You'll get a big fat kiss on both cheeks if you can answer this question!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by silu, Mar 11, 2017.

  1. Jiffy

    Jiffy The Match is on Fire

    Aug 25, 2011
    Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
    I'm not fussed, but the top one's are best
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    • Jiffy

      Jiffy The Match is on Fire

      Aug 25, 2011
      Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
      It's a good idea :dbgrtmb:
      but some cattle will not feel the shock, the best fencer to buy will be a mains one not battery and the wire, get the metal wire not plastic with metal in it
      and put the wire on top of the post that will help a lot
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      • silu

        silu gardening easy...hmmm

        Oct 20, 2010
        To return to the subject and a small seblance of adult conversation:snorky: (I plead guilty to being the main protagonist by the way) I have spoken with the farmer who has the cattle and he is going to have a look at the situation, fix the damage and see what he can come up with.
        Totally agree @Jiffy re using mains rather than battery. I used battery charged to seperate a field
        into sections, always causing trouble but then no alternative where I needed the fencing. It still packed a decent enough punch when it worked. I once (never to be repeated!) ducted under the wire when it was on and miss judged. I got 1 hell of a shock through the top of my head, I was lucky not to break my teeth.
        Friend who has a farm down in The Borders and has a herd of Angus and Belted Galloways uses what you are describing.Whether the farmer would be prepared to shell out for some I will find out.......unlikely being a Fife farmer who are notoriously tight!
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        • CanadianLori

          CanadianLori Total Gardener

          Sep 20, 2015
          Battle Axe
          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
          @Zigs is right, electric is a good way to go. I have it along my back fence- had to string both pos and neg along the full length one inch apart as I am using it to discourage visiting raccoons. I use the polywire and a solar powered collector unit. It packs a wallop. And I do mean a WALLOP.

          It cost me around $200 for everything and I am well pleased with it.
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          • Jiffy

            Jiffy The Match is on Fire

            Aug 25, 2011
            Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
            with the elecy fencer if you want to get over it with out getting a big wallop, just grab the wire as tight as you can and you will not feel much, i do it all the time but if you have some one with you don't tought them as they will get the shock :snorky:;):whistle:

            Yes it does work even with the mains fencers but grab it quick and tight
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            • CanadianLori

              CanadianLori Total Gardener

              Sep 20, 2015
              Battle Axe
              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
              Well, I just flick the power switch to "off" if I am going to be adjusting the wires. I did purposely touch it while powered when I first got it - just out of curiosity :heehee:
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              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                @silu you may need the fence to stop the Scots escaping to England if Nicola has her way. :hate-shocked: :snorky:
                • Funny Funny x 3
                • silu

                  silu gardening easy...hmmm

                  Oct 20, 2010
                  Oh @shiney i cannot begin to say how I feel about this. It really is quite ghastly. To go through the whole devisive thing again in such a short time is beyond belief.
                  I and my family love living where we do but the thought of being ruled by that lot AND being seperated from the rest of the UK is horrific.
                  Having been born and lived for 20 odd years in England I know how lucky we are living where we do however, if the worst happens and there is a yes to Independence vote we will move end of. We and 1000s like us will do just that and leave the Brave Hearts to it. Luckily we are in a financial position to be able to move and don't have children at school plus husband and I are retired so in comparison a reasonably simple task. Do I want to do this, hell no but it's preferable to the alternative.
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                  • clueless1

                    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                    Jan 8, 2008
                    I very much doubt it will even go to a referendum.

                    Parliament has to approve it. I can't imagine central government is going to allow Sturgeon and co to ruin the UNITED Kingdom's negotiating position with Europe. The very last thing Britain needs during brexit negotiations is for a massive internal fight going on on our own turf. I think this alone will be enough excuse to block it.

                    Then there's the fact that the Conservative party had promised a referendum on EU membership before they came to power. So it was always on the cards. The Scots knew this at the time of their independence referendum, and yet still voted to stay united. This alone should be enough excuse for central government to block a new referendum.

                    And then there's the recency of the last independence referendum. That alone should be enough to block it.

                    So with at least 3 solid reasons, any one of which is enough to block it, but all three applying, I think there's little chance of Sturgeon getting her own whinging whiny way.
                  • silu

                    silu gardening easy...hmmm

                    Oct 20, 2010
                    You are very well informed @clueless1 :) however there is 1 enormous snag if TM blocks the SNP. We Scots are quite firey and to be denied by WM is likely to get the red heads boiling mad and make things worse!
                    I think it would be a big mistake not to allow the damned referendum and I'll keep everything :fingers crossed: that there are enough of us to vote no again. Oil prices were sky high when the last referendum was held and it was going to fund EVERYTHING north of The Border according to our beloved leaders, yet the vote was no then. Now oh surprise the SNP say we don't really need the revenue from oil! From what I can gather, despite OPEC agreeing to curb supply, oil prices are falling again in part due to US Shale oil boosting supply and less demand from the likes of China. The liklihood of oil reaching the prices in 2014 by the time another referendum is held looks extremely unlikely and I can only hope enough Scots can see we as a United Nation are much stronger. We should be joining together now more than ever before, as we leave the EU.
                    Another member of GC got pretty vitriloc when I made my feeling felt that I want to remain within Great Britain. He had a different opinion to me (his right of course) but before things got really quite nasty I said I would not comment on GC again re Scottish Independence, so I have slightly broken my promise! I won't comment again.........oh joy another maybe 2 bloody years of bitter wrangling and devisiveness. Think I might go on an extended holiday to........anywhere but here!
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                      Last edited: Mar 13, 2017
                    • clueless1

                      clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                      Jan 8, 2008
                      Yes but his case fell apart when others asked him a few very straightforward questions about his 'logic'.

                      I hear what you say about the Scots getting enraged if denied a referendum. I suspect Mrs May will take the stance that that's just tough. She would have every right to do so. Central government, albeit it under a different leader but same party, have already entertained the SNP on this just recently. They are the party that the United Kingdom elected to represent us all. They have a duty to at least pretend to act in the best interests of everyone. Last time there was a referendum, more than half of Scots that voted, chose to remain part of the UK. Others within the UK weren't even asked.
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                      • Phil A

                        Phil A Guest

                        Will you bring the glacier with you? :)
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                        • silu

                          silu gardening easy...hmmm

                          Oct 20, 2010
                          Well at least you have managed to crack the dour expression I've had on my fizzog since I heard the news @Zigs:)
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                          • Phil A

                            Phil A Guest

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                            • ARMANDII

                              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                              Jan 12, 2019
                              I think you're wrong, clueless.:dunno: Theresa May knows full well that that is exactly what the SNP would absolutely love should she block the Second Scottish Independence Referendum.
                              Sturgeon is a fanatical Nationalist and thinks that she can get a "Yes" vote in the present BREXIT situation by implying that Scotland will suffer, while also stating.......

                              " Now let me stress, even at this late stage, I am not turning my back on further discussions should the UK government change its mind and decide it is willing to agree to our compromise proposals. And, in any event, I will do everything I can to ensure that Scotland's interests are represented in the EU negotiations that lie ahead. But I cannot pretend to the Scottish people that a compromise agreement looks remotely likely, given the hardline response from the Prime Minister so far. That means I have to decide on the best plan to protect our interests now."

                              Sturgeon's main agenda has always been to become the person to lead Scotland into independence no matter what the consequences are for Scotland or the rest of the UK.
                              I would be extremely disappointed if the Scottish people decided to go with Sturgeon as it would cause great problems for us all and, historically, would be a great loss. We are, globally, in times of great political turmoil and Nationalism has, as it always does at such times, raised it's head, and such people as Sturgeon will take advantage of that to further their own aspirations rather than that of their Country.
                              Sturgeon has also naively played into the EU's hands who see such a Referendum as a gift to be able to pressure the UK into an even more unfavourable BREXIT settlement.
                              They [the EU] have hinted to Sturgeon that she might have a chance to negotiate a membership into the EU, and she has let her extremism blind her to the fact that she is being "played" by European politicians more experienced and ruthless than herself. But she has now played the Referendum card despite knowing the general feeling of the Scottish people that they do not want a Referendum again even if circumstances have changed due the BREXIT decision.
                              Personally, I sincerely hope that when a second referendum is carried out the decision of the Scottish people will be to remain as part of the UK. I cannot see a viable economic future for Scotland as an Independent Country having to renegotiate
                              border and trade agreements with every country while being economically positive.:coffee:
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