We have just finished watching What time is Celebrity Island with Bear Grylls on TV? anyone followed the series, We are also following the bake off waiting for the apprentice to start I'm a celebrity Ant and Dec, what you watching watched waiting for ?.
As you see im still on here wat am i like ......gotta be up early in the morn....wont be larfing then I'll have to watch BGIT on catch up .....tomorrow .....keep me orffff GC
Lol get to bed , its well past mine, programmes finished certainly worth a watch just to see how the other half lives , night .
I'm now on episode 3/4, its worth a watch , @ARMANDII please watch this episode the Chatsworth estate is on, will also be available on catch up save watching on pc.
Yep, I've got this series book marked on Sky and watched this episode in particular, Martin. My Wife and I went to Biddulph Grange in the first and second year it was opened. At that time all the Rhododendrons and Azaleas had been chopped down to their bases but we loved the whole idea of the garden and walking into the Chinese Garden just stunned us, so I have some happy memories of our visits there. If anyone hasn't been...........you've just gotta go!! Arley is mentioned in the episode and is only 10 miles from where I live. It was the favourite garden of my wife's and is still mine. We used to go there regularly, walk along the "Furlong", sit on the Ha Ha wall and dangle our feet over the cattle below I still go there at least once a year, have a walk around and soak it all in. I took some life long friends there earlier this year and they just fell in love with the whole place and want me to take them back again next year. The small Nursery there sells some really interesting plants and I buy quite often from them, As you know, Martin, I have some strong ancestral ties with Chatsworth and, again, my Wife and I used to visit there regularly. Because of those ties our family is granted free access to the House and Gardens but I confess I haven't used that for some time. The estate Village of Edensor is well worth a visit and it's where some of my ancestors used to live and some even lie in rest in the Edensor Churchyard. Again, if anyone hasn't been but is in the area they should take a day and visit the whole of Chatsworth, the House, the gardens, and the estate.......it's just gorgeous
Must agree its a lovely place I posted some picture up last year. Now watching this, before my time most of it, it should bring back some memories for some old timers good old days I guess
@martin-f We have watched that caravan programme several times and we really enjoyed it. @ARMANDII we love Chatsworth and will be visiting there this year staying on the CC site within the old walled kitchen garden. The house won’t be open though as it shuts for a few days when we go but will enjoy walking round the estate and hopefully seeing the deer.We shall have to see about visiting the house in the summer months at some point but Idont think it will be next year We often walk round the village of Edensor which is quaint and we also like visiting the Estate farm shop and always ending spending a small fortune in there We have got into watching Gogglebox on a Friday evening after watching Gardeners World and some of the families on there are brilliant like Giles and Mary, The Siddiqui family,and Jenny and Lee.Sad aren’t we...
I'm just a boring old fart and haven't seen any of those programmes. If I'm in front of the TV I only usually watch the News, a few quiz programmes (Eggheads, University Challenge etc.) or have Dave ja vu on in the early hours (1 a.m. - 4 a.m.) whilst reading.
I haven't watched any of those either..except bake off. I'm a boring young fart Though, I have just finished season 2 of Narcos (bit of a dramatization of Pablo Escobar and the other drug cartels) on Netflix starting season 3 tonight. Also Rick and Morty (adult cartoon) ..not really sure why as I'm not that fussed but everyone is banging on about it soo.. I did also start watching Fargo season 3 and will prob catch up next week. Season 1 and 2 were bizarre and it's all based on true events so it's quite interesting! But what I really can't wait for is Stanger Things 2 and Mr Robot that's coming back on this month
Well, as a result of this thread I discovered and watched "Everyday Eden: A potted history of the suburban garden" You might like that one @shiney (I thought of you when I watched it) but you'll need to be quick because it will come off iPlayer at 3am
I never watch TV (apart from gardening programs) cos im either in the garden ......or on here .....well with all the catching up i have to do ...... its safe to say .....IM NEVER ORRFFF here methinks i might be in need of GC counseling