Nothing much dries outdoors at this time of year on our rotary dryer - we hang a lot of stuff indoors on an airer but big things like sheets we use the tumbler.
We have a Utility Room that is very warm as the boiler is in there, we have a vent open all the time. So it's good for drying and for germinating seeds
Many years ago when I was on a psychology course we were set some homework on lateral thinking. "Within a period of 20 minutes write down as many ways as possible to use a ball of string - from the sublime to the ridiculous. The string can be of any material and any length. Explanations of how to acheive those ways of using it may be required to be explained to the whole group" When we had our next class I was the first one singled out to explain but was first asked "Why didn't you think of starting with 'the sublime'?"