Hosepipe Ban

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by JWK, Jun 29, 2018.

  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    I'm just popping down to the veg patch to move my sprinkler. :blue thumb:
    • Funny Funny x 4
    • Fat Controller

      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

      May 5, 2012
      Public Transport
      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
      I could not agree more @Verdun - since recently becoming disabled myself (albeit, hopefully temporarily) I have found a lot of areas where our public services are completely lacking. I am currently engaged in conversation with my local councillors as the pavements around my local area are beyond shocking - they are downright dangerous in many cases. Able bodied people almost certainly wouldn't notice, or would consider them to be a bit rough but OK; as soon as you are on crutches, a walking stick, or in a wheelchair/mobility scooter your view of the world changes completely.

      So much for privatisation making things better.......

      And whilst we are on water and privatisation, how has privatising the water supply network introduced competition to benefit the consumer and marketplace (allegedly!) - I can switch energy supplier, I can switch phone and broadband supplier, but I cannot switch water supplier???

      Another thing I cannot get my head around is why I get charged MORE for taking waste water away than I do for the clean stuff coming in! I am on a meter, so they basically assume that what has come in via the meter has gone back out again and that is how they work out my waste water bill - - but not all of my incoming water goes down the drain?

      Oh, and why is it that my water is supplied by Affinity, and yet my waste water is taken away by Thames Water? The best of it is, I live literally around the corner from a massive reservoir, and water processing plant, so it is a fair bet that it supplies the houses around here - - who owns the reservoir? Thames Water!

      Shooting was too good for Thatcher
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      • Verdun

        Verdun Passionate gardener

        Oct 16, 2012
        West Cornwall
        Hiya Fat Controller :)

        My first rage about how disabled are treated was 23 years ago; my sister had cancer at the age of 30 and near the end I would push her around in a wheelchair. I was annoyed about the impatience of many of the public, the lack of facilities and the lack of provision for wheelchair access in shops etc. Blimey! I used to get extremely angry.
        Nowadays things are better generally but now the government is cutting incomes and facilities for the disabled. Not right:sad:
        • Agree Agree x 2
        • Selleri

          Selleri Koala

          Mar 1, 2009
          North Tyneside
          What a great thread :)

          Personally, being a bit of an environmentalist (that presumably comes with being Nordic, together with the blue eyes and ability to make history changing pop songs :biggrin: ) I do feel guilty about the fact that my watering water has been purified to such a standard that even young babies can drink it. Straight from the tap, just like that- it's safe.

          I have lived in countries where drinking water comes from bottles or containers, and seen the reality of living in a place where the water just is not there. From this perspective using water which has been purified using a huge high tech infrastructure to water plants which are only for decorative purposes feels wrong. :redface:

          There have been great long term solutions suggested which I hope will take root widely during this summer. Water butts are essential, mulching is great in many ways, and know-what-you-are-doing- watering i.e. not just spraying the foliage or dampening the surface are definitely the way to go. Perhaps it would be good to add an attitude that droughts do happen, and we will suffer some losses. The most important plants can be spot- pampered.

          Actually I'm proud that the lawns around our office building are yellow. :) The company has strong environmental values and nothing brings them more visibility than unwatered lawn in a prestigious :rolleyespink: business park in this summer. :biggrin:

          But all in all, what a great summer we are having! :wub2:
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          • Fat Controller

            Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

            May 5, 2012
            Public Transport
            At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
            I am actually finding the public to be pretty good, with most making space or moving to help me past, and generally being chatty and pleasant. It is the basic infrastructure that is seriously lacking, and it is definitely worse where I am in Surrey than it is in the neighbouring borough of Hounslow.

            Just as an example, take a look at this major junction very close to my house. The bus that I will have to get to work stops where the arrow starts, and the arrows show the route I would have to take to navigate the crossings to get over the numerous lanes of traffic. I should add that whilst the traffic is controlled by lights, there is absolutely nothing in terms of pedestrian phase/buttons - - and the 'main road' is seven lanes at this point:

            St Rd2.png

            The wee green box shows a traffic island where there is a bit of a problem........

            St Rd1.png
            It isn't easy to see, but there is a dropped kerb to get onto the traffic island, but if you look just where I have left a gap in the arrows, there is no dropped kerb for me to get back off the island.

            The net result of this is that I have no choice but to change to a different and slightly longer bus route (the one that can be seen turning right in the first picture), just to be able to get off the bus. The real pain in the butt is that the bus I need to change onto more often than not runs about three minutes in front of the one I have to get off - - so I am left waiting 20-30 minutes as a minimum, and at that point I am less than a mile from home, but the pavements over that distance are virtually impossible to traverse.
            • Friendly Friendly x 1
            • Fat Controller

              Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

              May 5, 2012
              Public Transport
              At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
              @Selleri - I agree that no one should be watering grass in this weather; not only is it pretty pointless as the sun/heat dries it out so fast, but it is also completely irresponsible in environmental and social terms.

              What is annoying is the fact that we get so much rain in this country that we simply cannot cope with it at times; yet we have not upgraded or added to the storage infrastructure for many, many years.

              In the news surrounding this hosepipe ban, United Utilities made a lot of their investment in a massive pipeline that allows them to shift water about much more easily - this pipeline runs for miles from Manchester to somewhere else (can't remember, sorry), so there is many miles of pipe that needs to be full of water, under pressure, to allow that transit to take place. So how many hundreds of thousands of gallons are now tied up in a massive pipe? And where is the additional reservoir to store more water to make up for all that water that is 'locked up' in a pipe?
            • pete

              pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

              Jan 9, 2005
              Mid Kent
              I 've been using a hose but mostly for watering pot plants and filling water butts.
              Occasionally topping up the pond.
              I try very hard not to water any plants that are growing in the ground, but obviously there are a few, mostly veg.

              I'd divert my waste water to a water butt, but it would not be a 5 minute job, and you can bet your life if I went through the process I'd probably find I'd need to be building an Ark the following week.:snorky:

              Which is why this country never copes in all kinds of weather.
              We sometimes get extreme weather, but it never lasts long enough for us to change our ways.:smile:
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              • Freddy

                Freddy Miserable git, well known for it

                Jul 15, 2007
                Retired - yay!
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                • Gail_68

                  Gail_68 Guest

                  We have a water meter in our home and we asked for it to be removed and would they take it out no way...so we've been stuck with it for 10yrs, it looks well when you can't get one of those removed either once installed.
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                  • Gail_68

                    Gail_68 Guest

                    Verdun well said on quite a few issues here :thumbsup:...I couldn't have said better myself, the whole lots enough to make you go mad :wallbanging:
                  • Mike Allen

                    Mike Allen Total Gardener

                    Jan 4, 2014
                    Retired. Plant Pathologist.
                    Eltham. SE. London
                    I too have to agree with Verdun. Like I mentioned in my comment, we continue to experience changes in climate etc and are warned of future changes, yet still the powers to be side step the issues. It's amazing how, we the British continue to tell the rest of the world, how to and what to do, yet do we take such advice ourselves? NO! Eventually often years later, the venture is taken up. What might have cost thousands back then, now cost's millions if not billions.
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                    • Mike Allen

                      Mike Allen Total Gardener

                      Jan 4, 2014
                      Retired. Plant Pathologist.
                      Eltham. SE. London
                      As Verdun has mentioned people with disabilities may I add some comments relating to my youngest daughter Amanda, aged 52. Amanda seems to have drawn the short straw in life. She appears to have a very low immune system. She is a very slow healer if at all. She's at some hospital every week. She has to use crutches all the time. OK she was getting Benefits including High Rate DLA. She had been awarded High Rate for life. She had a motability car. Then the government changed the rules. Well no. They scrapped the system, and introduced this new one. Now, never mind how many medical consultants have provided specialist records etc. Now some individual employed by an outside firm, sists down and ticks boxes. Amanda was marked down. The car was taken back, no refund on the deposit. She did appeal but to no avail. Sadly she can be very independant at times. I noticed several flaws in the report. One being reference to her driving ability and operating the handbrake, with her damaged hand/arm. The car was manufactured with an automatic hand-brake. Most importantly to be entitled to the higher rate benefit. Nothing is mentioned in the rules/law, that the applicant has to be the driver or even be a license holder. The benefit is intended to help the individual, get around.
                      When I suggested taking the case further, she said. Dad. I am so worn out. I have no fight left in me.
                      Apart from mobility issues. She is slowly starving to death, as all her tubes and piprs are so small. Attempts to carry out an endoscopy were aborted. She is basically unable to swaloow food, even at times, a drink will cause her to choke. Honestly folks, she has, IMHO become a guinea pig for the medics. Sorry to bore you with my problems. Many thanks for reading.
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                      • HarryS

                        HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

                        Aug 28, 2010
                        Can you move it 200 miles North West Shiney, to my front lawn ? Them stretchy hoses are amazing :biggrin:
                        I am down in Surrey next week , visiting family. Going to bring a couple of buckets of water back !
                        • Funny Funny x 4
                        • Agree Agree x 1
                        • shiney

                          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                          Jul 3, 2006
                          Retired - Last Century!!!
                          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                          No need, I'll just turn the pressure on the tap up and it may reach you. :snorky:
                          • Funny Funny x 3
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                          • pete

                            pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                            Jan 9, 2005
                            Mid Kent
                            You cant have water meters removed once fitted because that is what they want, us all on meters.
                            I was put on a meter about three years ago, I dont think it is any cheaper, and I live alone.
                            I dont mind paying foir the water but I do resent paying for the disposal of all the water I use on the garden.
                            Contacted the water company and they more or less said they had a deal with Offwat, so up your mate.:frown:

                            Its a bit like the so called smart meter for gas/electric, its going to save "us" all money, it dont, it makes "them" money.

                            As the water meter is not on my property I often wonder what would be the outcome should it get damaged.:yikes::yes:
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