Agreed, pete, but this is a prime time for Market speculators to take advantage to create their own mythical circumstances in which to make money. So all the speculative headlines in the Media just panics any of the general population who are prone to panicking, jumping from one view to another, and to whom indecision is an addiction.
So who would be more hurt if we turned round tomorrow and said we're not buying Spanish, French, Italian and german wines, france can't have bits of the airbus and we're not gonna buy any more cars from Europe?
Naah, that would be just bluff, Ziggy, as the UK nor the EU could afford to do that in practice You, me, and Lori, we like the odd glass of vino
You raise a good point. Wife and I enjoy wine occasionally. I tend to choose Chilean merlot because that's what we've figured over the years we like best. The fact that it is very often much cheaper than its European counterparts is a welcome bonus. My mam and my sister both tend to prefer the more fruity, less mature flavour of californian muck.
What were we saying about Italy?
True but they can't make Cheddar yet , give them another 100 years and they might just get it right !
@HarryS We have some nice cheddar here too. The recipe must have come across with your first ex pats to arrive here A lot of my friends like the very old (10+yr), very sharp cheddar.
00000000000000000000000000001348From what I have seen, England is still allowed to trade with Wales, we have superb wine AND several tasty On a more serious note. It appears we are on the brink of a tremendous deal with Canada. With other countries qeueing up to do business with us.