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  1. BeeHappy likes this.
  2. View previous comments... 5 of 7
  3. BeeHappy
    well done on your cuttings success... Klever Kazz ;) I have never grown Brugmansia, although I LUV um... Im rather scared of such an excotic bloom up here in the hills ...dont think they would like the cold exposed siting here bless um x
    Gail_68 likes this.
  4. kazzawazza
    So easy to grow and very hungry plants.
    Gail_68 and BeeHappy like this.
  5. They look so fragile :)
  6. kazzawazza
    Nah, Not at all. They are easy to grow. The blooms are huge and they are hungry plants.
    Gail_68 likes this.
  7. I saw how big they was on another picture...shocked
    kazzawazza likes this.

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