my first garden!

Discussion in 'Garden Projects and DIY' started by day dreamer, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. day dreamer

    day dreamer Gardener

    Feb 20, 2013
    NW Leicestershire
    I'd marked out a small lawn and sown grass seed over the winter and was super pleased with how it looked by spring and was finally starting to see a garden and start putting in plants, which had either been through several house moves with me (hibiscus) or were cheap T&M buys - pinks, heuchara and the two original peonies were looking a lot happier for not being surrounded by weeds. I was also feeling v happy that fence painting was finished on this part of the garden!
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    • day dreamer

      day dreamer Gardener

      Feb 20, 2013
      NW Leicestershire
      by the middle of summer it was all starting to fill out nicely and I'd added an arch for a bit of height and so I could expand on the plant obession with some climbers! Still no proper path though yet or step down into the garden but it's still all progress :) And v pleased with how well plants that had been in pots for years responded to being planted in the ground - the purple sage by the step doubled in size in one season!
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      the rhubarb was in the garden when we moved in and with the brambles and weeds cleared started to really go for it! The big pot was an amazing gift from my OH's mum as they were downsizing from a costwold barn conversion to a new build with a much smaller garden so she was happy to gift the things they no longer had room for (which also included the fluer de lys edging on the bed too :)

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      • day dreamer

        day dreamer Gardener

        Feb 20, 2013
        NW Leicestershire
        so we'd sorted the bottom of the garden and now the top had a lawn and everyfink (!) so now to sort out the middle which had variously been a kayak store, log pile, brick pile and general dumping ground as you can see below!
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        yr 1

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        we ended up selling the kayaks to a guy from Newark and when he took them back (on a roof rack up the a46) a rather confused frog staggered out when he unloaded them! So at least we knew the garden was wildlife friendly and suggested the next project should be to build a pond!
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        • ARMANDII

          ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

          Jan 12, 2019
          Hi DD, you're doing a great job on the garden. I think one of the basic rules of gardening is "don't rush it, take your time" even though you want to get your perfect garden by tomorrow!!:heehee:
          You're doing the right thing in getting the basic frame work done and replanting the areas you've sorted out. Your Dad has obviously got the "eye" when doing brickwork and has added character to the garden. It's going to be a great garden!!:love30::thumbsup::snorky:
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          • day dreamer

            day dreamer Gardener

            Feb 20, 2013
            NW Leicestershire
            so the next plan was to build a small pond, as I'd grown up with a pond (helped my folks to dig it out when I was only 5) and love the wildlife you get with ponds. We're also quite close to a local nature reserve with large ponds so was hoping some things might find there way to our (much!) smaller attempt. I don't have any pics of the actual digging as I think we were v keen to crack on and get it dug and filled, but that was a lesson learnt as I think we were a little too hasty and should have spent more time digging and levelling the sides - as there was always a little too much liner on show for my likeing and I think the sides were a bit steep but hey its all about the learning :)

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            so by this stage it's dug and we've lined the edge with stones that we'd found in the garden as we cleared it (which were a great find!). We used the spoil from the pond to build up two banked areas, one just gently sloped and the other with a wall made from the same stones. The most difficult thing about the pond was actually finding the plants I wanted for it as we were doing it at what seemed to be the wrong time of year for buying pond plants but we managed to find a few bits and our kind neighbour gave us a cutting of their yellow iris too

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            my attempt at a stumpery! V spare on the stumps :) but a good use for the roots of the buddlieas we took out. Planted this up with a Ballerina rose from D Austin, more heuchara (not that I have a thing about them or anything!), bit of London Pride and a phormimum (sp?). Bank in the background has tiarella and pyracantha (and check out the growing ferns in the first border I made!)

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            our attempt at a 'drystone wall' - worked alright, no mortar just careful (v careful!) stacking :)

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            I thought a wall was a good idea also as it gives a space for the creepy crawlies to hide away and I'm all for more bugs and beetles in the garden :) (even though the neighbours get to hear some, erm, 'choice' language when I uncover a spider when weeding!)
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            • Verdun

              Verdun Passionate gardener

              Oct 16, 2012
              West Cornwall
              Day day dreaming with you. :) Lots of hard work and skill is paying dividends. Brilliant :yay:
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              • day dreamer

                day dreamer Gardener

                Feb 20, 2013
                NW Leicestershire
                so that was the end of our 2nd year in the garden and I think it was starting to come together nicely :)
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                Path was nearly done, the wide slabs were v cheap from b&q and we found out quickly there was a reason for that as they broke in half v easily! The idea with those was that having a lengthways slab across would slow movement along the path more than if it were just gravel

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                The spikey thing I can never remember the name of was also there when we moved in but it had been really blackened by a v bad winter that year, so I cut it back to ground level and in two years it grew this much!

                so the jobs for the next year were to sort out this area with some slabs
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                and start fence painting again, sigh!
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                view from upstairs this year which is a bit of change from the start (and check out that greenhouse full of toms!:) )
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                • day dreamer

                  day dreamer Gardener

                  Feb 20, 2013
                  NW Leicestershire
                  I think this was one of my favourite years in the garden, so here are just some pictures of how it was looking in spring and early summer (perfect place for daydreaming! :) )
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                  so pleased with how the ferns filled out so quickly! but always room for more :) (and I've just noticed how in most of my pics there us usually a bag of weeds or prunings knocking around!)

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                  and by summer the bed at the top is really full - I quite like the sort of unkempt look in case you can't tell! :)
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                  Attached Files:

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                  • BeeHappy

                    BeeHappy Total Gardener

                    Feb 19, 2016
                    Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
                    Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
                    @day dreamer :wow::wow::wow: what a transformation- soooo pretty and proper wildlife friendly country garden a lovely tranquil place for you all to enjoy :thumbsup:
                    CONGRATS BEE-your hard work paid off.jpg
                    Happy gardening :spinning:
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                    • ARMANDII

                      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                      Jan 12, 2019
                      It's nice looking pond with plenty of light on it:thumbsup::snorky:. The usual thing with a pond that you want to put plants in is, when digging, actually make shelves about 10" from the top of the bank and about 9" wide so that you can place small "crates" of plants on them. Also, even if you don't add any Fish, some floating Oxygenating Plants will take nutrients out of the water, as will any marginal plants, to stop algae forming. I've got a Wildlife pond at the bottom of my garden which is overplanted with marginal plants, such as Yellow Flag, Marsh Marigold, Acorus, Iris, Pontederia, Sagittaria, etc, with a Bog Garden integrally built into the pond by a dry wall which feeds the pond water into it. The benefit being the more plants you have in the pond the easier it is to keep the natural balance of the water and pond while also giving shelter and food to any wildlife such as insects etc that are attracted to it.
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                      • day dreamer

                        day dreamer Gardener

                        Feb 20, 2013
                        NW Leicestershire
                        next to do - to deck! kept it really simple, scaffold planks from the local wood recycling centre (excellent places, brilliant people, google for yours!) and a frame raised on spare bits of paving from the old crazy paving that was on the driveway. Also how nicely has the bank filled out with the rose and foxgloves, and a giant scabious which is just fabulous (plus the ever present rubarb, which I think works quite well just for the foliage and the amount of crumble we get is a great bonus!)

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                        ta dah! (and that's my bro in the background all ready with a chair for a well earned rest!)
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                        • day dreamer

                          day dreamer Gardener

                          Feb 20, 2013
                          NW Leicestershire
                          another year and another project - this was all about the patio which was one of the last areas to be done and had looked a bit of state over the years, used a plant creche most of the time and a place that harboured many many slugs and snails!

                          When we moved in it was a bit weedy and just concrete
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                          and we went on to make it clearly much better (:P) with the addition of piles of rubble and old floor!
                          M8 2011 (4).JPG

                          then the next year some plants got added into the mix and a motorbike so perhaps an improvement on the first year
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                          at least by the 3rd year we had some new windows and doors! and a bit less rubbish :) but still not the most inspiring of spaces
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                          but my OH made me a window box to cheer it up, especially after I realised a metal planter in the style I wanted was just too expensive!
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                          and then finally we took a jackhammer to the concrete, which was incredibly satisfying!

                          the plan with the patio was to build raised beds for veg and herbs and have a built in seating area and kind of country style paving and gravel mixed together as I wanted it to look fairly soft and not too much hard paving (there was a lot of standing around and assessing the slab layout while doing this! :) )

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                          (and more help from an awesome Dad!) the breeze blocks are the base for the seating area and also the walls of the raised beds with the old kitchen sink making a small pond balanced between a higher and lower bed
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                          • day dreamer

                            day dreamer Gardener

                            Feb 20, 2013
                            NW Leicestershire
                            the rest of the garden was filling out well, we had been there for four years at this point
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                            (and please don't judge my lack of lawn mowing, oops!)
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                            more plastic bags of weeds and compost in shot!
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                            and plastic chairs, why did I never move them out of the way to take photos!?
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                            can't believe how much it's all grown, the pittosporum next to the jasmine was less than a foot high and in 4 years its close to the top of the fence! and the peony is just my favourite thing, I've no idea which one it is as it was there when we arrived but the flowers are scented and practically the size of my face - it's just a ridiculous OTT wonderful plant! :)
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                            M6 2015 (17).JPG
                            my favourite spot!
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                            • day dreamer

                              day dreamer Gardener

                              Feb 20, 2013
                              NW Leicestershire
                              so to finish the last year at our first home and first garden was last year - I had a wonderful time making and growing the garden and was v sad to leave :( but hope that the new owners enjoy it as much as I did :)
                              unfortunately that year I didn't get great shots of the final year which is sad, just too busy with finding a new challenge but here are some before and after final pics

                              patio before (2011)
                              M6 2011 (5).JPG
                              patio after (2016) (and yes, those raised beds never got used for veg just more flowers!) and this also shows the seating area made from more scaffold planks :)

                              M6 2011.JPG


                              bbq before (that brick pile has so much potential! :P)
                              M5 2014 (5).JPG

                              finished bbq - we made a slate topped side for plates and food but somehow surprisingly it just ended up with plants on it :) (free slate just found in the shed!)

                              top border 2011
                              M6 2011 (3).JPG

                              top border 2016, tbh not it's best as taken late summer and it's more of a spring garden

                              fern border at the bottom about a year in
                              M7 2012 (27).JPG

                              and in 2016, getting a little overgrown but one of my favourite bits
                              view back up to the house before
                              M3 2011 (12).JPG
                              and five years later
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                              • day dreamer

                                day dreamer Gardener

                                Feb 20, 2013
                                NW Leicestershire
                                so on to a new challenge....
                                because clearly I don't have enough to do (and mainly because I have a plant obession and there is never enough room!) it seemed like a good idea to get six acres... :O

                                (I'm sooo going to need some help and advice on this one big time!!)
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