That was a very old trick (must be if I remember it), help your grandparents out a bit with their gardening, give them a birdfeeder as a present, then put plants grown from proper seeds all around that area, covered all angles for everybody involved.
A lot of the illegal growers will try to hide a plant or two in a farmer's cornfield. That looks to be a female - but it all depends on the type of seed. And there are thousands of strains. I don't believe the coppers would bother you over one plant so curiosity won't likely get you three hots and a cot . They have an "unwritten" rule over here that up to 5, ignore, arrest if more.
And if the mary jane isn't to your, er, taste, then that looks like a seeding of Verbena bonariensis in the background.
I think you can grow a field or two, but you have to apply for a liciene from DEFRA/GOV it cost about £580, but there's alot of hops to jump through first
@CanadianLori is that like the old "5 and drive" out in the sticks? Lol. @Cinnamon got so much verbena-it is growing everywhere!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Legal Hemp cultivation resumed in the UK in the 80s initially in Essex. The varieties grown are low in active ingredients and are tested by the Home Office. If above the limit the crop must be destroyed. Hemp has many uses, the seed is nutritious and can be crushed to produce hemp oil. Fibre can be extracted from the stems and used for rope, cloth and high quality papers. It is also used to produce animal bedding especially horses.