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Marley Farley
  1. BeeHappy likes this.
  2. Joolz
    Marley, this is quite a pretty little flower. Can you tell me, does it have a variegated leaf? A whiteish line going through the leaf? If so, I think I might be lucky enough to have an abundance of this flower in one of the borders, that I've not yet touched.
    BeeHappy likes this.
  3. Marley Farley
    Marley Farley
    Hi Joolz, no this one isn't variegated as it is growing in the wild found usually on verges & hedgerows mainly, but there is a cultivated version.. Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Florentinum' so I think you have probably got that.. Equally a lovely in it's way..

    BeeHappy likes this.
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