Giant Hogweed reminder....Ouch!

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by WeeTam, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. WeeTam

    WeeTam Total Gardener

    Mar 9, 2015
    Southern Scotland
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    As usual, the media gets it wrong about the plant :doh:

    His injury was caused by common hogweed, they have to drag up giant hogweed every time :doh:

    Both plants can cause photosensitivity, which means you'll get severe sunburn if exposed to the sun or even a bright light.

    Nasty wound though, poor bloke :sad:
  3. Sheal

    Sheal Total Gardener

    Feb 2, 2011
    Dingwall, Ross-shire
    I've had blisters from hogweed in the past and found contact with water made them worse, they must be kept dry.
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    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      My Dad made a pea shooter from a hogweed stem :doh::doh::doh:
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      • LauraRoslin

        LauraRoslin Gardener

        Dec 16, 2018
        In the middle
      • ARMANDII

        ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

        Jan 12, 2019
        From the RHS

        Giant hogweed

        Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) is a close relative of cow parsley originally from Southern Russia and Georgia. It can reach over 3m (10ft) in height. Although this striking plant can be attractive in certain situations, most gardeners will want to eradicate it, as it is potentially invasive and the sap can cause severe skin burns. It is widely distributed in the wild and poses a serious risk to people who are unaware of its potential for harm.

        Giant hogweed. Credit: RHS/Advisory.

        Quick facts
        Common name Giant hogweed
        Botanical name Heracleum mantegazzianum
        Areas affected Gardens and allotments adjacent to infested woodland, heathland or common land
        Main causes Spreads by seed
        Timing Seen spring to autumn; treat in summer
        Jump to
        What is giant hogweed?
        Although an impressive sight when fully grown, giant hogweed is invasive and potentially harmful. Chemicals in the sap can cause photodermatitis or photosensitivity, where the skin becomes very sensitive to sunlight and may suffer blistering, pigmentation and long-lasting scars.

        The giant hogweeds are usually referred to by one name, Heracleum mantegazzianum. Research by RHS and other botanists shows that, while this is one of the species, there are as many as four other giant hogweeds at large in Britain some of which are biennial and others perennial. However, when tested all these had high levels of furanocoumarins (the chemicals which cause burning by making the skin sensitive to sunlight) and so all pose a risk to public health.

        There is also a native hogweed, Heracleum sphondylium, which will be a familiar plant to gardeners and those who like to go walking in the UK. It can grow to six foot or so when in flower but is nevertheless a much smaller plant than giant hogweed. It can cause rashes and other skin complaints but reactions tend not be as severe as with the larger species.

        The giant hogweeds were introduced into Britain and Europe from the Caucasus Mountains in the nineteenth century. The earliest documented reference to their introduction into Britain that has been traced is from the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Seed List of 1817 where giant hogweed, under the name of Heracleum giganteum was listed among seeds supplied to Kew by the Russian Gorenki Botanic Gardens. They were soon introduced into the horticultural trade and being aesthetically impressive plants, were widely planted in ornamental gardens throughout Britain. Unfortunately they quickly escaped from cultivation with the first naturalised (‘wild’) population recorded in Cambridgeshire in 1828, and are now widely naturalised as invasive species throughout much of Britain and Europe.

        Their occurrence is monitored and it appears that they are reported to be continuing to spread and can be found in every part of the British Isles. Details can be found on the Non-native Species Secretariat website (search 'Heracleum').

        Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum), is a tall, cow parsley-like plant with thick bristly stems that are often purple-blotched.

        The flowers are white and held in umbels, (flat-topped clusters, like those of carrots or cow parsley), with all the flowers in the umbel facing upwards. The flower heads can be as large as 60cm (2ft) across. It can reach a height of 3.5m (11.5ft) or more and has a spread of about 1-2m (3.5-7ft).

        Giant hogweed is usually biennial, forming a rosette of jagged, lobed leaves in the first year before sending up a flower spike in the second year and then setting seed. True biennials only live for two years, dying after flowering, but giant hogweed does not always behave as a true biennial and in fact some are perennial, coming up year after year.

        Although there is no statutory obligation for landowners to eliminate giant hogweed, local authorities will often take action to remove infestations in public areas. Plants that are undesirable, out-compete desired plants, or simply invade half the garden are classed as weeds and require control. Weeds from abroad with strongly invasive tendencies are termed ‘invasive aliens’ and pose a severe threat to wild or other uncultivated environments, such as railway embankments.

        Because of the severity of the threat, legislation has been applied to invasive aliens, including giant hogweed. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) lists it on Schedule 9, Section 14 meaning it is an offence to cause giant hogweed to grow in the wild in England and Wales (similar legislation applies in Scotland and Northern Ireland). Also it can be the subject of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders where occupiers of giant hogweed infested ground can be required to remove the weed or face penalties.

        Local Authorities have powers under certain circumstances to require giant hogweed to be removed.

        First, consider whether this can be done using non-chemical means such as digging out or suppressing with mulch. Where these methods are not feasible, chemical controls may need to be used.

        When controlling giant hogweed always wear gloves, cover your arms and legs, and ideally wear a face mask when working on or near it. Cut plant debris, contaminated clothing and tools are potentially hazardous too. Wash any skin that comes in contact with the plant immediately. Ensure that contractors working on your land are aware of the risks and competent to deal with this weed.

        Non-chemical controls
        Consider if non-chemical controls are an option;

        On a garden scale, appropriate measures include pulling up young plants by hand when the soil is moist. Do this in May when the giant hogweed has reached a reasonable height, but before it has produced its flowering spike. For larger plants it might be necessary to loosen the roots with a fork first.

        Never let hogweed set seed, but allow the flower spike to form and then remove it before the flowers fade. At this stage, the plant is less likely to survive trimming than earlier in the year. Remember that perennial forms have been identified by RHS research and preventing them from setting seed will not reduce giant hogweed populations quickly.

        Protect yourself from any skin contact with the sap, especially your face, when cutting stems, and carry out control measures in overcast weather avoiding sunny periods. Wash off any sap as soon as possible with plenty of cold water.

        Larger scale areas are probably best left to the professionals, who should wear full protective clothing, especially if they are using a strimmer. Strimmers send sap and fragments flying so face protection is essential.

        Chemical controls
        Choose a weedkiller that is appropriate for purpose by reading the label carefully before buying or using. Those of low persistence such as contact weedkillers, diquat or pelargonic acid for example, will kill the top growth. However, systemic weedkillers based on glyphosate are usually the best choice as these kill roots also. Residual weedkillers persist in the soil for several weeks so particular care must be taken when using them.

        Giant hogweed prefers moist fertile areas often near waterways. It is essential that weedkiller never under any circumstances enters waterways. Seek advice from the Environment Agency before undertaking spraying near rivers, streams and ponds.

        Where there are many plants, try applying a tough weedkiller containing glyphosate (e.g. Scotts Roundup Tree Stump & Rootkiller, SBM Job done Tough Weedkiller (soluble sachet only), SBM Job done Tough Tree Stump Killer (soluble sachet only), Doff Maxi Strength Glyphosate Weedkiller or Westland Resolva Xtra Tough Concentrate). Ideally, spray the young foliage in May. Plants should be re-treated in August or September, if necessary. Alternatively, cut back flowering plants and then spray any young foliage that re-grows in August and September. Mature plants are likely to need more than one treatment to kill them. Remember that glyphosate damages any plants it touches, so cover up ornamental plants with polythene or cardboard boxes before spraying.

        Triclopyr (selective systemic weedkiller)
        Applying Vitax SBK Brushwood Killer (based on triclopyr) to the hollow cut stems after cutting back may be effective. Triclopyr is a residual weedkiller that does not harm long grass.


        Quick facts
        Common name Giant hogweed
        Botanical name Heracleum mantegazzianum
        Areas affected Gardens and allotments adjacent to infested woodland, heathland or common land
        Main causes Spreads by seed
        Timing Seen spring to autumn; treat in summer
        • Informative Informative x 1
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        • Phil A

          Phil A Guest

          Not exactly the sap as much as the hairs on the plant that cause sensitivity in much the same way that nettles do.

          Before the introduction of hops, common hogweed was used as a flavouring/preservative in ale :yikes:
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          • ARMANDII

            ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

            Jan 12, 2019
            I bet that put some bite into the drink, Pal:heehee:
            • Agree Agree x 1
            • Liz the pot

              Liz the pot Total Gardener

              Jul 1, 2015
              I was watching Master chef and one chap used Hogweed as part of his food that he cooked for the 3 judges.
              They gave a brief warning but it looked interesting on the plate.
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              • HarryS

                HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

                Aug 28, 2010
                So how do you tell Hogweed from a Cowslip ?
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                • Phil A

                  Phil A Guest

                  Probably fine once the hairs are cooked :fingers crossed:

                  Cowslip has ovate leaves and is 6 inches tall, hogweed has palmate leaves and is 3 foot tall.
                  • Informative Informative x 1
                  • Ned

                    Ned Evaporated

                    Apr 25, 2017
                    Prime Minister
                    The Moon
                    [​IMG] So, @HarryS - how do we tell Hogweed from a Cowslip ?
                    • Funny Funny x 1
                    • HarryS

                      HarryS Eternally Optimistic Gardener

                      Aug 28, 2010
                      One's bigger than t'other , Miss :chicken:

                      So if cowslips are only 150mm tall , it must be Hogweed I see . Will take a photo next year .
                    • Redwing

                      Redwing Wild Gardener

                      Mar 22, 2009
                      I think you mean cow parsley. Cowslip is a beautiful yellow flower in the primula family.
                      • Agree Agree x 1
                      • Phil A

                        Phil A Guest

                        :doh:Of course he did :redface:

                        Cow parsley has fine divided hairless leaves, hogweed has broad paler hairy leaves, hemlock is in the same family so be very careful :)
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