Album: A Rutland Garden

00000000000000000000000000038375About 1/3 of an acre on a south facing slope on land that was once a strawberry farm.

A Rutland Garden

Updated Mar 15, 2024 - Taken at Rutland
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 14, 2024  
Mar 15, 2024  
Mar 15, 2024  
Mar 15, 2024  
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00000000000000000000000000038375About 1/3 of an acre on a south facing slope on land that was once a strawberry farm.

Taken at Rutland
  1. lizzie27
    Beautiful pictures @BenCotto. Snap, we also have nearly a 1/3rd acre on a south facing slope on formerly orchard land but it's nowhere near as picturesque as yours.
    BenCotto likes this.
  2. Bluejayway
    Stunning and inspirational.
    BenCotto likes this.


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