Donald Trump.

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by roders, Jan 28, 2018.

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    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Google away, Redstar:dunno::heehee: All countries, including the UK, have racial issues but none that I know, [Well, apart from South Africa], had national apartheid as America did. Even during WWII aparheid was rife in the USA where coloureds were fighting for America.....the Tusegee Airmen being an example among the numerous others. I don't think you'll find in UK history that we ever forced coloured people to sit in the back of a Bus as was standard then throughout the USA.

    That's a fact. British education teaches about our involvement with other countries and how their history entangles with ours. Don't forget we built a global empire "where the Sun never set". Empires come and go and the Earth still spins around. American history is closely entwined with the UK's, from the Mayflower, [you do know about her?:dunno::scratch:], the early settlers, the American Revolutionary War [1775-1783], WWI, America a little late there, WWII, America late again:dunno:
    Having pointed the last two out, I respectfully recognise the many american soldiers, along with other Allied soldiers, who paid the price of those two conflicts. Perhaps the UK's long history and the experiences of that long history has taught us to be aware of other countries history, after all we probably fought with, and against, most of them before America became a country in July 1776. it has also taught us that a Country's supremacy comes and goes even though it never occurs to that country at that time.

    I don't see how that connects to Pete's statement.:dunno: :scratch: Pete never mentioned Obama or busing coloured people to vote, but your "what sort of education level was that?" seems to infer that because coloured people didn't have cars they were uneducated.:dunno: Perhaps it might also be that most coloured Americans, at that time and well before, were not being given the same educational opportunities as the White.:dunno:

    As an aside, Pete is, I know, very educated in Life, has more knowledge and expertise than I will ever have, and has a thoroughly realistic view on how the World works.

    Actually, the behavior of the far right, including Trump, by calling him a half breed, that he wasn't a natural born American and therefore not qualified to stand for President [the Birther theory}, and the other endless slurs, made it embarrassing for the World looking on.
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      Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2018
    • CanadianLori

      CanadianLori Total Gardener

      Sep 20, 2015
      Battle Axe
      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
      I have to say something here.

      I live side by each to the US. I have only an hour's drive to cross over. I like the people but am apalled that we Canadians are treated like a "security threat". And with the sanction of the US people.

      Protectionism is alive and well there and I can understand the hysterics over imports because so many people haven't looked at the bottom line. We import much more than we export. A lot is due to our own province raising the price of green energy to the point that many industries have moved over the border to cheap electricity generated at polluting coal power plants.

      What I don't understand is why anyone over 3000 miles away would worry about the Donald. He's a candle in the wind and pretty much it's us Canucks who are bearing the brunt of his gyrations.

      He's slickly dropped what he feels is a social burden, over to us. You don't talk about that much here. Because most of you are not truly affected by this man's edicts.

      I get the feeling that lots here feel that Canada is just some little bit of land subject to becoming collateral damage.

      I would like to know how the D has really touched day to day life in the EU.

      Hmmm, try being side by each with this fellow. We do know what can and has happened.

      We are 10% the size of their population and they picked on us. There's a big fellow!

      Now if you really want to complain about the US... Junk Mortgages. 2008. They screwed the world!!!
      • Informative Informative x 1
        Last edited: Jul 27, 2018
      • ARMANDII

        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

        Jan 12, 2019
        I don't think most people in the UK are worried about Trump, Lori. But we are worried about America and the extreme and embarrassing state of it's politics.

        To be honest, Lori, I don't think Trump is intelligent enough to know what the effects of his actions to please the far right Americans has on Canada or other countries. He looks for headlines, praise, adulation, without seeing or caring of the long term effects.

        Again, Trump isn't intelligent enough to realise that attempts to rack up a Trade war with the EU will have him raiding the USA Treasury coffers to support those American companies who will lose exports and also have to pay more for needed raw materials. Entering into "negotiations" with the EU will lead to Trump making his usual childish claims of getting/forcing the EU to agree about this and that, while the EU officials will be shaking with mirth knowing he hasn't a clue how to deal with professional negotiators who will lead him down the garden path.

        You know what they say, Lori...........

        • Agree Agree x 1
        • Funny Funny x 1
        • Freddy

          Freddy Miserable git, well known for it

          Jul 15, 2007
          Retired - yay!
          Actually, size is important to Chump. I remember him bragging about the size of his ‘manhood’, as compared to a fellow candidate. Yes, really. I think the so called ‘leader of the free world’ has other things on his mind...
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          • CanadianLori

            CanadianLori Total Gardener

            Sep 20, 2015
            Battle Axe
            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
            @ARMANDII you are correct. My mother said things like that. I particularly like her statement that one cannot buy class. :)
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            • WeeTam

              WeeTam Total Gardener

              Mar 9, 2015
              Southern Scotland
              Im no great fan of any Us presidents but that crazy guy has given the american economy some boost. 4% growth in 3 months!
              The British economy has been stumbling along from one mess to another for the last 10 years and the clowns here are delighted to get growth of 1.8% for the whole year.
              The guy is an egomaniac but he gets s**t done. Here we just talk about it, screw it up,waste billions a year,watch our productivity and manufacturing crumble.
              Its great being able to take the moral high ground when you dont have money worries...
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              • pete

                pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                Jan 9, 2005
                Mid Kent
                @CanadianLori I've got to admit personally I'm not really well up on what Trump is doing to Canada, I dont think that is widely reported over here.
                The good old BBC dont see it as important, and I admit I get most of my news from the TV.
                We do get the daily report however on what he said on twitter last night,:gaah: cant remember ever hearing so much reporting on one person. But I guess it makes news.
                Which is probably why he figures higher in our thoughts over here than he probably should, politically.

                So, sorry to hear things are not good between the USA and Canada, hope it works out OK in the long run for both countries.
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                • ARMANDII

                  ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                  Jan 12, 2019
                  Agreed, Wee Tam, nobody is disputing that:dunno: But have a real look at what has happened. The American companies knowing that. in a very short time, due to the tariffs from his Trade War they will lose all exports to China and other countries have dropped their prices and exported as much as they could before the Tariffs came into effect. Which means any further exports will melt away due to China not accepting the tariffs and bring their retaliatory tariffs on american produce such as agricultural products, including soya beans, and corn, cotton, aircraft, cars, computers etc.
                  So while the GDP of America has been announced as a rise of 4.1%, the continuing Trade War started by Trump will see exports fall to an all time low. Which means that in a few weeks time, with the loss of major export customers, and American companies having to pay the higher retaliatory tariffs of China, the EU, and other countries the GDP will drop dramatically unless Trump withdraws his tariffs. Trump has already had to suck $15 Billion dollars of the the Federal Treasury to pay the American Farmers to subsidise the loss of exports to China, that's on top of the $12 Billion dollars the farmers already receive as subsidies now, and that $15 Billion dollar pay will only be the first on many if the trade war continues.
                  Short term gain, in this case, will result in long term pain:wallbanging::dunno::coffee:
                  • Agree Agree x 2
                  • pete

                    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                    Jan 9, 2005
                    Mid Kent
                    Surely though @ARMANDII , it is a waiting game, I dont think even Trump thinks that a trade war will be good, but you can bluff, something I'd like to see more of regarding the British government in the Brexit game.
                    I know it is risky and can blow up in your face, but sometimes you need a stick rather than a carrot.

                    The difference with Trump is he doesn't have as many people thwarting his every move back home, he just sacks them if they do.:biggrin:
                    • Agree Agree x 1
                    • Funny Funny x 1
                    • ARMANDII

                      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                      Jan 12, 2019
                      Oh, I agree, pete, and I have to confess that Trump is right in certain areas such as the NATO members not paying their way. That's not the problem:dunno: Trump's solution is to go into a situation like a driverless BullDozer, making Headlines and Tweets that proclaim that he has forced other countries to retreat and agree to his demands, which are/is totally untrue, while his inward looking sycophants suck it in without question:wallbanging::doh: But that's all that happens, he claims this success and that success when in fact all that has happened is that he has made his headlines, kept his "me first" fans happy, retreats back home and looks for another headline to please his crowd. So, in reality, he's not achieved anything but is claiming that he has, and if and when the Chickens come home to roost everyone else will get the blame rather than, to me, he's.........

                      Well, everything Trump has said, pete, regarding a Trade War has been that a Trade War is good and easy to win. He is so narcissistic that he believes that he can bully and threaten China and the EU into a quick surrender to his demand which, of course, ain't going to happen. The EU will talk, talk and talk again without really having said anything, China will look else where for corn, wheat, soya, etc and find willing exporters in Russia and other Asian and Pacific Rim countries. China holds a debt marker of $1.2 Trillion dollars that the USA owes and should they call that in the global economy will be in trouble. Even without that unlikely event happening Trump has only weeks before the Trade War bites into the American economy, companies will slow down manufacturing, jobs will go etc. His domestic market probably won't suffer for a while due to his opening the Coal Mines again to feed the old Power Stations pumping millions of tons of pollution into the air, lowering restrictions on waste management, etc, but even that will falter if the Trade War escalates or continues on in it's present state.
                      • Agree Agree x 3
                      • pete

                        pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                        Jan 9, 2005
                        Mid Kent

                      • longk

                        longk Total Gardener

                        Nov 24, 2011
                        Hey, that's exactly what Stormy Daniels said!
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                        • Marley Farley

                          Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

                          May 11, 2005
                          Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
                          Under the Edge Zone 8b
                          I find it so sad that so many Americans think he is great as he has created Jobs.. Yes that may be, but his supporters do not look at the bigger picture of what he and America are doing in the world..

                          Why has he just had to payout a huge subsidy to the farmers.?? Because of his trade tariffs and embargoes..!! I hope one of the politicians in the primaries is stronger than the chump and gets him out.!

                          It is a shame the way USA treats Canadians and have seen that with my own eyes @CanadianLori at Windsor when we were popping into USA from Canada with our Canadian friends...
                          • Like Like x 2
                          • WeeTam

                            WeeTam Total Gardener

                            Mar 9, 2015
                            Southern Scotland
                            Personally Im sick to death about hearing about the American President. Hes the American President not ours.
                            Every day we get bombarded with snippets of his Tweets or his impending law cases or his rants.
                            This is Britain not America so it would be nice if we could focus on sorting out our own problems instead of sweeping them under the carpet.
                            Its lazy journalism.
                            • Agree Agree x 3
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                            • pete

                              pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                              Jan 9, 2005
                              Mid Kent
                              Couldn't agree more @WeeTam , I've never heard so many news reports stating what an American president has said, or tweeted.
                              Every night we get another dose of it, and I'm thinking it is because he has upset the media.

                              Most of the so called celebs. know that the media can make or break you, so that was a dangerous thing for him to do, but at least he is trying to fight back against them.
                              I'm still not sure he will win though, if they do then it will be a sign of who actually is running things.
                              The President or the media.

                              Cant hardly remember Obama getting much of a mention over here while he was in the job.
                              Only really remember him coming over and reading out that speech that Cameron wrote for him regarding Brexit.;)
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