Brexit - am I stupid or what?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by PeterS, Dec 16, 2017.

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    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Despite your protestations, Jiffy, you're a reet canny lad.:love30::snorky:
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      Last edited by a moderator: Dec 6, 2018
    • Jiffy

      Jiffy The Match is on Fire

      Aug 25, 2011
      Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
      Someone on here did call me a "dark Horse" ;)
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      • ARMANDII

        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

        Jan 12, 2019

        Only because you were standing in the room with the lights out.:dunno::heehee:
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        • Fat Controller

          Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

          May 5, 2012
          Public Transport
          At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
          I don't disagree with you that it was a slim majority, nor do I disagree with you that there was a considerable amount of people that voted to remain - but given that it was a simple majority wins type of vote, how would you be feeling had it been 52% remain and 48% leave? Would that also be a vote to be disregarded and have us back to the polls again?
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          • noisette47

            noisette47 Total Gardener

            Jan 25, 2013
            Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
            But I'm not saying there should be another vote, FC! I'm simply challenging this tired old phrase 'the will of the people'. So we don't forget that, at the time, nearly half of those who voted wanted to remain. And as most of the reasons for leaving and the perceived benefits of doing so have been discredited since, isn't it just a tiny bit suicidal to insist on going through with it at any price?
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            • Fat Controller

              Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

              May 5, 2012
              Public Transport
              At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
              Whether we call it will of the people, or winners of the vote, the result is the same - - I meant nothing by that particular phrase, other than it is somewhat recognised in democracy. The problem I have is that there has been a campaign to discredit Brexit in every way possible - some of the suggested outcomes may be true, some of them most certainly are just a guess at best; much of what is being said now will also be lies, because that is what politicians the world over do - lie. I did not believe all that was being said about the perceived benefits of Brexit, no more than I believe the negative spin that is being spouted now - I had quite a long think about a number of factors, and made my decision.

              Perhaps if the last two years had been spent looking at what we do once we leave and preparing for it, we might not actually be looking at doing it at any price - - the fact that negotiations didn't really get going until six months ago because our politicians were too busy fighting amongst each other is the biggest part of the problem for me; the second is that we have not been robust enough with the EU (always was our problem) so they have taken their time and shown a lot of arrogance in the process.
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              • ARMANDII

                ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                Jan 12, 2019
                Why? There has been growing resentment in the UK over decades, Noisette, with the EU and nothing can change that. The EU has, itself, brought us to this situation by it's hostile and dismissive way of negotiating and we can't just blame the UK Government as the EU wishes us to.
                It has now come to a point where, I think, it's either May's imperfect deal that ties us to the EU in a worse position, a Hard Brexit, trying to negotiate a Canadian, Norwegian, or other style of agreement which the EU will not entertain, remaining in the EU which will possibly cause riots on the street, a complete breakdown in UK politics and it's democratic way of living with screams of Betrayal that the politicians of all parties didn't have the courage to carry out the decision of the 2016 referendum. Should it go to a 2nd Referendum it now seems likely that there would be an increase of the majority of people voting OUT due to the belief that, true or not, that the EU has been hostile and aggressive in its negotiations............should that happen then it would be a Hard Brexit which a lot of people and Politicians would not be unhappy about.:dunno:
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                • noisette47

                  noisette47 Total Gardener

                  Jan 25, 2013
                  Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
                  Or, the EU has been used as a scapegoat for decades for the mismanagement of the all depends on your point of view :) There's a lot of wishful thinking on both sides. But if, as you say, there's an even bigger majority in the UK now who want out, then what's the problem with a further vote? It would be conclusive, wouldn't it? It would shut up once and for all those who want to make a decision based on currently available facts.
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                  • Fat Controller

                    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                    May 5, 2012
                    Public Transport
                    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                    No disagreement that there has been mismanagement of the UK, and part of that mismanagement is that we do apply EU law quite strictly in comparison with other countries - but, the EU does not need to be used as a scapegoat, as it is quite capable of causing its own reputational damage.

                    I disagree with @ARMANDII that a lot more people would vote out - indeed, if there were a second referendum I think that the balance would shift the other way (I would guess 46% leave, 54% stay), purely because so many people have been scared by the thought of Brexit by the constant, daily barrage telling us how bad Brexit will be. Indeed, I also believe that it is the intention to widen the vote to younger people, which will bolster the remain vote, wrongly in my opinion.

                    So, if (when) that day comes, what is the message to the people that voted to leave twice, were in the majority once, had their vote disregarded and had democracy fail them?

                    See, it is OK to shout for another referendum if you are on the remain side, but if that were to happen by leave voters following a close remain vote, I doubt very much that it would be just as acceptable.
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                      Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
                    • ARMANDII

                      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                      Jan 12, 2019
                      Nearly correct, Noisette, but not quite:dunno::heehee:. The mismanagement over the years has been down solely to the incompetent, and ingrained policies of our own Political Parties, (of all colours}, rather than the EU. So we don't have to use the EU as a scapegoat because we are quite aware who is to blame for the state of all things in the Uk. But it is the ever growing EU mass legislation, blind, faceless, bureaucracy, being imposed without any ability to have any say, coming from unelected officials based in another country. But, I think you have to admint that the EU is being mismanaged itself which is leading to a uprise in several countries of Right Wing Extremists, while other countries are not happy at being held to ransom by the huge debts that the EU holds against them. I'm not a political animal nor am I a Brexiteer or Remainer but I do recongise that historical and geographical factors do play an important part in a lot of the UK's population resentment/dislike of the EU. :snorky:
                    • KFF

                      KFF Total Gardener

                      May 30, 2017
                      This just shows what the difference is between different areas of the country. Around the midlands various polls etc have been taken out and the results around here show that more people would vote out. I for one voted remain and like most other members of the public would respect the first referendum and vote leave in a second one.

                      Also around the midlands Theresa May is perceived as a strong woman who has fought hard.

                      A question that ihas also being raised is that i
                      why it isn't the Government to take us out and NOT the whole Parliament. Perhaps if this had just been the Governing Party then then half the back biting etc wouldn't have happened and Mrs May would have been in a much stronger position.

                      Also, why should the age of voters make any difference. You simply cannot say that people were too young to vote last time and deserve the chance now. Where does that leave children who were born 12 years ago or 10 or 8 or even those born in the last week. Should we keep on having referendum every year or two ?

                      It is perfectly clear that the Labour party have no plans whatsoever and are just trying to discredit the Country and force a general election.
                      If this was the case then Mr Corbin would ( if the country followed the midlands ) see his share of the vote and number of MPs drop dramatically.

                      My personal view is that all MPs should stop spouting rubbish and trying to get their own 5 minutes of fame and listen to the public and their constituents and support the Prime Minister.
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                      • longk

                        longk Total Gardener

                        Nov 24, 2011
                        I am struggling to understand "the arrogance of the EU". To the best of my knowledge nobody on this forum has been involved in the negotiations and certainly from what is in the public arena I have seen nothing that is any more arrogant than the (standard) British stance of "we want it all. Oh yeah, with jam on it too"!
                        These are negotiations and it incumbent for both sides to negotiate the best deal possible for the people that they represent. Basically it is up to the UK to be prepared to yield a bit when negotiations reach a stalemate as we are the ones who have stamped our little feet, chucked our teddies out of the pram and said that we don't wanna play any more. Except for when the nice stuff and the sweeties come out and then of course we'll play.
                        It is also important to understand that one of the member states has a land border with the UK, and a deeply troubled border it has been too. No reasonable person wants a return to "the troubles" and I do not think that anyone will deny that there are elements within the Replican paramilitary who are looking for the slightest excuse to kick off. I actually heard a member of the public interviewed on the radio suggest that the Good Friday issue is just being used as an excuse to stop us leaving!
                        People need to wake up. The EU now wants shot of us, the markets cannot take this uncertainty for too much longer. Both sides are doing their level best to bring this sad tawdry mess to an end. Unfortunately, over here there are those who have their own agenda and for them there is still work to be done. Economic damage/hardship to the ordinary working man or woman and their children is just collateral damage compared to their political ambitions.
                        I have said all along that I am opposed to another referendum but I am pretty much decided now that the only way that we can stop these self serving asses taking the pee out of the British people is to have a second vote along the lines that I described a few pages ago.
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                        • Fat Controller

                          Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                          May 5, 2012
                          Public Transport
                          At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                          The arrogance of the EU, I think in regard to negotiations at least, is their antics of successively saying that a proposal wasn't good enough, without saying why or giving a counter proposal. The EU don't own us - they think they do, but they don't, so a negotiation should have been just that and not Theresa May being dismissed like a naughty school child. There has been other cases of their arrogance (light bulbs, kettle wattages, fining us because we haven't met a target that was a guess at best [where does that fine money go?]); and the whole time before the referendum, and since, the EU has done very little (if anything) to attempt to sell us the positives of being in the union, nor have they tried to understand why so many people are so unhappy with them (and it isn't just the UK).

                          I wholly agree that the land border between the UK and Ireland is something that is not a trivial point, but I also agree that it should have been solved long ago and without the need for a hard physical border at that point - there would have needed to be checks around the shores of Ireland and NI as well as around the UK shores and of course the EU shores. I'm not sure exactly what the resolution could or would have been, but to begin working on it as late as they did is part of the reason that a resolution wasn't found (that, and the EU just saying 'not good enough, try again').
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                          • clanless

                            clanless Total Gardener

                            Jan 20, 2013
                            Gentleman of leisure.
                            North Wales
                            Via the media - JeanC deliberately snubbing Tes - and all in front of the world media; Dutch MEP stating on record that the EU have treated the UK with contempt - given that we are one of their major customers - the same MEP stating that Barney has only ever told them about the impact Brexit will have on the UK - not the EU.

                            All of this was on the cards when Cammers came back from intense negotiations with the EU with nowt - certainly nothing to sway the public opinion on membership of the EU.

                            Disrespecting Tes - no matter what your opinion of her is - has got peoples backs up - and there is now even more resistance to membership, I would suggest :smile:
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                              Last edited: Dec 9, 2018
                            • shiney

                              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                              Jul 3, 2006
                              Retired - Last Century!!!
                              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                              I think that none of this would have happened if the EU had used some common sense. As with all business negotiations, there usually needs to be a little bit of give and take. I honestly can't remember what Cameron was asking of the EU but I seem to remember that it was some minor points to be changed.

                              They flatly refused to budge on anything, which is a silly thing to do to one of the few net major contributors to the EU budget. It's quite normal to give a little bit with one of your best customers.

                              What I do remember is that a number of people that I spoke to who were fairly happy (not overjoyed) to be in the EU felt that the EU had insulted the UK. Whether it's true that it was an insult, or not, you don't treat a good customer that way.

                              Cameron compounded the error with sending out 9 million pounds worth of non-information. This was eventually followed by Obama sticking his two pennyworth in as well.

                              I think that if those three things hadn't happened we would still be in the EU. I meet hundreds of people a week and that was the impression that I got from them. A lot of the 'No' vote was a protest vote. Whether that is a basis for voting is neither here nor there when emotions become involved.

                              What we really need is a Benevolent Dictatorship. I vote for Woo. :blue thumb:
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