female cleaner wanted. I think I might get one too. Details here. http://www.westerndailypress.co.uk/...ol-pensioner/story-29136911-detail/story.html
Well, this remines me of when i delivered a load of fert to a farm, there was no one around the farm so went to the farm house and the farmers wife/lady friend/cleaner etc was out side doing the ironing and she didn't have a any clothes on she just stood there and said that the farmer won't be long and he'll come over and off load you, well there must be something in the water
For those who don't like cleaning, there's always World Naked Gardening Day on Saturday 7th May 2016 http://www.wngd.org/ WARNING! World Naked Gardening Day website may include pictures of nudity!
Looking at the current weather for up here, I'd look like a smurf. Frozen blue and pudgy But good to know that there is such thing, just in (the very unlikely) case that fancy some naked gardening.