Of course I would!! I moan non-stop about it. But I moan all the time about everything . I'm a devout curmudgeon.
The pencils are a special type that are almost impossible to rub out (conspiracy theorists worry about such things) but it's more a matter of tradition and practicality. They have always been used and when ball point pens became popular they weren't necessarily reliable enough to be used. Even now the type of pen that would be cost efficient are not reliable enough for heavy use. so Polling Stations always have lots of pencils that are trouble free. There's no legal requirement to use a pencil. You just have to be able to put your cross on the paper. Takes me back to the old days when us peasants couldn't write and always had to put our cross on the papers. (Never understood why they bothered! )
That was me and Mr "M" in disguise And, I learned in the last hour, that if the papers were to get wet, the pencil mark would act like a transfer. You live and learn (next time I'm going to borrow one to test the theory )
I remember when I was a kid something called indelible pencils, used to turn purple if you licked it.
I have never, *ever* seen our polling station so busy!! I'm starting to wonder if people are voting twice
Our Polling Station was predicting an 80% turn out. That's why they needed me to open up earlier than usual. They had extra booths to put out.
Miss Jiff and I were the only ones in at 5 minutes to 7 the paper man/lady wouldn't give us the voting paper till dead on 7
You sure that was a pencil Pete? Well, I've been and done it (went and voted too). Same here regarding a high turnout, the people on duty were saying it's been higher than a General Election. Predictions for tomorrow:The sun will still rise in the morning.The world will not end.I will still have to get up and go to work.Us gardeners will carry on as before; the friendliest, most down to earth and reasonable bunch of people you could ever wish to meet.
Anthony, of course I know who St George is. However, I did not know he came from the Ottoman Empire. As for being Welsh, I was born in the old county of Monmouthshire in 1950. Monmouthshire was a stand alone county until 1957 when it was "added" to Wales. In fact, the county only became a part of Wales in 1972.
I've got it on my bottom as well EDIT........... Not literally on my bottom , I haven't had a tattoo done . I meant on the bottom of the page.