This has gone on already, which is why manufacturing, in the UK, mostly went by the board back in the 80s. Most things were cheaper to produce abroad, mostly far east, so it was all moved out that way. Only those jobs you cant do abroad are now done by migrant workers, farming and construction taking probably the biggest hit. Not quite sure that our Wages are higher than say Germany, or France. Its all about the standard of living you have come to expect.
Oh dear. After checking the website's home page and the other stories it's running, I'd be disinclined to believe this one. I'm also disinclined to believe the site's claim that they're not right-wing, but that's another story.
I definitely think that an "in" vote will give them the greenlight to clamp down on us and stop us opting out of some of their more stupid ideas. We will probably end up being forced to join the euro. And the Schengen free for all.
@clueless1 but your link is still showing above where you are quoted . Maybe best to ask admin to delete it .
Low wages/prices are a real danger, they both need to keep increasing to diminish the impact of the Deficit and everybody's most people's personal debt.
Then we're stuffed. Eu or not. If Britain continues to become ever more expensive than our international competitors, what hope have we got?
Whilst our wages are higher than France the disposable income and savings rate in the UK is low. As far as savings go even Ireland, Spain and Portugal have higher rates of saving than the UK.
And why do we have no savings, two reasons I can see, some will never save and spend every penny they have, and more. Others try to save but interest rates are, and have been for years, so low, its just sitting there reducing in value. It all needs sorting out, by someone, not sure who, but being part of Europe dont seem to be helping much at the moment.
Or some pass all their hard earned to private landlords, then get walloped by our friendly banks once in a while...
You've left out the main reason - taking into account the cost of housing the UK is very expensive to live in.
Yes, as pointed out by @fat controller And why is housing so costly? Dont tell me its about supply and demand, you could build from now till the cows come home and the price wont drop. Its because everyone, apart from those that dont have, seems to see property as an investment and any reduction in price is a no no. Why cant it just be seen as somewhere to live anymore.
Artificial inflation and capitalism. It's worse in some places than others, but there's a twitter feed that specifically mocks London and private renters trying to rent out the pokiest weirdest spaces for ridiculous prices. (ofc now I want to link it I can't find it..)
If I had the wherewithal to buy property in London to rent out at exorbitant prices I wouldn't care if some twitter feed mocked me for it.