This really does make my blood boil: BBC pay: Chris Evans tops list of best-paid stars - BBC News I'm sorely tempted to stop paying the TV licence, listen to the radio for news bulletins and watch catch-up TV. These extortionate salaries should go to paying for programme content - or to reduce the licence fee.
It's not as if he's any good I informed TV licencing that I didn't have a telly and don't watch live tv, took about 20 letters till they gave up, kept saying they were coming round to check... I told them that i'd removed their assumed right of access to the property so that if they did set foot on my land they would be trespassing, and that I found their letters threatening and intimidating and that I was passing them on to the police That got them off my back.
Do it, saved nearly £300 over 2 years since I give telly up. Still get my F1, game of thrones, news and weather fixes I just watch BBC programmes over other people's houses
It is a joke An actor playing a nurse one hour a week in Casualty gets £500k A real nurse working 40 hours a week with real people gets £24k
I know it all seems a bit gross, but it does point out how much these kinds of idiots are being payed, I wont say earning, if the BBC is paying this kind of money you can bet the rest are paying the same. I call them "idiots" but pretty much it is the public who are idiots for putting these people on a pedestal and calling them celebrities. Quite often I dont even know who some of them are, I've heard of the "ginger winger" and he certainly does get my back up, lots of talk of Claudia Winkleman, who the hell is that??? I pay my licence but rarely look at the TV as when I go through the channels there aint much worth looking at. Just wanted to watch Gardeners world though, and got told I needed to sign up, so had to go through the process, I'm now still myself but 20yrs younger, I just told them a load of old rubbish. They sent me a nice e mail telling me how they can now help me out a suggest rubbish I would really love to watch. E mail deleted, junk box at the ready.
She is, as her last name suggests, a cockwomble of a human being. With awful eyeliner, I might add. No idea what she does or "star" in, mind.
The excuse of all the TV companies for paying such outlandish salaries and bonuses to so called personalities is that they are paying "Market" prices, and that if they didn't they would not be able to keep them or attract talent. I think there are plenty of genuinely talented people out there "screaming" to be hired and that we should have a cap on what the BBC Management themselves get paid as well as the so called Stars.
Personally I'd shut the BBC down unless it went commercial. I totally fed up with adverts on the BBC. They might not be commercial ads but they do get really boring, after every programme advertising some kind of rubbish that is coming on in four weeks time. Do we really care, and dont we pay a licence fee so that we dont have to put up with this kind of stuff?
I gave up my television nearly seven years ago and would never have another one. The rubbish shown is not worth the licence fee. I was living on the Isle of Man at the time and was contacted three times by the Licencing Office. On the third occasion they rang and my husband answered. They said that they may want access to our home to check we hadn't got a television. My husband said you're welcome if you want to pay the cost of coming onto the island with your van and pay for your people to stay in a hotel overnight as they won't get a boat back to the mainland until the following day. We didn't hear any more from them. A number of years before that a detector van had made it's first appearance on the island. A resident of the island cottoned on that they were working illegally as they needed a work permit. He then contacted the Manx government and they were shipped off the island.
Overpaid surely , but this is the price we pay for our celebrity culture . Not a new phenomenon , the stage and silver screen started the star status over 100 years ago . I can't believe some have not heard of Chris Evans , he has been a major TV and radio presenter for 25 years . You need to get out of your gardens once in a while Also those without TVs , what the heck do you put in the corner of your lounge ?