Latest moan from you and me - 2016

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Fat Controller, Jan 2, 2016.

  1. Super Lucyjin

    Super Lucyjin dinnae fash yersel

    Feb 26, 2016
    Fife, Scotland
    I really like the 4-bin system, but was quite miffed this week just gone because of my cardboard bin. I knew I was going to be out of town on bin collection day, so I pulled out the cardboard bin and left it at the top of my garden path. There's no gate and an open driveway, so it was clearly visible.

    Lo and behold, got home from my trip to find the cardboard bin hadn't been emptied! :mad: It's only emptied once a month on my local schedule, so I now have a smashed full cardboard bin and will have to make extra trips to the tip until next month! :wallbanging:

    I'm not gonna call the council about it this time, but if the same happens at the beginning of June then they might just be getting a wee call.. :th scifD36:
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    • miraflores

      miraflores Total Gardener

      Apr 16, 2006
      mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
      could it be because you put glass in there?
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      You can compost cardboard :spinning:
      • Agree Agree x 2
      • "M"

        "M" Total Gardener

        Aug 11, 2012
        The Garden of England
        At my previous house we had 3 bins:
        1 x black (landfill)
        1 x blue - recyclables with another bin which slotted into one side for glass
        1 x food waste (no animal bedding permitted)
        A "green" bin was an extra annual charge, but, I had compost bins so no need of one.

        Here I have four bins:-
        1 x black (landfill)
        1 x blue (glass, plastics, metals)
        1 x black box (paper/card)
        1 x food waste
        A green waste bin is available, on request, at an extra charge.

        The very first recycle day, out went the blue bin and the black box. The bin men did not empty the blue bin and sealed it shut with a big bright yellow sticker and a box ticked under reasons why they wouldn't empty it: a piece of paper was in it :doh:
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        • luciusmaximus

          luciusmaximus Total Gardener

          Apr 18, 2014
          Lost in the Wilderness
          Isle of Anglesey
          I'm not very impressed with our waste service here either. We have plastic boxes for paper/cardboard and plastics/glass. Theses boxes are the size of a laundry basket and totally inadequate for purpose in that they are just not large enough. We also have a green wheelie bin for garden waste and pet bedding and black wheelie bin for the black bags, which are,collected fortnightly. I have to visit the recycling centre every week, sometimes twice a week, to dispose of the pet bedding and whatever will not fit into the recycling boxes. It's very inconvenient. Also, the guys who operate the kerbside collection tend to drop rubbish on the lane and never think to pick it up! Fed up of picking up paper and plastic containers.
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          • Kandy

            Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

            Apr 23, 2006
            Head gardener
            In the Middle Of Blighty
            @Beckie76 i was going to agree to your post until I read the top lines about you being a moaning old woman all week.Shiney,yes but not you Beckie:snorky:

            Definetley compost all brown coloured cardboard minus sellotape /metal staples etc as the worms in my compost bins adore the stuff and whenever I am turning the compost the cardboard is full of them:yes:.I never compost Shiney cardboard that has stuff printed on it and I never buy that much to have food waste.All peelings and lawn clippings are composted so I hope they never give us a food recycling bin as it won't get used:snorky: I usually either leave the cardboard outside on the lawn if it is raining or else I fill my bucket with water from my water butt and soak the ripped up cardboard until it is nice and soggy:snorky:

            Anyway an update about the recycling bin saga.Rang up our local council and spoke to a very nice lady and explained everything to her and also mentioned that others in the street hadn't been touched.Couldnt give a postcode as I don't know what my friends is and had to also give details of her name and address.The lady asked me if I had seen the dustbin men in the vicinity and I said no because at the time I hadn't but pointed out that everyone else's had been emptied so couldn't understand why these three had been left for a month. I was told that a request had been duly put in to the computer and the bin will be emptied within 3-5 working days so will have to keep checking to see when they have bin(scuse pun:snorky:) Also each one of the houses that haven't had their bin(s) emptied need to put in their own request so even though the bin men would be able to see all the bins that have been missed they still insist on others phoning to ge theirs sorted,so sorry Shiney I can't get yours emptied for you :snorky:
            • Funny Funny x 3
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            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              Don't worry, @Kandy the bin men are coming back with itchy ears (from the flea I had put in them) :heehee:

              Apparently, their excuse was that the bin wasn't on the footpath but only at the top of the driveway. If I put the bin on the footpath the neighbour can't see if traffic is coming :doh:. As it's nasty neighbour I'm now going to put the bins on the footpath - the Council's orders :whistle: :noidea:
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              • Kandy

                Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                Apr 23, 2006
                Head gardener
                In the Middle Of Blighty
                @shiney I don't like liars either with their excuses for not emptying your bin because they were too lazy to walk a few feet to fetch it from off the top of your drive and now they have had to waste fuel coming from your nearest town to empty one bin:nonofinger:

                Went to open up the greenhouse this morning and saw that the bin had been emptied so ringing up had an effect:snorky: The house next door has still got a full bin and when I peeped inside they have made the mistake of putting carrier bags full of stuff in the bottle/cardboard bin and the dustbin men won't empty the bin as the carrier bags should go either in the black bin or need to be recycled either for shopping or put in the carrier bag recycling bit at the supermarket if they have them:snorky:
                • Agree Agree x 2
                • wiseowl

                  wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                  Oct 29, 2006
                  Philosophy of people
                  Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                  Good afternoon @shiney and all my other friends not so much a moan,more of a plea for your advice and help for an Owl who sometimes gets very frustrated with the system,I shall begin;)

                  I have just spent an entire morning trying to arrange Mrs Woos insurance on her new used car,we went to see our insurance brokers(Swintons) where Mrs woo is present car is insured with Aviva,£360 per annum(fully comp).we were quoted for the new car £460 per annum +£82 up front payment only because Mrs Woos present car insurance has only 2 months to run:dunno:

                  We cannot say when we are picking the new car up its either Friday/Saturday,Mrs Woo cannot drive the car home without insurance or tax,so we have to drive our old car to the dealers as he is taking it in PX and we cannot insure it until we take possession of the new car.

                  I have just searched for a quote on line with Aviva and have been quoted £220 per annum:dunno:

                  I now have a headache and I am completely confused as the dealer has said that before Mrs Woo can take the car she must be insured:smile:

                  If you cannot understand any of the above ,bear with me as I am going to lay down in a dark room ,and I will be back:heehee:
                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  Hi @wiseowl
                  It seems to me that I may be misunderstanding what you are asking but shall answer anyway :)

                  It appears that your existing insurer (Swinton) want a lot more money than Aviva to cover the new car.

                  If it were me I would tell Swinton that I want the old car insurance to cease on Saturday as you are selling the car and ask for any unused portion of your original payment.

                  They may tell you that you don't get it because they will calculate their charges on a monthly or quarterly basis instead of the annual charge they had charged you - which they will say carries a discount that just happens to be the amount of money that the rest of the cover is worth. :th scifD36: Unfortunately, they can do this.

                  So it's possible that you won't get any money back. That shouldn't stop you from pressing them for it.

                  In the meantime, contact Aviva and tell them that you want the new car to be covered from Saturday. That will cost you £220 and the dealer will be happy that you are covered and the Woo household will be covered. When you arrange the cover with Aviva either get a printout of the screen (if buying online) or ask for a Cover Note from them (if over the phone) or to be handed to you (if through an agent). That's a temporary insurance until the proper one arrives. That may not be necessary if the dealer is able to contact the insurance company to get Proof of Cover. I'd talk to the car dealer about it. He's bound to know.

                  In summary:-
                  Speak to the car dealer first and ask his opinion of the best way to go about it.
                  Insure with Aviva and find out how to get the info to the dealer.
                  Tell Swinton, politely, (as you always do :)) what they can do with their cover. :heehee:

                  Expect to lose any balance of the current insurance (quite likely but you can argue about it) and consider that small amount to just be a little bit extra cost on the new car.

                  You've only lost £60 if you don't get anything back and you've saved £240 which is the difference between the two quotes you've had.

                  Good luck :blue thumb:

                  Any more questions then just ask. I'm popping in and out of the garden so shouldn't be too long in answering. Mrs Shiney usually limits me to one hour at a time unless I'm mowing - and I did the mowing yesterday. :dbgrtmb:
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                  • silu

                    silu gardening easy...hmmm

                    Oct 20, 2010
                    Personally I'd phone Aviva and see what they say. It should be quite simple to simultaneously cancel the current insurance and start another 1 on the new car. We used to use brokers many years ago for car/house insurance until I discovered we were being WELL overcharged. I now do all our insurances on line with little problems and A LOT cheaper. Just renewed the house insurance with the same company but NOT through the renewal notice. Took out exactly the same policy with the same insurer for £52 less than if I'd just renewed, "brand new customers only"!!. I think it's wrong but companies obviously think customers are too lazy to bother to look for a new quotes and effectively penalise for loyalty. Oh Shiney has beaten me to it with his post:). Sure his advise will be sound.
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                    • miraflores

                      miraflores Total Gardener

                      Apr 16, 2006
                      mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
                      there are companies that do car insurance for short periods, although I am unsure whether money wise it would be a complete waste.
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                      • Jiffy

                        Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                        Aug 25, 2011
                        Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                        If you can't get insurance for the new car and tax it on the day you want to pick up the car, ask the dealer if he can deliver it for you he should be able to on trade plates but you can't use there trade plates
                        You should be able to stop one insurance and start a new one, i always say i'm picking up a car on a friday but pick it up on a saturday and opsit for the new car so i get a cross over with the insurance
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                        • wiseowl

                          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                          Oct 29, 2006
                          Philosophy of people
                          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                          Good morning all my friends,its very wet and the slugs are decimating my Dahlias,the snails are having a field day,I can actually hear them laughing at woo as he walks up the garden path:heehee:

                          I have had to cancel Mrs Woos car as by checking its history before I handed any big money over,except(£100 deposit which they insisted on) I shall be there at 8.30am this morning.
                          The car was written off in 2014 Category D,and they didn't inform me at all,and this they must do,now this is perfectly legal to sell me the car as there are thousands of these cars on the road,it is indeed common practice,now I know Category D could mean just a small bump or something more damaging,but I am not taking the chance with Mrs Woo driving the car:phew:

                          I have also discovered that if I hadn't checked the cars history (cost me £20) but its the best £20 I have ever spent;) and insured the car without informing the insurance company,then they would have refused to pay out if god forbid anything did happen.

                          I am going to ask for my deposit back,not sure what they will say,as you know once they have your money its difficult to get back,the salesman blatantly lied to woo,which is not illegal,but woo doesn't like it.anyway Mrs Woos not a happy bunny ,and neither will the the salesman be
                          ,but woo will handle this situation with his usual tact and diplomacy:whistle::smile:
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                          • shiney

                            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                            Jul 3, 2006
                            Retired - Last Century!!!
                            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                            Sorry to hear about the car problem :grphg:. You should be able to get your deposit back from as reputable dealer, although they may try to tell you that you can't have it. I don't think they are compelled to return it but it may depend on what the conversation was when paying the deposit.

                            I'd be prepared to argue that, as a reputable dealer, they should have told you that it was a Category D car as it may render any car insurance cover you take out null and void.

                            Was the car a lot cheaper than you would have expected?

                            If they say that they didn't know it was Category D then you should tell them that as they are in the trade it's the normal procedure to check that sort of thing. So there's no excuse. It's now considered sharp practice to fail to reveal the situation and the Office of Fair Trading is considering bringing in legislation to stop the practice.

                            If they refuse to return your deposit I would be inclined to report it to Trading Standards and also have a chat with the local papers - and tell the dealer what you intend doing. The papers may want to do a story about this dodgy practice.

                            It's not illegal, yet, so your usual pleasant approach to them may be the best way. You can thump them later :loll:

                            If you get your deposit back you should then ask for your £20 as well (no harm in trying :)). Particularly if they try to argue that they didn't do the check themselves, as you can say that they should have spent that money doing the check in the first place.

                            They either didn't do the check, when they should have. Or they did the check and deliberately deceived you by not mentioning it.

                            If they try to argue that you didn't ask, then you can say that a member of the public is not expected to know about Category D but people in the trade are. They may try to argue the old principle of Caveat Emptor (Let The Buyer Beware). This still applies but they may be liable under 'Fit for Purpose' because you may have been declared uninsured after having an accident because of them not telling you a salient fact. So the failure to advise you of it could be considered Not Fit For Purpose. (A bit thin on legal precedent but a good argument none the less - and it may be well worth their while giving you your £100 back and getting rid of you.)

                            Oh, I do love arguing with salesmen! :heehee: Pity I don't live near you :sad: :noidea:

                            If they don't argue with you and give it back without a problem then you may wish to continue dealing with them for another car. You can just ask them to reveal any negatives about another car you may be interested in. Don't let them try and get you to accept the £100 being a deposit on another car from them. :)
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