Webster's Pink WonderAmazing 14 inches across. Great colour

Webster's Pink WonderAmazing 14 inches across.  Great colour
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Pollies Daylilies
Webster's Pink Wonder

Amazing 14 inches across. Great colour
  1. BeeHappy likes this.
  2. Spruce
    Wow huge , want one now !!!!!!

    BeeHappy likes this.
  3. Pollies Daylilies
    Pollies Daylilies
    Hi Spruce

    Sounds like you are on the slippery slope to "no hope" like me:loll: Hope your season is going well. This really mild weather has brought everything on early and we will be a first peak during this weekend.:D Hope something holds on for Hampton Court.:help:
    BeeHappy likes this.
  4. simbad
    How could I have missed these pictures, this ones stunning Pollie ...........
  5. Pollies Daylilies
    Pollies Daylilies
    Hello Simbad

    This is a truly stunning one. We also have a baby Sugar Magnolia which is lovely. We have seedlings of our own but we couldn't wait! Just started up a Pollies Daylily Nursery page on Facebook linked to website and have started putting a few pictures up. Flickr is limited to 200 but Facebook seems to be unlimited. I shall enjoy doing that and updating the online catalogue through the Winter. Lots of new ones next year including WPW but in very small numbers I am afraidXX
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