Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by ARMANDII, Jan 1, 2018.

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  1. Gail_68

    Gail_68 Guest

    Hello FC...when shopping from Morrisons always make sure you get the better dates for the food from the very back of a counter or if foods stacked...the better ones are always way underneath :)
  2. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    Ah, that might be the key - as I can no longer drive, we do online shopping, and Morrisions have a guaranteed minimum shelf life for all food.
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    • Gail_68

      Gail_68 Guest

      Well here's my moan for the day :sad:...if it's not wi-fi it's my washing machine :wallbanging:

      Last week it started playing up just the once on the memory not recognising the command asked and today did my whites and when it came to my bathroom was counting down on the minutes but no drum reaction and at the end up pops E08.

      Told hubby he checked it out on an Hoover site the bushes was the out comes the motor and bushes disabled and they had worn down in only 4yrs :hate-shocked:….now he's getting some new ones :dunno:

      Now here comes the next lot :phew:...programmes on the channels are saying "Got to be announced" then it's just come up on the Tele - Tivo box not connected...oh deary deary me :whistle: expecting other half to go off his rocker :loll:
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      • Gail_68

        Gail_68 Guest

        Well I just hope you never get any you can do with out it :)
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        • Gail_68

          Gail_68 Guest

          Well i come on the GC at 3-30pm this afternoon and [​IMG] with in 10mins of being on I was took back off lost wi-fi again :loll:….straight away hubby on the phone doing work again :dunno: never known nothing like it in my life :whistle:
        • Fat Controller

          Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

          May 5, 2012
          Public Transport
          At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
          Trust me on this one - the whole time you are using Virgin's superhub for wifi, you are going to have problems like this. They are beyond awful.

          Thankfully, they work just fine in modem only mode (a Google search will bring up the relevant instructions to do this - not difficult at all), and you can then run one ethernet cable out of the superhub and connect it to a decent router.

          Personally, I am a fan of TP Link stuff, purely as it has been pretty much rock solid for reliability, but Netgear and Belkin stuff is OK too. You don't have to spend a fortune, but spending more generally gets you more control over the wifi bands (2.4GHz and 5.0GHz), guest networks, improved firewalls, parental controls... you get the idea. I have a TP Link Archer C7 and I can get over 200mb via wifi on the PC I am using now - it happily runs:

          2 PC's
          1 Laptop
          3 Smartphones
          1 Hive heating/hot water controls
          1 Sky Q box
          2 Mini Q boxes
          1 Android box
          1 AV reciever
          1 Smart TV
          1 MyCloud Mirror server/backup drives
          1 PS4
          1 Printer

          There are other devices that are occasional 'visitors' on the network, but the above are the regulars.

          Half decent routers start around £30 - - just make sure you get a cable one.
          • Informative Informative x 1
          • Gail_68

            Gail_68 Guest

            Hello FC, I paid £50 for a good one a few years back used for a couple of years and when virgin installed a new addition it got put away and just before xmas we had a clear out and i'm sure it visited the local skip...not 100% sure so it would need another check to see if we do have it or not for certain :)
            • Informative Informative x 1
            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              I'm pleased I'm still in the dark ages otherwise I'd have to learn a new language :snorky:

              I have a desktop that's plugged into the router and a printer that's plugged into the desktop and backup drives plugged into the desktop. I don't feel the least urge to have any more electronics with the extra possible complications. I'm a member of LWU (Luddites of the World Unite) :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
              • Agree Agree x 4
              • Funny Funny x 3
              • Fat Controller

                Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                May 5, 2012
                Public Transport
                At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                If it is any consolation, we are having some broadband woes too - our connection speed is dropping dramatically in the late evening, and seems to be happening once Mrs C has streamed a few programs On Demand on Sky........... I have a feeling that Virgin might be throttling our connection because they are in the huff that we ditched our TV service with them.

                They best think again, or I will happily ditch the broadband and phone too.
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                • silu

                  silu gardening easy...hmmm

                  Oct 20, 2010
                  I only found out there were things called mice, which our cats don't catch and eat, about 2 years ago:rolleyespink: so in total unison with you @shiney. Thanks to @Fat Controller he has sorted out my messes and I am still able to tap away. I plead guilty to not wishing to know how computers work, just want them to do their job, bit like my car, as long as it starts I don't wish to understand how it works either. Trying to work out why my Cauliflowers were pants, now that does interest me:)
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                  • Gail_68

                    Gail_68 Guest

                    Well here's my moan :snorky:...ordered some bushes for washing machine and then cancelled them thinking they was the wrong sort plus paid extra for express delivery to get the washer done quickly...then hubby looked at what i'd cancelled and he said they was the ones so repurchased but without express delivery...well they came being foreign and instead of £11-90 what I paid they was showing £8-60 on the purchase link :scratch:
                    Anyway I spoke to a representative through chat, who did a total refund on both and told me not to bother sending them back and [​IMG] before coming on the forum checked my mail and a message from amazon to return the bushes before on again I go...spoke again to another representative she checked the convo out from earlier and she's done another total refund and told me to ignore sending them back...stupid stress or what :phew:

                    In the meantime though my other half had purchased some besides with out me knowing came today and tonight he rigged me washer back up...did some washing and whippy it's back to the old grind stone :snorky:
                    • Like Like x 1
                    • clanless

                      clanless Total Gardener

                      Jan 20, 2013
                      Gentleman of leisure.
                      North Wales
                      British Gas increasing prices by 3.8% for people on their standard variable tariff.

                      People on their standard variable tariff are usually the elderly who have limited income and can't/don't know any one who will switch suppliers for them.

                      This is unfair :mad::wallbanging:
                      • Agree Agree x 4
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                      • Fat Controller

                        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                        May 5, 2012
                        Public Transport
                        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                        I have recently moved supplier to a small company, and saw my monthly direct debit drop by £55 a month in the summer, and £25 a month in the winter. The new supplier is also 100% renewable energy - the only thing that might be an issue for some is that you need to have a smartphone as you manage your account via an app (very easy to use, to be fair, and their customer support so far has been excellent).

                        I won't advertise them publicly here, but I am happy to recommend them personally to anyone who wishes to drop me a PM - better still, if I give you a code, we both get £25 Amazon vouchers when you sign up :)
                        • Like Like x 3
                        • Gail_68

                          Gail_68 Guest

                          We're on a cheap rate with our supplier since taking out the contract...the said the lecky was going up but since then the gas as joined in also...bills are due soon so we'll see how they differ :whistle:
                        • Mike Allen

                          Mike Allen Total Gardener

                          Jan 4, 2014
                          Retired. Plant Pathologist.
                          Eltham. SE. London
                          Excuse me for dropping in. Appliances etc today appear to have some kind of built in obsolescence program built in. Warranty expires and soon, so does the machine or whatever. For instance. My printer recently packed up. Cliff my friendly computer man explained. Bin it, get a new one. Cost to take it apart around £50 add to that a new pcb etc. I went out and got the next model up and.....change form forty quid.
                          Honestly. I can't see my kids or the grand kids saying 30 years time. This used to be my dads, or my granddads.

                          Today's moan of mine. I want to buy at least 20x120Lts of JA Bowers MPC. The local Homebase are selling at under £7.00 a bale. Makro, my cash & carry are selling at 6.90 plus vat buy one get one free. Neither do a delivery service. B&Q usually charge £20 delivery. They only stock Verve. Stop the world. I want to get offfffffffffffff!
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