Album: Our Back Garden

00000000000000000000000000038172Our back garden in a village on the edge of the Peak District. North facing and on heavy clay soil so we have to be very selective what we grow here. It is wider than it is long and much of it is given over to trees and large shrubs for privacy from the neighbours.

Our Back Garden

Updated Feb 6, 2024
Feb 6, 2024  
Feb 6, 2024  
Feb 6, 2024  
Feb 6, 2024  
Feb 6, 2024  
Feb 6, 2024  
Feb 6, 2024  
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00000000000000000000000000038172Our back garden in a village on the edge of the Peak District. North facing and on heavy clay soil so we have to be very selective what we grow here. It is wider than it is long and much of it is given over to trees and large shrubs for privacy from the neighbours.
  1. Coccinella
    You are very good at selecting. I like your compost bins, I lust over that stepladder and am in awe of such a tidy potting space.
  2. LunarSea
    Thankyou Coccinella. The tidy potting space is all my wife's doing. When she's finally planted up the baskets & pots I dismantle the staging to make way for the tomatoes, chillies & cucumbers.
    Coccinella likes this.
  3. Bluejayway
    Your pic of the tripod ladder helped us to decide to get one too. Very useful bit of kit!
    LunarSea likes this.
  4. LunarSea
    Yes, money well spent @Bluejayway. The independent leg height adjustment is an absolute godsend.
    Bluejayway likes this.


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