Gardening, Growing and Green-ing Adventures

Discussion in 'Members Gallery' started by toppington, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. BeeHappy

    BeeHappy Total Gardener

    Feb 19, 2016
    Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
    Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
    Noo I have them at ground level in the center of my garden in between the plants and behind them in the borders like in the photo :doh: duh me.... sorry its typical me for getting me worms squirped......see I meant me words squirmed LOL :heehee: also in me veggie plots too as they filter the wind tru the gaps....if you see what I mean :scratch: ....:help: I' s not good at this explainy lark :rolleyespink:
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      Last edited: Oct 15, 2017
    • Irmemac

      Irmemac Total Gardener

      Jun 11, 2017
      West of Scotland
      I'm always getting my worms squirted. I blame my age!
      • Funny Funny x 3
      • "M"

        "M" Total Gardener

        Aug 11, 2012
        The Garden of England
        Does it need to be a tall structure? Something just tall enough to stop the wind from breaking the stems would suffice ... maybe, even potted plants in front of the border could do it?
        • Creative Creative x 1
        • toppington

          toppington Tiny garden, always on the cheap!

          Mar 19, 2016
          South Midlands, UK
          Quite a long time has passed now...! however here is an update... and some replies!

          @BeeHappy and @Irmemac are both quite crazy with the snips ideas!! heehee. Oh, and the screening! The vague problem is that the garden is rather tiny and north-facing so i wouldn't want to let any light not pass by with screening and such.

          Potted Plants are a very good idea! Just a small pot with bedding in would probably help a bit. The border is only 40ish cm wide, between the grass and the fence, so i can't really grow anything huge anyway - it would take over, and it might be better for variety's sake just to stick to a few variables which can get small - although I will try and protect them with some pots! Excellent idea, @"M" :spinning:

          The tomatoes did go red in the end - there was a nice lot of warmth and sunshine towards the end of September and into October, so I ate the first four tomatoes I grew! Then the plant got blight, and the tomatoes were also blighted. Ah well! You live and learn, though - I should have de-stemmed them a while back and left on a windowsill to ripen.

          So, more updates forthcoming. I may not be able to stay here much longer as the owner is potentially going to sell the house... it may be purchased by someone who is happy to keep renting it out, or may be for someone who wants to live here themself, so my future here is very uncertain. With that in mind I have been completely put off doing anything in the garden of late - just because I don't know if I am going to be here in the next few months or be turfed out! :(

          However - I am off to visit an allotment plot soon, and will potentially be taking this on to grow things in! :) However however - if i am no longer living here, i will have to give up the allotment too. Many swings and roundabouts!!!

          Would be very grateful for any tips or ideas people have for allotment bits and bobs, this is a very new adventure but also quite a big thing to be doing - I would like to go at it with a bit of knowledge, even if things break or die along the way! :fingers crossed:
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          • "M"

            "M" Total Gardener

            Aug 11, 2012
            The Garden of England
            Lovely to read your update, Toppers :thumbsup:
            How wonderful to have achieved four tasty tomatoes! (Ignore the ones which got away :nonofinger: :heehee: )
            Oh no! Sorry to hear that; uncertain times ahead indeed! Mind you, if buying this house is anything to go by ... you could have a good 6 months ahead?
            Excellent news! :hapydancsmil:
            Perhaps not. Grab it with both hands while it is on offer. You never know, the buyer of the house may well be happy to allow you to still rent. At the very worst, even if you have to rent elsewhere, it may still be achievable to keep the allotment plot. If the next rent is too far away for that to be practicable, then it is easier to give up a plot than to get one ;)
            Have you had a nosey around this forum yet? Allotments Discussion Lots of hints and tips to winkle out of those threads and as you plan a weekend of tea, music and catching up on rest ... it's a great opportunity to have nosey with your cuppa (probably best to have a sandwich with you as well, time flies by when you get engrossed in threads :heehee: ). Oh and keep a notebook next to you too, so you can jot down any hints and tips which crop up along the way. :thumbsup:

            I'm a great believer in "all things happen for a reason", so I've got my fingers crossed that this will all turn out very positively for you :fingers crossed: Even if you have to find a new rent ... I think you'll have a focus now on a garden, the size of it, which way it faces and, as importantly, what restrictions you will be under from the landlord.

            Best of British, Toppers :thumbsup:
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            • BeeHappy

              BeeHappy Total Gardener

              Feb 19, 2016
              Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
              Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
              :goodpost:@"M" excellent advice all round -so no need to add anything other than a good luck wishes and hug from me too :imphrt:@toppington
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                Last edited: Nov 4, 2017
              • Irmemac

                Irmemac Total Gardener

                Jun 11, 2017
                West of Scotland
                Hi @toppington, I'm a bit late to the party, but exciting times for you. Hopefully you will not have to wait too long to find out what will happen about where you live. I also hope you will be able to take on the allotment.... cannot WAIT to hear more about that :hapydancsmil:.

                Good luck with all the forthcoming possibilities, I hope you have the best of outcomes!
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                • toppington

                  toppington Tiny garden, always on the cheap!

                  Mar 19, 2016
                  South Midlands, UK
                  Thank you for all your replies!
                  This is so true! Who knows what will happen in the future. It is a lot better to get something, start work then have to give it up than just say "no" - I have been on the allotment waiting list for just over a year now, so it would be a silly idea just to stop!

                  Me too. I am very big believer of just going with whatever happens, no matter what the situation is! Thank you for your positive wishes, it is potentially a big time of change! Not only house-wise, but my employer is re-structuring so I will need to apply for my own job... not so much fun!

                  Thanks to @BeeHappy and @Irmemac for their positive wishes and good luck too!

                  This morning I am going to visit a couple of plots on the allotment site near me, and will hopefully be the renter of one come this afternoon!

                  I've got a few questions lined up - going to ask about clubroot, vandalism and blight, but not sure what else to ask. I've got a copy of the terms and conditions about what you can and can't grow or keep on the land, and also info about buildings and general restrictions. I've been reading the other allotment bits with much attention over the past few days, so hope to be able to share some pics with you all at a later time! Eeeeee exciting! :)
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                  • Irmemac

                    Irmemac Total Gardener

                    Jun 11, 2017
                    West of Scotland
                    Yes, very exciting! :hapydancsmil:

                    Good luck today. Please let us know how you get on. Sounds like you have been doing your research and are well prepared!
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                    • BeeHappy

                      BeeHappy Total Gardener

                      Feb 19, 2016
                      Mother Nature's Garden Apprentice
                      Happy in the Garden of W' Eden ;)
                      thanks to BeeHappy
                      Click to expand...​
                      Awww you're most :sign0016:@toppington
                      sending loads a good wishes for a prosperous outcome today too :heart:
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                      • toppington

                        toppington Tiny garden, always on the cheap!

                        Mar 19, 2016
                        South Midlands, UK
                        Thank you all!

                        I have now been to have a look at the allotments. There are 3 plots available.

                        Plot 1: Been successfully used this year, a few fruit bushes on the plot, possibly some kind of fruit tree growing (?) along with some weeds and bushes but has mainly been cleared. Current owner is moving to a larger plot. Earth is well tended. No buildings on site but plenty of space, earth has been recently turned over. Composting area established at the back. Small area but still quite large! Backs onto a main road but with a large tree screen in the way. Some shade but mostly in the sun. Cheapest.

                        Plot 2: Larger, long and thin. Not been grown on this year, covered in grass and waist-high weedy odd plants. (don't know what they are). Right up against a back garden of someone's house on the longest side. Would need a fair lot of work doing to it, but in best position, no shade and sun all day long, however not much shelter. A couple of barrels and pallets left but no buildings on plot. Not been used this year. Middle in price (but not expensive!)

                        Plot 3. Greenhouse on site but very damaged, many panes missing or broken and in need of a clean and potentially replacing all of the panes with plastic (glass is not preferred on the allotments any more). Large plot, possibly suitable for a large family! Covered in couch grass, has not been tended for at least a year, last person who took it on did not visit for the whole year!! Most expensive, but it is huge!

                        My vague idea was to have a couple of fruit bushes, but mainly grow veg. I'm thinking Plot 1 might be the wisest one to go for! What do others think? @"M" @Zigs @BeeHappy @Irmemac @Linz @Scrungee thinking of most of you as I know you either regularly keep an allotment or grow lots of things and are enthusiastic! :D

                        Thank you all very much in advance!
                        • Friendly Friendly x 4
                        • "M"

                          "M" Total Gardener

                          Aug 11, 2012
                          The Garden of England
                          Of the three, and with the uncertainty of home/work, I would err on the side of Plot 1.
                          My reasoning would be:
                          • you wish to grow fruit and it already has a couple of fruit bushes plus a tree (bonus!)
                          • compost area already set up
                          • some shade isn't a bad thing
                          • should things at work take a downward turn, the plot should still be affordable
                          • if you should find it isn't big enough ... you can always copy the current owner and move to a bigger plot ;)
                          Downside might be the tree screen. Does it look as though the trees may deprive your plot of water/nutrients?

                          Please bear in mind I do not have an allotment though, so these are "virgin" thoughts. Saying that, I was offered a plot on the village allotment yesterday but declined due to lack of time - so was offered half a plot :lunapic 130165696578242 5: Still had to decline for the same reason.

                          I'm sure others will be able to give you sage advice based on experience. But, how wonderful that you have a choice of three! :yes:
                          • Agree Agree x 2
                          • toppington

                            toppington Tiny garden, always on the cheap!

                            Mar 19, 2016
                            South Midlands, UK
                            @"M" I agree with your points completely! It is great to have a choice, I was first on the waiting list though, which is why! Although the tree screen is a downside, it is to the west of the plot, therefore will only stop very late evening sun coming in. The rest of the day it is in lots of daylight!

                            It is also around 8-10 feet from the edge of the plot, with laurel trees/bushes mainly making it up. The current owner has put the stash of bits, compost heap and bits and pieces around this end anyway, so the growing area finishes around 15-20 feet from the trees themselves. The plot has been well cultivated and none of the other plot holders seem to be having any problems with their growing on plots in a similar situation!

                            Thank you for your common sense advice, it is very much appreciated! :)
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                            • Irmemac

                              Irmemac Total Gardener

                              Jun 11, 2017
                              West of Scotland
                              Hi @toppington, how very exciting! And fantastic to have a choice of three. You have described all three very well, and they all have plenty of pros and cons. I agree entirely with every word @"M" says (except I never been offered even a bit of an allotment!). Exciting times!
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                              • "M"

                                "M" Total Gardener

                                Aug 11, 2012
                                The Garden of England
                                :heehee: There is a cottage up for rent a few doors away from me ... come and join the fun ... I'm betting within a couple of months, you will be offered a plot! :dbgrtmb:
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