Brexit -am I stupid or what

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by wiseowl, Dec 10, 2018.

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  1. NigelJ

    NigelJ Total Gardener

    Jan 31, 2012
    Mad Scientist
    Paignton Devon
    Baseball bat!!! This is the UK not the USA: so surely cricket bat or pickaxe handle is more appropriate.
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    • NigelJ

      NigelJ Total Gardener

      Jan 31, 2012
      Mad Scientist
      Paignton Devon
      Perhaps the actual date of Brexit (or revocation of article 50) should become a Bank Holiday and named as a Day of Peace and Reconcilation.
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      • clanless

        clanless Total Gardener

        Jan 20, 2013
        Gentleman of leisure.
        North Wales
        This thread is going off topic - and I'm as guilty as anyone else for posting non brexit related messages - we need another one specifically to discuss the election - I fink anyway.
      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        This point was mentioned earlier and it was decided that they are linked so should remain the same :) :blue thumb:

        And I'm sure you're not a fink! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
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        • CanadianLori

          CanadianLori Total Gardener

          Sep 20, 2015
          Battle Axe
          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
          Oh no, you misread that - I said I enjoy reading Opinions - not having the views slant mine :) I don't understand how Brexit can be of a huge consequence to people not living in the country and am interested to know why a host country would be cutting off medical care, etc- @noisette47 ? Over here, many people are from other countries and have applied for and been accepted as landed immigrants/permanent residents and they then can access our healthcare and other public services. It's really just declaring that they're here for the long term and not taking on citizenship. What is different about these European countries? They have loads of migrants from other places such as Syria, etc. and don't seem to treat them badly. Curious here. :noidea:
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          • ARMANDII

            ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

            Jan 12, 2019
            I doubt that if, when we leave the EU, it will be the end of the matter, Nigel, as the more than 3 years caused by our MP's desire not to observe the result of the 2016 Referendum has caused great division among the man/woman on the street and even within families.
            The flight of many MP's from Parliament knowing that they would not be voted back, and being able to retreat to large bank accounts and other well paid jobs, will bring about a possible change in Parliament and the way Politics are done.
            I think that History will show that the Brexit crisis has caused a great change in the way we do many things not just how we trade with Europe, so I think disagreement and upset will continue for a few years more. That observation depends, of course, on the result of the forthcoming General Election, as we could end up with a Hung Parliment continuing our Political torture or, God Forbid, a Labour Government with Corbyn in charge. The main Political Parties are promising they will lead us all to a new Utopia, while the smaller parties are demanding a bigger presence in Politics or even revoking Article 50 so nothing, the SNP wants independence and a break up of the UK, the Labour Party in Wales wants further political independence from Parliament, etc, so this political and economic crisis is destined to last at least a couple of years or three.
            And all that while political changes are taking place in Europe with the Far Right gaining strength, Spain is in chaos, Italy, Greece and Portugal are unhappy with the EU, Russia is expanding it's power in the Middle East with such countries either in revolt against their Governments or in conflict,with America retreating from bases globally, a "rogue" American President committing to a Trade War with China and now extending that War to Europe and other countries and if you add the recognition of Climate change by Politicians and the effects that we can actually see........then things they are a'changin.

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            • ARMANDII

              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

              Jan 12, 2019
              Well, during the Brexit "negotiations" British people who have decided, for various reasons to live in Europe and have businesses have been used as "bargaining chips"more than 3 years by the EU while, to be fair, EU immigrants in the UK have been used by our Government to a lesser extent because of the uproar that would cause should we carry out a nationalistic purge. So British immigrants in Europe feel/fear that their normal rights and businesses would be threatened.
            • CanadianLori

              CanadianLori Total Gardener

              Sep 20, 2015
              Battle Axe
              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
              Trump raised tariffs on many of our exports and you know what we did? We just shrugged and carried on. He eventually lowered them a bit because of pressure within his country. Our dollar sucks - but we've been there before. I just shop very little over the border these days.

              China rejected our pigs, now they have a pork shortage due to swine flu in their country, so now they want our pigs and our politicians try to take credit for this reversal. Same old, same old.

              ndependence whilst trading is our strength. We have a long border with the states and I don't mind there being border guards and identity checks. It goes along with being independent.​

              International trade is nothing but big business. And really only about the money.

              Money and state matters seem to be mushed together in the union?

              What is the biggest issue, having to support other countries or having other countries tell you what to do? Or both?
            • CanadianLori

              CanadianLori Total Gardener

              Sep 20, 2015
              Battle Axe
              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
              I still don't understand. Someone living in your country and spending their money there or running a business and employing people is a positive thing in my mind.

              Do the ex pats think they will be turfed from their host countries because those countries have said they will throw them out or is it just the old "double dare you" bluff and never actually been stated?

              As I say, we don't get information about any of the details of what exactly would happen to residents living outside their country of citizenship.
            • ARMANDII

              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

              Jan 12, 2019
              Not sure when that happened:scratch::dunno:!! As far as I know those people born in England still proudly announce that they are English.

              The declaration of nationality within Great Britain has been alive for centuries:dunno:
              We had the Welsh nationalists burning Holiday Homes in Wales because the owners were English. We still have entire Welsh Villages that only speak Welsh, (Cymraeg), in symbolic declaration that they are Welsh. I, and my Wife who was Welsh and spoke Cymraeg, would walk into some Welsh Pubs where the customers were speaking English and, when I ordered drinks and a meal in English, the customers would start speaking Cymraeg. When that happened my Wife would quietly translate for me:heehee:
              I spent nearly a year on the Isle of Lewis, (Aird Uig), where gaelic was spoken by the local residents who were very friendly and would speak English in my presence and they had contempt for the Scottish Mainland and it's rising nationalism, and still have.:cat-kittyandsmiley::coffee:
            • ARMANDII

              ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

              Jan 12, 2019
              I agree and again, to be fair, that point has been stressed quite well in Great Britain by all Poltical Parties and the Government, but not having a ear in European national, not EU, discussions I can't say if the same is being said in Europe. The problem is that the EU controls all it's members real politics and economies and such immigrants are tools to gain more negotiating power in Brexit. Immigrants in Great Britain do also fear that they are under attack and that their rights will be withdrawn but that is, in my opinion, due the to Campaign Fear carried out by Remainer organisations.:cat-kittyandsmiley::coffee:
              • Agree Agree x 2
              • ARMANDII

                ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                Jan 12, 2019
                Can we have a vote on that, please?:dunno::heehee:
              • noisette47

                noisette47 Total Gardener

                Jan 25, 2013
                Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
                At the risk of boring folks to death, I'll try to explain, albeit only from the French perspective and non-workers. When we (and thousands of others) left Britain in 2007, as pre-pensionsers or inactifs, we qualified for up to 2 years of health and social security cover, paid by Britain, as we had contributed sufficiently whilst living there. Once we reached State pension age, we were covered for life by the bi-lateral agreement between Britain and France. In between those two stages, however long that might be, we were permitted to contribute (as European citizens) to the French Health system, which doesn't come cheap! The exchange rate when we moved over was €1.50/£1, now it's around €1.15/£1. So obviously, you needed to do some careful maths to ensure that you'd have enough money to live, but you could only base your calculations on figures/agreements/the situation as it was at that time. For the very well-off, even the alternative of having to take out private health insurance was no big deal, but as I said, thousands came over here believing that the cost of living was less, they'd no mortgage, better climate etc etc. and never for a moment envisaging the current situation. The way the French health system works has evolved considerably since then, and there is means-tested help for low-income households BUT only for EU immigrants who've been stable residents for 5 years. The crux of France's immigration policy is that only people who will not become a financial burden on the State are welcome. (That's a bit of a joke, given their colonial liability, but that's another story!). So is the status of all the Brits 'living under the radar', flitting from Britain to Europe, not contributing anywhere. Little better than illegal immigrants, but because they own a house, and pay a bit of Council tax, they get away with it (up to now).
                So....there are hundreds of thousands of people who thought that their status as EU citizens was secure, that their health cover was secure and that their income was sufficient. All that will change if Brexit goes ahead, especially a Brexit without a clearly-defined agreement.
                Those who can/want to have taken French nationality. You don't have to choose either/or here, so most opt for the default dual nationality :)
                I'm sure that @SianInBelgium could give you another perspective on this from the viewpoint of young, working people.
                Personally, I don't think that 'the EU' has used Brits abroad as bargaining chips, whereas the British government under Theresa May most certainly did. But that's another discussion :biggrin:
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                • noisette47

                  noisette47 Total Gardener

                  Jan 25, 2013
                  Lot-et-Garonne, Aquitaine
                  Just to clarify, Lori, as far as France is concerned, Britain exports it's ageing, low-income pensioners to them, while France exports it's young, ambitious, high-spending workforce to London. That will be reversed as a result of Brexit.
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                  • ARMANDII

                    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                    Jan 12, 2019
                    Not on here, noisette, we're all good friends no matter what opinions we hold:love30::love30::thumbsup:
                    • Agree Agree x 2
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