Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by ARMANDII, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. Loki

    Loki Total Gardener

    May 3, 2015
    Too true!!! :):) I love my boys though:wub2: they might treat me as a taxi, b&b, cash machine( sorry I’m all out of notes :heehee:) but they’re good kids and I’m proud of them :)
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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      I've had a three month moan. :th scifD36:

      We do a lot of travelling but still get things going wrong at times. Most are usually minor and I usually plan for most contingencies. The type of holidays vary from cruises, touring unusual places to walking in the Lake District (nowadays it's more just strolling :old:). I used to write travel guides (as a side line) and also write travel threads on here - but have been rather remiss of late. Shiney's Travels

      In November we were going on a cruise with a cruise company that is very good and we have used before (one of our favourites). This time they let us down badly.

      I usually arrange all the details for the holiday and then pass it over to a very good, private, local travel agent. I like to help local business and this agent gives me a discount using part of their commission - easy money for them as all they do is take over the arrangements that I've already organised. So all paperwork comes through them. Nowadays almost everything comes by email.

      We were flying from Heathrow to meet the ship. The cruise company had sent us, through the agents, the usual e-tickets for the flight so no problem there. The flight was at 7.15 a.m. so we turned up at the check-in desk at 5 a.m. Our tickets were for Alitalia flights and I knew we had problems when the check-in girl called her supervisor over. It turned out that they had our names on screen but no tickets allocated! So they said they could only presume that the cruise company had originally put a hold on some tickets but then found cheaper seats with another airline. At that time in the morning I couldn't phone either the cruise company or the agents - and the ship was sailing at noon. So I had to buy some flight tickets (they had spare capacity on their plane) and they always charge much more at the airport. It cost me £460 for one way flights. :hate-shocked:

      When we arrived on the ship I went straight to the concierge and asked her to get things sorted out and ask the company for a refund. She copied all my documents, the bill for the flights and the printout from the Alitalia screen that showed our names but no flight tickets. I also went to email the travel agent to tell them what had happened but there was an email waiting for me, from them. It asked if I was OK and that the cruise company had contacted us as we were a 'no show' at the airport. I was not a happy bunny! :mute: I replied to them telling what happened and said we now also have another problem (and I brought this up with the concierge who was on the next desk to me). When passengers are 'no show' at an airport they automatically cancel the homeward bound flights. So now we had no flights to get home.

      This could all have been sorted out fairly easily but it became a 'covering my @rse' situation. It took them a week to arrange flight tickets home (on the same flight as the original tickets) and they forced our travel agent to pay 50% of the cost with them.

      On arrival home (after an excellent cruise) I was going to chase the cruise company for my money and for a refund to the agent, but the agent said they wanted to handle it (I was happy to do it as I was used to sorting problems and going to court if necessary - used to do that for people as a consumer advisor). I'd told the agent, at the time it happened, that the cruise company were bound to blame them for it and say they had changed the flight and notified the agent. This is exactly what happened. The agent said they never received any email about it and got their IT department to check all emails and spam.

      It has taken until this week for them to come to a solution - not one that I would have accepted! The cruise company are going to give me half my expenses back and the agent are going to give me the other half. They are blaming each other for the mess up.

      I told the agent that the solution was not good enough form my point of view. I told them that I would not accept any money from them (they're good agents) and that they shouldn't be out of pocket. They said that they just wanted to get it over and done with - after three months. I then asked for the name and phone number of the head of customer relations that they had been dealing with.

      I phoned him, told him that the solution was unacceptable, that the fault was totally theirs and that their customer service stank! He started to argue that the whole fault was with the agents for not passing on the new e-tickets but I stopped him there and said that as a big company they should have procedures in place to totally avoid this sort of situation. He asked me what I was talking about so I told him that if they were making a significant change to the holiday arrangements then they should not be relying on simply sending out an email. They should send the email and ask for an acknowledgement. If the acknowledgement didn't appear they should have a standard procedure of phoning to check about it. A very simple procedure that would have sorted the whole problem. He, finally, agreed with me.

      I then proposed an acceptable solution as I knew it was against company policy, at the moment, to change from the 50/50 arrangement. They should still pay me the £230 but also give me a voucher as a 'gesture of goodwill' (these are standard procedures of getting out of trouble) for a discount on our next cruise (we intend having one). I told him to email me with his offer. This came through with an offer of £500, on top of our refund, which I have accepted.

      I have told the travel agent that I don't want their £230, although the cruise company think they are paying it, and I received a thank you from the agent's head office (they have eight outlets) saying that they would honour my objection to them paying but shall give us £200 off our next booking with them.

      So, £230 cash plus £700 discount to come. :blue thumb:

      Customer services said that they would get procedures changed and I shall be writing to their managing director with my criticisms.
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      • Doghouse Riley

        Doghouse Riley Head Gardener

        Sep 1, 2009
        "Pleasantly unemployed."
        The Tropic of Trafford, England.
        To be fair, all three of our kids were "self starters." The eldest had a very good job and was able to buy his first house, in his early twenties. He now has an apartment in Canary Wharf.
        Our daughter when she left home for nursing lived in the nurses' home until she moved in with her boyfriend. He became an IT contractor, they've a five bed home in West London and a holiday home on the South coast.

        The youngest did need a bit of help, I helped him do up his first house, a small terrace. "We" partitioned off the double back bedroom into a single one and a bathroom. I made a contribution to the cost. From there he never looked back.He "upgraded" a couple of timers. He and his partner now live in her house and he owns the holiday home they share in Derbyshire.

        So as kids, they've cost us very little. Not that we had much to offer them.
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        • Kandy

          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

          Apr 23, 2006
          Head gardener
          In the Middle Of Blighty
          D2DB5A7E-F4D7-40C0-8AE4-3C8ADD4D0B62.jpeg We had a bit of a mishap this morning while driving to where we were going to start our morning walk.Unfortunatley a female pheasant decided to run out in front of our car to commit suicide,and as there was a van coming towards us doing at least sixty MPH and was level with us at the point of impact Mr Kandy had no option but to hit the bird rather than the van:sad:

          After the imapact I told Mr Kandy that I thought the bird was still attached to the car as when I looked in the mirror there was no sign of it in the road. When we got to the car park at the start of the walk I got out and went to the front of the car to find the body of Mrs pheasant wedged in the grill deceased.I managed to pull out the bird as Mr Kandy can’t face those sorts of situations.I laid the bird near the hedge so that the local fox can have it for tea.:sad:

          Mr Kandy came round the front of the car and noticed that the grill where the bird impacted was all broken so once back home after the walk he contacted his insurers.They had to ring us back due to a long queue and fifteen minutes he got the call back.

          He was on the phone at least twenty minutes and when he came back into the lounge he was telling me all about the questions he was asked by the phone operator.She wanted to know who was in the car with him at the time,so he had to give her my name and date of birth.She also wanted to know if I was wearing a seat belt at the time and had it been injured at the time of impact.:yikes: She also wanted to know if there was any child car seats in the car as well.Talk about an inquisition,just for a bloody bird impact:frown:

          Anyway,whoever is going to do the repairs will contact us to arrange having the mini taken away for repair and to arange a high car for us to use:biggrin: The ironic thing is we are coming up to the first anniversary of buying the mini after my Ka sprung a leak and we had to get rid of it.Just hope our second year of motoring turns out a bit better,oh and I expect we shall be getting those text messages from the solicitors who will want us to put in a personal injury claim unless of course they have stopped those now:scratch:
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          • Gail_68

            Gail_68 Guest

            @Kandy who's going to put that poor bird right :yikes::whistle:

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            • Doghouse Riley

              Doghouse Riley Head Gardener

              Sep 1, 2009
              "Pleasantly unemployed."
              The Tropic of Trafford, England.
              Yes, all these questions are because of the culture of neck injury claims.
              The close questioning is to ensure a claim "for something not mentioned when cautioned," isn't possible.
              The other con is if someone gets a dent in their car they sometimes take the number of the nearest parked car and try to claim against the owner of that one.

              Are you going to give the bird a decent burial.....or cook it?
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              • Gail_68

                Gail_68 Guest

                @Doghouse Riley [​IMG]
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                • Kandy

                  Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                  Apr 23, 2006
                  Head gardener
                  In the Middle Of Blighty
                  A52FD797-E1B8-4775-A609-86A416DF15BF.jpeg As I said in my post I laid the bird on the grass by the hedge so it will feed the local fox.We were gutted as we don’t like running things over and always take evasive action but the van was too close and it was either us hitting the bird or the van when it continued to run across in front of us:sad:

                  We don’t eat Pheasant @Doghouse Riley and I wouldn’t have fancied hanging it up for a few days then gutting and cooking it.Such a shame as it was in full breeding condition but at times they are such stupid birds:sad:

                  We have just had a phone call from the car rental people asking us if the car repairers have contacted us yet and Mr Kandy said no we are still waiting to hear from them.I expect it is going to be a few hundred quids worth to repair the damage and we hope the radiator hasn’t been damaged either.It will probably cost us more in premiums next year as well:sad:
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                  • WeeTam

                    WeeTam Total Gardener

                    Mar 9, 2015
                    Southern Scotland
                    I think that pheasant is trying it on with a whiplash claim against your insurer :ideaIPB:

                    On a more serious note if it was me i would see what the damage was before deciding to claim or not. It may be cheaper to buy a new grill yourself and have it fitted rather than doing it through the insurance. Future premium costs plus the excess etc etc.

                    Try ebay
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                    • Gail_68

                      Gail_68 Guest

                      Hi @Kandy I am sorry to hear about this lot mate..i was just having a joke about the bird plus like you said the fox's will get a good meal.

                      I would try at first what @WeeTam suggested as there's a lot who go that route first mate and I hope you and your hubby both feel ok? :)
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                      • Kandy

                        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                        Apr 23, 2006
                        Head gardener
                        In the Middle Of Blighty
                        Thanks everyone for your replies and love your humour :blue thumb:

                        Mr Kandy has already started the claim procedure and the hire car people have the car booked to be picked up next week.

                        Our car insurers even wanted Mr Kandy to video the state of the bird and car and to do an audio commentary be he said to me he thought blow to that (or words to that effect) and after me telling him just now what you have all suggested about getting a grill off of eBay (even though he has never touched eBay) and getting it fitted himself he said Ebay would be the last place he would try.He has also had to go out in the rain and take photos of all sides of the car and he has already sent them photos of the bird and damage done so they can see it is genuine:sad:
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                        • Gail_68

                          Gail_68 Guest

                          Well the sooner your motor is done @Kandy you'll be more settled but what a performance regarding pic's of the bird...Christ it's dead plain and simple :dunno: I don't blame him where doing a commentary is concerned he's done enough with informing them and the pic's.

                          Some folk swear by Ebay on the regards of getting motor parts as you can drop on some good deals with cars being broken but Mr Kandy is going by what he feels right and you can't blame him.

                          [​IMG] and [​IMG]that it's sorted sooner than you think :)
                        • Doghouse Riley

                          Doghouse Riley Head Gardener

                          Sep 1, 2009
                          "Pleasantly unemployed."
                          The Tropic of Trafford, England.

                          My suggestions of extreme choices about "burying or eating," wasn't supposed to be taken seriously either. But I can understand that the circumstances of the accident could be upsetting.
                          From the photo, there appears to be no damage other than to the grill. This should be easy enough to remove. As has been suggested replace it yourself. Check on e-Bay listing the model of your car, there seems to be plenty on there and they don't seem to be that expensive.
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                          • Gail_68

                            Gail_68 Guest

                            Hi @Doghouse Riley, Kandy's hubby as already acted with the insurance company.

                            I know where your coming from though concerning my hubby is with a car forum and they go that route and scrap yards before going and getting new parts:thumbsup:
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                            • Kandy

                              Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                              Apr 23, 2006
                              Head gardener
                              In the Middle Of Blighty
                              No problems @Doghouse Riley I wasn’t offended by your remarks and I know you meant well and as @Gail_68 said Mr Kandy had already started the insurance claim before I mentioned it on here and we have never had any dealings with e-bay and I know that Mr Kandy isn’t interested in it:smile: There used to be a car scrap yard not far from us but it closed down over ten years ago and the land has been up for sale for years to put work units on it but so far the only takers have been the travelling community when they broke into the place Xmas 2016 and left in the New Year 2017:sad:

                              I have just let him get on with it as he knows more about cars and dealing with insurance companies so he can have all the stress of it:snorky:

                              There was some farm work going on in the open field near to where I placed the pheasant so if the fox doesn’t get to it then one of the farm workers probably will spot it.It won’t go to waste I am sure:biggrin:
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