I, like a lot of other people often wonder about the sanity and IQ of our MP's. The latest suggestion/proposal drawn up by PriceWaterhouseCoopers Accountants [now there's a Company with a questionable history] that was commissioned by the City of London was that perhaps "Regional Visa's" might help solve the perceived existing Immigration problem. Let me make it clear that I'm not against Immigration into the UK but I do want control of our own borders in order to bring some sense and order. However, what made me want to was the inability of the proposers to realise that when somebody was granted a Visa to work in a selected region within the UK what was there to prevent them to ignore that after a couple of weeks and move to a Region that they really wanted to? We can't keep a track of those people who come through our borders now so how can we keep people with a certain Region?? I really despair that supposedly intelligent highly paid people fail to think through the cause and effect of their proposals which would cause more problems than it would cure......but I guess I'm not surprised.
The stories I could tell about PWC. I'd probably better not. They might sue me. And anyone else with a similar phonetic spelling of my name, because we're all one person.
Well, you have only to look back over the years where that company was involved in political and financial investigations and Auditing and was later proved to have got their conclusions seriously in error. I fail to see how, with their history, they are still being used by Political Organisations and our Government Bodies.
So something like this? The China gov has it enforced with great success. The UK gov will probably find a way, too.
This is still a free country when I last looked, Blacktulip, and the Chinese have never got their heads around Democracy and human rights. My point was that highly paid accounts are being asked to come up with ideas do so by suggesting methods that are half baked and unworkable because they are dealing with a world they have no idea of and the reality of what resources are available.........easy money.
Like @clueless1 I know of certain situations but can't tell. It was only about one of the original companies that merged into the current one but it goes back 48 years. They don't seem to have become any more ethical since then - but are any of their competitors any different?