Anyone who is still unsure whether to vote in or out on the 23rd should google this - Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Due to come in 2019.
I've heard about that. Apparently it's very bad, but nobody seems to explain why. At least not in terms I can understand.
It's not surprising that people don't understand as they've shrouded the whole thing in mystery by keeping it 'secret'. Basically, it's a trade agreement that will lessen the controls that individual governments have over trading and regulatory controls. On the one hand we moan that the EU have too much control over what we do - which TTIP will lessen. On the other hand it will allow some of the big businesses to get away with a lot more than we would like them to. The ones for it say it will lessen regulation and Tax and Duties and create more money and jobs. The ones against it say that it will reduce the income for the government that they use to provide our services. So it's as clear as mud Will it affect us if we leave the EU (the topic under discussion on this thread)? Who knows? I'm sure that we could negotiate to be included even if we pull out of the EU - but do we want to? Have any of you received your paper from the government 'explaining' the benefits of staying in and the disadvantages of leaving? If not, then you will soon get it. You've paid 9.3 million for it. I'm going to read every word of it when I eventually get it. Then I can see how many lies they tell or how much they are 'spinning' the explanations. I can then compare it to the truth and lies that I've already received from the 'Vote Leave' paper I received the other day.
@shiney, we've received a leaflet that I assumed was the one you mention, until I read it. It gives several compelling reasons to leave. I'm not sure who it's from, but it is incredibly clever, even featuring a Westminster address which looks like a leased address but I haven't looked it up yet.
That's the one It's a folded A4 sheet entitled 'The Facts'. Some of it is fairly factual but they're still spouting this nonsense about the EU costing us 350 million per week (which, on paper, it does) whilst ignoring how much is the agreed amount that we don't have to pay or the amount that gets refunded in subsidy. This leaves it costing only approx. 105 million per week. Some other parts of it are obviously wrong. I expect there to be as much, or more, dissembling from the government leaflet. Your leaflet is published by Vote Leave. Which is an organisation consisting of anti-EU government ministers, lots of MP's, business organisations, and some unions. They got started after putting in an objection about the YouGov poll, about staying in the EU, having been deliberately designed to give a slanted result. The investigation into it is in its third year! You also have a choice of other anti-EU organisations. The 16 page government leaflet should be a fun read
It is a complete waste of Tax payers money spending £9,000,000 on those silly leaflets that Camermoron is talking about because he knows as well us peasants that we shall be staying in the EU and that is because no one is going to bother to go to the polls because everyone in this country is completely confused as what is going to be the right or wrong decision based on the few facts that we are being given so most of the population won't bother turning out...Fact We have polling cards come this week for us all to go to the polls on May 5th for the election of a new Police and Crime Commissioner for our area but as usual we haven't a clue of the names that will appear on the ballet paper as we have heard nothing on the telly,radio or by leaflet as to who the candidates are so I doubt if I shall be voting And no I didn't hear the Sonic boom from those two jets breaking through the sound barrier yesterday teatime
Now you're just showing off because you know *I* wasn't sent one I got my polling cards for that a couple of weeks ago and felt the same as you: who? What? Where? Turns out the closing date for applications hadn't even happened But, look again @Kandy because yesterday on our local news radio station, it seems the candidates have now been announced.
At least the vote leave paper was printed within the budget that both sides are allocated, I assume. "The Facts" that Cameron's paper comes up with will be more expensive to us. All I want is unbiased facts, not in,or, out facts, just the truth, or at least best guess. As to the police and crime comissioner, who gives a ****
After the embarrassment of the last one, and the fact that nothing changes, I think it proves its a pointless job. Either they tow the line and kowtow to the cops, or they go against them and get fitted up. You cant win if the police are involved, they are too powerful.