Brexit - am I stupid or what?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by PeterS, Dec 16, 2017.

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  1. Mike Allen

    Mike Allen Total Gardener

    Jan 4, 2014
    Retired. Plant Pathologist.
    Eltham. SE. London
    Similar thoughts Pete. I'm quite handy with carpentry, plumbing and electrics. Cables for instance. 13amp twin & earth used to be called. 6029 now metric its 2.5 mil. Timber 2.4 mts etc. Strange really, as metric is all about units of 10 yet we who grew up with imperial weights & measures find it difficult. Temperature scales confuse me. One time. It's going to be 75 degrees tomorrow. Now you have to calculate the difference. Body temp; used to be,98.4 F Now its 36. whatever.

    Stop the world. I wanna get off!!!
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    • Mike Allen

      Mike Allen Total Gardener

      Jan 4, 2014
      Retired. Plant Pathologist.
      Eltham. SE. London
      Last vtime I bought a round, was when I was getting married (1961) I think it was washing-up water, 5 shekels a measure. wink.
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      • Mike Allen

        Mike Allen Total Gardener

        Jan 4, 2014
        Retired. Plant Pathologist.
        Eltham. SE. London
        Years ago at London Zoo. Every afternoon tey would lay on, the Chimps tea party for the kids. Even though I hold no politics, I often watch today in parliament or PM's question time. Ye Gods. The chimps tea party was great entertainment. PM's question time etc. Really. Honestly. Shout and booing etc. Hey hang on. Were not all these people elected by the man in the street, to form some kind of government, ruling power. Talk about St. Trinians.

        Not taking sides, but attempting to reason. Mrs. May was duly elected by her local followers. She later was made PM. I seem to remember that when all this exit the EU started, and the whole popula was invited to vote. Mrs. May voted to stay in the EU. So be it. Her actions have long proved her loyalty to the country and her political party. She has without question, striven to negotiate and get the best deal, as it's called, for the UK. As I recall. At the outset of forming this EU alliance. Was it not to aid and assist european nations to form a kind of bond, whereby participating members could trade side by side as if in a market place. You are offering your spuds at £5.65 per cwt. So to compete. My rice is £5.00 a cwt. Gradually the bulk of the EU gradually introduced all new things. The Common Market soon became. The Eurpean seat of government. Suddenly member countries found themselves handing over their country's powers and legal administrative systoms and ways of running their way of life.

        IMHO. The only real benefit of the EU has been. There has been no european war since 1945. I have no idea what the populations of other countries have been fed. However for us Brits. I deduce that consecutive governments have so often witheld the true facts from the british people. Now. "Time has been called". The PM could be anyone. Now the hue and cry goes out. Like a renactment of Juleus Ceasar, the friends, supportres are rising up. Daggers drawn. The parlimentary critics, Mrs May's friends now cry out for her blood. So look back over british history. This same identical scene has been played out so often, not only with parliamnr but also with royalty. If you get rid of the present. What can you offer as a an alternative.
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        • Jiffy

          Jiffy The Match is on Fire

          Aug 25, 2011
          Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
          I think it was always going to be a no deal from the start but they had to put a cock and bull story up first, people didn't like what is said or read then it makes it easyer to go for a no deal
        • Scrungee

          Scrungee Well known for it

          Dec 5, 2010
          Central England on heavy clay soil
          Do you remember Remainers stating that most of those voting leave were so old they'd be dead in a few years so their votes shouldn't count?

          Well, I've noticed that adverts for funeral plans appearing on almost every article about Brexit in the Daily Express (a hotbed of 'Kippers):

          • Funny Funny x 1
          • longk

            longk Total Gardener

            Nov 24, 2011
            It is at best misguided to blame the EU. Take off the rose tinted specs and Britain has always been a divided nation as are all other nations to one extent or another. What Brexit has achieved is to make it an increasingly bitterly divided nation.
            Unelected bureaucrats do not foist laws upon the member states, it is only elected officials (either directly elected or ministers of national governments appointed by their democratically elected government to represent their country). This is Farage-speak which is another word for a lie that is peddled around until it becomes an assumed truth. Laws are debated in the various houses of the EU, ammended, debated again and passed on in much the same way that our own Houses work.
            At the end of the day I'm not saying that it was perfect but in all fairness it is probably fairer than the accepted norm, instead of first past the post type voting votes representing 65% of the population are needed for a pass with one proviso - a total of four countries with a total between them of 35% of the population must be against. Size matters in the EU so as the third largest country in terms of the population (and only just behind France) our vote counts for more than just one twenty eighth.

            We haven't . JRM and Boris in particular, but a few others who also have there eyes on the prize have. For them Brexit has nothing to do with what is best for the UK it is all about what is best for their careers. Nothing else. For a handful of Machiavellian characters Brexit always was nothing more than a power grab.
            JRM will be the next Prime Minister. He has known all along that Brexit will be a disaster but he has seen his opportunity and manipulated it, circumstances and high profile figures (mainly Boris) in his best interests. Safe in the knowledge that it was always doomed to failure he can assume the top job, lose the next election but keep his job by pointing out that it was May who ballsed it up and then fight the election after that on the basis that it was the Labour party who ballsed it up.
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            • wiseowl

              wiseowl Admin Staff Member

              Oct 29, 2006
              Philosophy of people
              Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
              Good afternoon @longk with the greatest respect my good friend ,the division isn't amongst the people at my level if it is then wiseowl hasn't seen it:smile:

              Yours wearing Rose tinted glasses from North kent
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              • Fat Controller

                Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                May 5, 2012
                Public Transport
                At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                JRM will be the next Prime Minister.

                And may God help us all.

                If ever there was a reason not to bother one's backside to vote any more, it is explained almost in its entirety in your post @longk. We no longer have any control over what happens to us, whether we are in the EU or out of it; the whole charade boils down to careers and money, and nothing more. The rot really started when Maggie started privatising things that should never have been privatised, and once the taste of greed saw that you could 'sell' things that nobody previously thought you could sell, well that was it..... only now, they have nothing left to sell, so are taxing stuff more and more; only, that is fast running out too, as they are taxing things 'for our own good' (sugar, fuel, alcohol etc) to the point where people are changing to the alternatives and then there is a reduction in the income.......... so then they start looking at taxing those alternatives (road tolls and so on). They honestly do not give a shite what the cause is, as long as it can be latched onto and taxed to keep them in a job for a bit longer.

                Well, the day will come when scum like me can no longer afford to live in certain areas (it is happening now) and then those that have all the money will suddenly realise that bin-men, bus drivers, taxi drivers, nurses, shop assistants are not jobs that you commute long distances to do - - let them empty their own bins etc. The day will come.

                Politicians lie, no matter where they are from in the world, and we now live in a society that is based purely on what something costs, or how much money can be made from it. If it is not 'self-financing' or 'profit-making' it is frowned upon. God forbid that we should actually properly provide for people's needs. Sadly, those politicians that should have the ability to make changes are from the elite in society that least want the change - so what is the point in any of us voting?
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                • Freddy

                  Freddy Miserable git, well known for it

                  Jul 15, 2007
                  Retired - yay!
                  It’s a good walk? :biggrin:
                  • Funny Funny x 4
                  • longk

                    longk Total Gardener

                    Nov 24, 2011
                    @Fat Controller - whilst I largely agree I also don't :heehee:
                    We are lucky enough to live in a democracy where free speech is a right - if we are to moan we are also duty bound to vote, even if it is the box that says "none of the above".
                    There are genuine politicians out there, not all are in the image of JRM (and i do agree, god help us all). But at the moment their voices are too small, it is up to the voters to provide them with a bigger voice.
                    Our society has many problems at the moment and housing and its affordability is one of the biggest. It is simple to fix - every person has a lifetime inheritence and gift allowance. £30000 total would be about right. Anything over that thirty grand gets taxed at 90%, anything under at 0%. In one fell swoop the housing market gets an instant reality check. It'll never happen though.
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                      Last edited: Nov 18, 2018
                    • wiseowl

                      wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                      Oct 29, 2006
                      Philosophy of people
                      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                      Good afternoon have you ever stopped to ponder the amount of blood spilt, the volume of tears shed, the degree of pain and anguish endured, the number of noble men and women lost in battle so that we as individuals might have a say in governing our country? Honour the lives sacrificed for your freedoms. Vote.:old::smile:
                      • Agree Agree x 1
                      • longk

                        longk Total Gardener

                        Nov 24, 2011
                        Then with the greatest respect either;
                        • you are lucky enough to only ever associate with people who hold the same views, principles, had the same good luck, had the same opportunities etc
                        • or, you need to get out more often :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
                        Since Brexit, even people who felt the same now find themselves divided into camps within those divides. Worst of all, people who secretly harboured views on race now feel emboldened to publicly voice them, sometimes even shout them.
                        • Funny Funny x 1
                        • wiseowl

                          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                          Oct 29, 2006
                          Philosophy of people
                          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                          @longk your right my friend its a beautiful day ,I will get my coat and take my furry friend up the woods,enjoy your day;):smile:
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                          • longk

                            longk Total Gardener

                            Nov 24, 2011
                            Enjoy :blue thumb:
                          • pete

                            pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                            Jan 9, 2005
                            Mid Kent
                            The housing market, what a bloody minefield that is.

                            Anyone who dares to lower the price of housing in this country is walking on eggshells.

                            We had a housing slump a few years ago.

                            Negative equity and all that, no one wants the price of the house they are living in to fall, sad but that is the truth.

                            As for the old chestnut of, build more houses and the price will come down, biggest load of rubbish I have ever heard, its just property developers speak for, lets rip up every bit of countryside we can, for profit.

                            All the time houses are looked upon as investment, in this country, rather than somewhere to live, no one will get a pat on the back for bringing down house prices.

                            Personally I think houses are over priced, but dont see any way out of it.

                            ps, if you bring in your 30 grand max inheritance most people would go for equity release well before they die, and there would be an awful lot of skint nursing homes out there.;):biggrin:
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