 'infants' for goodness sakes?
    'Little people' or 'Little person' when referring to babies, toddlers or infants really sets my teeth on edge. What's wrong with 'babies', 'toddlers' or 'infants' for goodness sakes?
  10. wiseowl

    Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2024

    Wow, what a view, @redstar! Well done on those of you getting your plants and veg organised. That doesn’t count as a rant, @Badly_Maintained! And we are allowed a rant on here anyway. Good to let...
    Wow, what a view, @redstar! Well done on those of you getting your plants and veg organised. That doesn’t count as a rant, @Badly_Maintained! And we are allowed a rant on here anyway. Good to let us know how you are feeling, so we can offer (virtual) tea and (real) sympathy. Everyone on here is...
    Wow, what a view, @redstar! Well done on those of you getting your plants and veg organised. That doesn’t count as a rant, @Badly_Maintained! And we are allowed a rant on here anyway. Good to let us know how you are feeling, so we can offer...
    Wow, what a view, @redstar! Well done on those of you getting your plants and veg organised. That doesn’t count as a rant, @Badly_Maintained! And we are allowed a rant on here anyway. Good to let...
  11. BenMunro

    Lawn advice

    Hi all,My lawn has taken a battering over the winter - it hasn't been helped that my garden slopes down at the back (a flood mitigation put in by the developer) so holds the water in a winter....
    Hi all,My lawn has taken a battering over the winter - it hasn't been helped that my garden slopes down at the back (a flood mitigation put in by the developer) so holds the water in a winter.I used to have such a gorgeous lawn by thanks to a neighbour who lets the weeds grow and the...
    Hi all,My lawn has taken a battering over the winter - it hasn't been helped that my garden slopes down at the back (a flood mitigation put in by the developer) so holds the water in a winter.I used to have such a gorgeous lawn by thanks to...
    Hi all,My lawn has taken a battering over the winter - it hasn't been helped that my garden slopes down at the back (a flood mitigation put in by the developer) so holds the water in a winter....
    IMG_4421.JPG IMG_4420.JPG IMG_4419.JPG IMG_4418.JPG
  12. Daalamist

    Need help identifying these please :)

    I wondered if 1 and 3 might be astilbe. 4 looks a bit like creeping euonymus except the flowers make me think of spurge. 5 looks like the willow I have growing in the garden.
    I wondered if 1 and 3 might be astilbe. 4 looks a bit like creeping euonymus except the flowers make me think of spurge. 5 looks like the willow I have growing in the garden.
    I wondered if 1 and 3 might be astilbe. 4 looks a bit like creeping euonymus except the flowers make me think of spurge. 5 looks like the willow I have growing in the garden.
    I wondered if 1 and 3 might be astilbe. 4 looks a bit like creeping euonymus except the flowers make me think of spurge. 5 looks like the willow I have growing in the garden.
  13. Tedspex

    Wildflowers in clay soil

    Hi, We’d be really grateful for a bit of advice on what do at the bottom of our garden . It was a load of nettles and brambles which we have cleared to bare soil but it’s heavy clay. We would...
    Hi, We’d be really grateful for a bit of advice on what do at the bottom of our garden . It was a load of nettles and brambles which we have cleared to bare soil but it’s heavy clay. We would like to do a wildflower area but I’m not sure how feasible / easy this would be or whether we would...
    Hi, We’d be really grateful for a bit of advice on what do at the bottom of our garden . It was a load of nettles and brambles which we have cleared to bare soil but it’s heavy clay. We would like to do a wildflower area but I’m not sure how...
    Hi, We’d be really grateful for a bit of advice on what do at the bottom of our garden . It was a load of nettles and brambles which we have cleared to bare soil but it’s heavy clay. We would...
    IMG_5276.jpeg IMG_5275.jpeg IMG_5273.jpeg
  14. Februarysgirl

    Bumblebees in Hedgehog House

    @AnniD Sometimes they'd go for a few weeks but it's almost been a year now. I know that neighbours either side have had to block holes in the fences due to new puppies but there's still other...
    @AnniD Sometimes they'd go for a few weeks but it's almost been a year now. I know that neighbours either side have had to block holes in the fences due to new puppies but there's still other holes in and out of my garden.@fairygirl I think the thing with having hedgehogs in the garden is that...
    @AnniD Sometimes they'd go for a few weeks but it's almost been a year now. I know that neighbours either side have had to block holes in the fences due to new puppies but there's still other holes in and out of my garden.@fairygirl I think the...
    @AnniD Sometimes they'd go for a few weeks but it's almost been a year now. I know that neighbours either side have had to block holes in the fences due to new puppies but there's still other...
  15. Penny_Forthem

    Cuckoo 2024

    Out in the garden this morning and what did we hear for the first time in years...male cuckoo calling. Both of us heard it and then it was silent. At least we know cuckoos are still around somewhere.
    Out in the garden this morning and what did we hear for the first time in years...male cuckoo calling. Both of us heard it and then it was silent. At least we know cuckoos are still around somewhere.
    Out in the garden this morning and what did we hear for the first time in years...male cuckoo calling. Both of us heard it and then it was silent. At least we know cuckoos are still around somewhere.
    Out in the garden this morning and what did we hear for the first time in years...male cuckoo calling. Both of us heard it and then it was silent. At least we know cuckoos are still around somewhere.
  16. welshcake

    Hebe ID

    could be franciscana variegata
    could be franciscana variegata
    could be franciscana variegata
    could be franciscana variegata
  17. wiseowl

    Members Roses 2024

    Thanks @Busy-Lizzie That is very helpful (but not what I was hoping to hear!). I have this big pot which is lying empty and I could picture a rose in it, but perhaps I need to rethink what to put...
    Thanks @Busy-Lizzie That is very helpful (but not what I was hoping to hear!). I have this big pot which is lying empty and I could picture a rose in it, but perhaps I need to rethink what to put in it as I do not have anywhere else to place the pot. My Chandos Beauty is against the same fence,...
    Thanks @Busy-Lizzie That is very helpful (but not what I was hoping to hear!). I have this big pot which is lying empty and I could picture a rose in it, but perhaps I need to rethink what to put in it as I do not have anywhere else to place the...
    Thanks @Busy-Lizzie That is very helpful (but not what I was hoping to hear!). I have this big pot which is lying empty and I could picture a rose in it, but perhaps I need to rethink what to put...
  18. wiseowl
    Like x 3

    Whats your weather like May 2024

    End of the world weather here, something more like January, its cold as well. Just doesn't seem to be any warm air around this year.
    End of the world weather here, something more like January, its cold as well. Just doesn't seem to be any warm air around this year.
    End of the world weather here, something more like January, its cold as well. Just doesn't seem to be any warm air around this year.
    End of the world weather here, something more like January, its cold as well. Just doesn't seem to be any warm air around this year.
  19. Februarysgirl

    Potato Mistake

    I've just ordered some of that fertilizer @Cordy, thanks for the tip. I see it contains Sulphur.
    I've just ordered some of that fertilizer @Cordy, thanks for the tip. I see it contains Sulphur.
    I've just ordered some of that fertilizer @Cordy, thanks for the tip. I see it contains Sulphur.
    I've just ordered some of that fertilizer @Cordy, thanks for the tip. I see it contains Sulphur.
  20. Mrs Hillard
    Like x 6

    Members CLEMATIS 2024..

    ^such a pretty clematis.. I lost mine for some reason....a few opened today.. 'Asao'.. not vigorous for me so far.. 'The Vagabond'.. ..and the rather lovely 'H.F. Young'..
    ^such a pretty clematis.. I lost mine for some reason....a few opened today.. 'Asao'.. not vigorous for me so far.. 'The Vagabond'.. ..and the rather lovely 'H.F. Young'..
    ^such a pretty clematis.. I lost mine for some reason....a few opened today.. 'Asao'.. not vigorous for me so far.. 'The Vagabond'.. ..and the rather lovely 'H.F. Young'..
    ^such a pretty clematis.. I lost mine for some reason....a few opened today.. 'Asao'.. not vigorous for me so far.. 'The Vagabond'.. ..and the rather lovely 'H.F. Young'..
    IMG_1404.JPG IMG_0978.jpeg IMG_20230809_160513.jpg Screenshot_20240323-072702-560.png IMG_1409.JPG DSC06334.JPG
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