In the Kitchen

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Mike Allen, Nov 16, 2019.

  1. Mike Allen

    Mike Allen Total Gardener

    Jan 4, 2014
    Retired. Plant Pathologist.
    Eltham. SE. London
    So here we are. Following on from the frying pan. Yes there are many electric cooking aids available today. I did have a Multi Cook appliance. I gave it to my daughter. A good item for all sorts of foods.
    In my kitchen. Since losing Val, I decided to sort things out and if possible to perhaps cut the fuel costs. The main cooker is electric ceramic hob, and a fan assisted oven. Great for a family but for one, too much waste and cost. So I bought myself a George Foreman griddle. Great for doing my sirloin and rump steaks on.

    Also of course the microwave. Now I can produce a meal in seconds instead of hours. Agreed, extra skills can be learned such as browning off the joint etc. Then I have, perhaps the most used gadget. The halogen oven. This really replaces the main oven. Takes a while perhaps to udjust to times etc. Here I can cook basically anything. I love fish. Fish so often fills the flat with long lasting but unwanted smells. Using 'cook in the bags' much of this is dealt with. OK! we have to pay the price for all these odds & sods. Yes. Having made use of them. OK now sunshine, set to and do the washing up. NO. Mike hasn't got a dish washer.

    Please friends. Please join in and support this thread. Think. We might grow veg etc. So let's know how you cook it and whatever else goes on in the kitchen.
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    • CanadianLori

      CanadianLori Total Gardener

      Sep 20, 2015
      Battle Axe
      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
      In the summer I barbecue quite a bit and also use my Sunoven.

      In winter, I go back to conventional methods. I do like my pressure cookers. They really cut down on time. I have a 4, 6 and 9 liter one. The 4 is perfect for "just me" times and then when I'm cooking for company, I use a larger one.

      I do not own a deep fryer but use an air fryer when I want crisp "faux" fried foods.

      I own too many things for my own good. They don't all fit in my kitchen cupboards (when I bought new drawer and cupboard doorknobs, I needed 48) so I have to store some down in the cellar where I have more cupboards.. I have tried to stop buying so many specialty use items and make current pots etc, do dual duty.
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      • Mike Allen

        Mike Allen Total Gardener

        Jan 4, 2014
        Retired. Plant Pathologist.
        Eltham. SE. London
        Great. C'mon folks join in. So. How do I boil and egg???? We are all here to share our wisdom.
        • Funny Funny x 1
        • CanadianLori

          CanadianLori Total Gardener

          Sep 20, 2015
          Battle Axe
          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
          @Mike Allen I believe it is quite late at night there. Perhaps you'll see more action on the sunny side :)

          I've just finished the base for a strawberry custard ice cream and tomorrow morning the churning begins!
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          • Upsydaisy

            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

            Apr 26, 2017
            Living in hope of world wide peace.
            Hampshire. Zone 8b
            Very similar to Lori, we BBQ a lot too. We had our first one this year on January 1st!
            Now there is only the two of us we use the Pressure Cooker, Slow Cooker and Rice Cooker ( which is brilliant for pasta) mainly and batch cook meals to be frozen. We have 2 main ovens but also have a smaller table top one too which is ideal for when just a couple of portions require oven cooking. We also have George Foreman griddle which is brilliant too.:blue thumb:

            On the subject of eggs. I cook them in the microwave ...using a small dish or even a saucer I pour a tiny amount of water in it and microwave it for 20 secs I then tip the water away and crack an egg into the warm dish and pierce the yolk , then cook for 10- 20 secs at a time until it's cooked to individual tastes. It comes out nice and flat just like a fried egg does......only without being fried:dbgrtmb:
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            • CanadianLori

              CanadianLori Total Gardener

              Sep 20, 2015
              Battle Axe
              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
              I have two soft boiled eggs every morning. I put them in a pot with warm water, then bring it to the boil. I have a three minute timer that I do use, but as soon as the boil starts, I push the toast down in the toaster and for some reason, the toast finishes almost exactly when the timer runs out. The protein sticks with me all morning and I've consumed no extra fats because the eggs are boiled and I don't butter my soldiers.
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              • Mike Allen

                Mike Allen Total Gardener

                Jan 4, 2014
                Retired. Plant Pathologist.
                Eltham. SE. London
                Great. Fantastic. Keep it going.
                • Like Like x 2
                  Last edited: Nov 17, 2019
                • Upsydaisy

                  Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                  Apr 26, 2017
                  Living in hope of world wide peace.
                  Hampshire. Zone 8b
                  We think the same lori! If we want eggs to ' look' more boiled we have microwave lidded egg cups for cooking them in. The flat 'fried' look method is good between two slices of you...unbuttered. :dbgrtmb: We do all we can to limit to use of additional fats where ever possible too.
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                  • shiney

                    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                    Jul 3, 2006
                    Retired - Last Century!!!
                    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                    I'm still old fashioned with my cooking. :noidea: We are fortunate to have a rather large gas cooking range and I tend to cook lots of different types of meals on it. I don't have a microwave or an electric toaster - but I do have an electric kettle.

                    I love cooking on gas, it's so responsive, and toast seems to be a much better flavour cooked under a flame - although I used to prefer it even more when we used toasting forks in front of the open fire.

                    We do a lot of entertaining for anything up to about forty people at a time and two large gas ovens (one is fan assisted) and eight hobs are quite often all in use at the same time. I do have some rather large pans that require two hands to lift them, especially when full and the biggest would hold about three gallons. :rolleyespink:

                    We don't deep fry anything but do stir fry a lot and always use olive oil for it (not virgin olive oil as it has a low burn point). Some things are cooked in just a little butter - eggs (in a non stick egg pan), steak, chops etc. (on a non-stick griddle).

                    The cooker has had a little problem recently, about 15 years old, where the extractor fan for the ovens and grill (saves the control knobs getting hot and melting :hate-shocked:) and the repairman is having trouble sourcing the small controller for us. He has said he's trying to find one on the net but he may have to get a replacement from the manufacturers. The problem with that is they don't do just the controller on its own anymore. It is now attached to the big extractor so we would have to replace both. :doh:

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                    • Victoria

                      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                      Jun 9, 2006
                      Lady of Leisure
                      Messines, Algarve
                      We use a Phillips DryFryer, have done for years. Can do all sorts in it ... chips, lyonnaise potatoes, soups/stews, yesterday did meatloaf. Great for part-baked rolls, done in 3 minutes. Today will do the corned beef and onion pies in the oven but will freeze one then reheat in 'Phil' as we call him when needed. Phil has a small footprint which is great, although I have 15 feet of marble counter I don't like it bumper to bumper. Of course there is the obligatory kettle and toaster and T'other Half's espresso machine.


                      We use the microwave for poached eggs, chicken breasts and vegetables. Rarely use the oven. Gas hob for occasional frying. Oven is electric but hobs are typically 3 gas plus one electric which I have never used in nearly 20 years.

                      I have used an electric egg boiler for some 25 years.
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                      • Upsydaisy

                        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                        Apr 26, 2017
                        Living in hope of world wide peace.
                        Hampshire. Zone 8b
                        We use both ovens when cooking for larger numbers. Both are large and one is also fan assisted too. I use to enjoy cooking back when the children lived at home, now I would rather spend time on other things. Now that hubs has finally retired he does most of the cooking, he had a natural gift and could easily match some top chefs!! Coming from the middle east the flavours he creates are amazing. Thankfully our three sons have inherited his great cooking skills too. None of us (even me!) use recipes, we either 'wing it' or create meals we've tasted/ enjoyed in the past. So I usually sit back now and let the men in my life spoil me!!:)
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                        • Selleri

                          Selleri Koala

                          Mar 1, 2009
                          North Tyneside
                          It's just the Teenager and me now so we batch cook and freeze a lot, it's so nice to have proper food on weekday nights and just do a veg side dish whilst a meat stew or lasagne is warming in the microwave. :)

                          Cooking is the main event of every night, that's when we spend the half an hour or hours over the weekend chopping together and talking. It's a natural way to spend time together and it's easy to talk when you are doing something rather than sitting down trying to make a conversation.

                          We cook very old fashionedly, gas stove and oven. Like Shiney, I love gas as it's so responsive and feels right. We use a lot of fat, mainly olive oil and butter, fatty pieces of meat (pork belly... mmmm...:love30: ) and various veg. Living in Italy convinced me on the importance of seasonal cooking, so at the moment it's very much cabbage-beetroot-potatoes-leeks and meat going on. We have a large kitchen but it doesn't have a radiator, which keeps my cacti happy I guess :noidea:. Gas oven takes care of that quickly, we often just sit in front of the oven and chat when the food is cooking. Our gas bill is astronomical but I think it's a good investment :)

                          I'll take a look at the DryFryer and halogen oven, they sound useful. I'm not a big fan of gadgets, a good knife, chopping board and a bottle of olive oil is the start of a great dish to me :biggrin: but one must move on with times especially as I'm likely to be reduced to single household sooner rather than later and it doesn't make sense to heat the oven up for one.
                          • Like Like x 7
                          • Fat Controller

                            Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                            May 5, 2012
                            Public Transport
                            At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                            What is a Sunoven @CanadianLori?
                            • Agree Agree x 2
                            • wiseowl

                              wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                              Oct 29, 2006
                              Philosophy of people
                              Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                              Good morning we have this :smile:


                              But we much prefer this method:loll:there nothing quite like tasting the smoke in your cup of tea;):blue thumb:
                              • Funny Funny x 8
                              • Fat Controller

                                Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                                May 5, 2012
                                Public Transport
                                At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                                I must admit that we have accrued quite a few kitchen gadgets over the years, with some of them being quite expensive which we questioned ourselves over at the time when we bought them - thankfully, for the most part, the old adage of getting what you pay for seems to have been borne out as a lot of them are years old now and still going strong.

                                We have a bog standard gas hob which is part of the house, and as we rent we can't do anything about it - having said that, even if we could, there wouldn't be a lot we could do as our kitchen is really small.

                                Years back I bought Mrs C a Kitchenaid mixer - absolute brute of a thing - but it is a great tool, and through accruing various attachments, it even gets used to make pasta.

                                Our oven is a Neff fellow, which we installed (the landlords one is dry stored) and it is another cracker of a machine - fan assisted, but so well sealed it is nigh-on silent in operation, and it is really efficient energy wise which means it doesn't cost the earth to run. Better still, it has a pyrolytic cleaning function which heats the oven to stupidly hot temperatures and leaves a wee film of ash that you just wipe off.

                                More recently, we had to retire our faithful old slow cooker (after many, many years of use!), so bought one of these -
                                The ability to put the inner pot on the hob to brown stuff before it goes into the slow cooker itself is more handy than you might believe.

                                My favourite toy is this one -
                                I almost didn't bother with frying pans on the back of this fellow, but it simply doesn't do fried eggs and of course you can't do things like fritatta or omelette on it. We tried a George Foreman grill when they first came out and after two uses, we gave it away as I hated the thing - it seemed to turn everything to tasteless cardboard. This DeLonghi seems to be that bit hotter, and cooks so many things beautifully well - bit like having a barbecue indoors that doesn't smoke. It gets used for fry up stuff including sausage, bacon, tomatoes etc, it does corn on the cob, spatchcocked whole chicken, small meat joints, pizza, waffles, toasties, panini..... just brilliant, and where there is fat to be drained away, it does so.
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