PLEASE READ - No really, please, please read!!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Fat Controller, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. Fat Controller

    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

    May 5, 2012
    Public Transport
    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
    As many of you know, I have not been in the best of health this year; some of you know more than others about what happened, the cause and the results, whereas some of you have had to kinda guess. Well, I am going to try and clarify things a bit for everyone, and beg you to continue reading right to the end, as this might just save your life - seriously.

    At the back end of last year, I was seeing a neurologist for various small issues, and he decided that I had a condition called Myasthenia Gravis; he ordered tests, which came back negative (all of them), and one of those tests was extremely unpleasant (EMG), and the consultant who did the test stated categorically at the end of it that I definitely did not have Myasthenia Gravis. However, the neurologist was adamant, and decided to put me on various drugs to see how I reacted to them.

    In February, I volunteered to drive a bus for a few hours on a Saturday morning, to carry out a risk assessment on a route for a rail replacement service. That few hours turned into a whole day, and toward the end there was one chap on the bus who got to the point where he said he was going to give up and go home as he was full of flu. Sure enough, by the Monday afternoon I felt terrible and came home from work early and spent the rest of the week off with flu. I didn't sleep at all on the Friday night, and then took some Night Nurse on the Saturday morning and went to try and get some sleep. When I woke up in the afternoon, I was in trouble - really struggling to breathe, so Mrs C called the NHS 111 line for advice; they spoke to me for a couple of minutes, and within a few more minutes there was an ambulance at the door. I was carted downstairs on a chair, and taken off to hospital - the paramedic phoned ahead and I was literally met at the back door and treatment started instantly. As the night progressed, I was moved into Intensive Care, and they did what they could; eventually though, they had no choice, and Mrs C was called in the middle of the night to come back to the hospital and to bring our daughter, essentially to say our goodbyes. That was the 10th of February.

    The hospital continued to work on me, but nothing was doing much; by the 11th February, my kidneys had packed up as well as my lungs and I was in increasing trouble. A specialist team from St Thomas Hospital in Central London had been in communication with the hospital I was in, and they decided on the Thursday that enough was enough - they sent a special team out in an ambulance to do what they call an ECMO recovery; basically, I had various machines doing everything - I was in multiple organ failure.

    I remained in a coma for the next seven weeks; I had Influenza B, acute kidney injury, septicaemia/sepsis, severe respiratory failure, numerous DVT's, two brain haemorrhages and various other wee infections and issues. I was on dialysis, a mechanical ventilator and had a tracheotomy, and had developed some sort of issue where my blood pressure would drop like a stone when I was on dialysis and then I would stop breathing - - first I knew of each of these episodes was when I came back round to find my feet up in the air, and my head down toward the floor, often with some frantic looking nurses around the bed.

    I left St Thomas on the 1st of May, to return to the original hospital, and at that point was still on dialysis and still had a hole in my throat, but no tracheotomy tube, and I was starting to move a wee bit in bed. I still couldn't move myself up the bed at all without assistance, and could only sit up in an electrically raised bed for short periods. All muscles were essentially shot.

    They wanted to send me to a special neuro-rehab unit - the type you would go to if you had been involved in a major accident and had suffered a massive head trauma; Mrs C and I looked at the information for it, but to be honest it wasn't for me. No disrespect intended, but the statements along the lines of 'bring your special shoes, and big coat in case we go out on the special bus' (not worded like that, but you get my meaning).... sorry, that was just too much for me, not least as it was a three month placement. I would have been driven nuts, and Mrs C would have been demented trying to actually get to the place to visit me (it was miles away, and no easy public transport). So, they decided that they were going to let me home. I was off dialysis, so that wasn't an issue, but I would have various tests ongoing.

    As is always the case now, resources were short, so whilst we had equipment at home (hospital bed, commode, hoist), the council couldn't give a date for a care package. After various failed promised dates of getting out, I ended up having a rather stern and frank conversation with a consultant (even longer story, feel free to ask!) who agreed to let me home and then the care would follow.

    That care never arrived, so Mrs C took it all on, on her own, and she did a cracker of a job.

    Before leaving hospital, I had an OT tell me that I would never sit on my sofa again as it was too low for me to stand up from (I am sat on it now!), I wouldn't get upstairs into my own bed (have been sleeping upstairs for weeks), and that I was unlikely to get back to work (going back on the 10th October).

    It has been a lot of hard graft, and occasional tears of frustration, to get to where I am now and I still have a hell of a long way to go.

    I could not have done this without massive (and I do mean massive) amounts of help from friends, many of them GC friends. I would happily embarrass them, but they may wish to remain anonymous - they know who they are, and they know that they have quite literally played a part in saving my life.

    If you have read this far, thank you, and please do feel free to ask as many questions as you want, I am not shy about discussing it - just one last bit that I would like you to take away with you, for you and your loved ones:

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    • pete

      pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

      Jan 9, 2005
      Mid Kent
      Blimey FC, I knew you had been through the mill, but didn't realise it was "that" bad.

      And it was all caused by Flu, or was there other factors involved?
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      • Fat Controller

        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

        May 5, 2012
        Public Transport
        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
        Yeah, I'm afraid I was as close as it is possible to get to a coffin, without actually opening the lid if you know what I mean.

        The drugs that the original neurologist had put me on were a factor in as much as they depressed my immune system, and that let the flu in
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        • pete

          pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

          Jan 9, 2005
          Mid Kent
          Right, I can see a depressed immune system would make you susceptible.

          Surely they should have warned you of the effects of the drugs and told you not to mix with too many people.
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          • roders

            roders Total Gardener

            Feb 26, 2006
            Bless you mate.

            What a terrible time for you and your family ,I have been lucky enough to have met you and could tell you were made of strong stuff............thank goodness you are.
            It seems you are gradually putting it all behind you (a miracle I’m sure).
            Wishing you good health and happiness for the rest of your life to you and your family and I hope we meet again sometime.:grphg:
            From Mr & Mrs Roders.

            We have had our flu jab.:smile:
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            • Fat Controller

              Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

              May 5, 2012
              Public Transport
              At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
              You would have thought so, but no. In fact, the neurologist that was assigned to my case failed to answer calls from the ward (when I got back to the original hospital), and has since been removed from my case - nothing said to me as to why, but read into that what you will.

              Having said that, there were people of all ages (even teenagers) in hospital, on ECMO, at the same time as me and that was solely due to the flu.

              Thanks @roders, and I look forward to seeing you again, most likely at shineyland next year, as I am hell-bent that I will be there, and our good friend @JWK has already offered a lift (that is, unless I am giving him one!!)

              For the record though folks, my reason for writing this is to hopefully encourage you all to get a flu jab, whether you think you need it or not. DO NOT underestimate what it can do to you.
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              • strongylodon

                strongylodon Old Member

                Feb 12, 2006
                Wareham, Dorset
                I honestly can't imagine what you and Mrs C have been through even after reading your explanation, I and I think everyone else here just hope you improve as quick as possible and thanks for putting us, who didn't know how bad it was, in the picture.:smile:

                I have a flu jab every year and I have been free from flu these past ten years.
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                • Redwing

                  Redwing Wild Gardener

                  Mar 22, 2009
                  Glad you are making a good recovery.

                  Flu jab booked for me and Mr Redwing.
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                  • JWK

                    JWK Gardener Staff Member

                    Jun 3, 2008
                    I am lucky (or unlucky) to be old enough to get a free flu jab, I'm booked in for one this Saturday.

                    I had no idea it was the flu that triggered your problems FC. Glad to hear you are making a remarkable recovery and fingers crossed that you will eventually be able to drive again one day. I'm stil on for taking you to Shiney's Open Day next year :blue thumb:
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                    • kazzawazza

                      kazzawazza Total Gardener

                      May 16, 2015
                      I have a flu jab every year
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                      • Fat Controller

                        Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                        May 5, 2012
                        Public Transport
                        At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                        Believe it or not, I was cleared today by my GP, following info from opticians and a consultant at St Thomas - - not that I have a car anymore, but it is one more step forward. Thanks JWK :)
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                        • silu

                          silu gardening easy...hmmm

                          Oct 20, 2010
                          :yay::yay:, great news that you have been given the all clear.
                          I don't believe enough people realise just how deadly flu can be (more people killed by the 1918/19 flu pandemic than in The Great War). I've had it twice and ended up in hospital for 2 weeks with 1 of the episodes. I was 22 fit and healthy yet it knocked me for 6. In comparison to you, however, it was a breeze. A very good idea of yours to highlight the dangers of it.
                          Pass on my good wishes to Mrs C, she must have been worried sick and it's often really hard on carers to keep going and be supportive. I wish you and your family the very best for the rest of 2018 and hope 2019 is a great year for you all. Keep us updated on how you get on when you return to work on the 10th of next month.
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                          • WeeTam

                            WeeTam Total Gardener

                            Mar 9, 2015
                            Southern Scotland
                            Wow that must have been a truly scary episode . Im really glad you pulled through and hope you and your star of a wife have a great Christmas holiday when it comes.
                            Insisted my mum goes for that over 75's flu jab this year and im deffo paying for the normal jab as i was put on my backside by this years flu.
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                            • shiney

                              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                              Jul 3, 2006
                              Retired - Last Century!!!
                              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                              We're really pleased that you're coming on so well :hapydancsmil: and look forward to seeing you in May. :thumbsup:

                              Although we accept that flu jabs have certainly helped many people avoid the worst of the illness we don't have them for different reasons. I tend to be allergic to almost all vaccinations and do better without them (doctor reluctantly agrees) and, for similar reasons, never take any pills (apart from the occasional Paracetamol when I've overdone things in the garden). Fortunately I have a resident medical genius :wub2: and have been kept clear of problems for the last 50+ years. Even with all our travelling to out of the way places we are able to avoid the necessity for jabs - although I was a bit nervous when travelling to Kent this month :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
                              • Funny Funny x 3
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                              • HarryS

                                HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

                                Aug 28, 2010
                                Good news that you are recovering , I did not know it was so serious.
                                I have never had Flu , also never had a flu jab. But this year me and Mrs H are thinking of having one. They are free as we are both well into our sixties . I presume they cause no problems ? The urban tales are that they actually make you ill for a couple of days ......
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