I would take her seriously if she went to China, India and some other of those places. Her acting is quite good though. Tears on cue. I do think we should be better custodians of our planet but why did this twit come here and tell us not to use our natural gas to heat our homes? We'd freeze to death. We don't have any coal plants in my province, all have been shut down so I'd love to know where this little girl is getting her data. It's also been proven that our national carbon footprint is extremely low because of our massive forests and parks. One of our parks is over 44,000 square kilometers, roughly 30% the size of England. Our oil sands are a bit nasty however there have been many improvements in manufacture and restoration to the lands. We're partnering with our Native peoples in working to create cleaner collection and distribution. So I'd really like to know what this little twit is doing in Canada. Just south of us, there are lots of lots of coal power plants and other filthy things that she failed to point her finger toward. Okay, had my grumble...
The little twit is just sending out a warning ,a warning that if not heeded the consequences are there for all to see. The problem being that we are only concerned about the hear and now and when the hear and now are gone.............God help us. He just might .
Yes, lots need to be done but this little twit has been going around telling little kids that in 12 years we are all dead. Yes, there's been lots of parents protesting about how the message is being delivered in such a harsh manner - there is no reason to send kindergarten kids home in tears thinking that they won't make it to age 20. And that is what she has done. Scared little kids. Learning young is important but this is ridiculous! She needs to go to China. They produce nearly 30% of the world's Co2.
She is just a PITA in my opinion, full stop. I'm sure she is actually a 90yr old in disguise. A funny little old lady.
David Attenborough has handed the mantle to Greta. It’s in safe hands. We are all talking about it........That’s a great start.
I've come across some pretty low political tax raising ideas, but using kids has got to be the lowest one yet.
Roders I just dont get it, and I probably never will. It will take more than one angry little kid to change something that has been happening well before I was born. I dont feel responsible and I resent this little so and so telling me I should. I just wonder what these kind of people are worried about, is it the planet, or the human race? They are two very different things IMO.
@roders I DO get it! 1. This past summer I cooked many a meal using a sun oven. Zero power or fuel only sunshine. 2. I exclusively used solar power to run water pumps, lighting, irrigation systems, and fans in my three greenhouses. 3. I used natural pesticides. 4. I reused or recycled to the point that I have one bag of rubbish per month. And I have lots of people visit so it is not like a one person household. 5. I use a person/pedal powered clothes washer and hang my clothes to dry. 6. I use insulating curtains to help keep out the heat in summer and the cold in winter in addition to having double glazed windows. 7. I hand rake my leaves before mulching. 8. I've changed every light bulb, where possible, in my home, over to LED. All of the lighting in my greenhouses are LED. I do have power tools for work inside and out and only use them when necessary and that is when I am physically not strong enough to do the job without them. I know all the gardeners here are conscientious about their footprint on this earth. But I can guarantee you, if Greta is not convincing the Chinese, then she is spitting in the wind. Most developed countries (other than the U. S.) are working every day to come up with ways to create cleaner power and she is preaching about things that are already being worked on. And the electric car? If your electric comes from coal power plants, then you're not doing anything to help the planet! Yes, many things we can do but I refuse to be preached to by that little actress. Let's start a discussion on what we have done (as my points above) to help in our own small way. You first....
I happen to think she’s an outstanding individual. AFAIC, she has highlighted the need to stop talking, and start acting. It’s easy to pour cold water, but it’s time we woke up to the reality of the situation. I can remember, maybe twenty or so years ago, when climate change was highlighted, many sought refuge in denial. Well, they’re not denying it now. Now we’re in the ‘finger pointing’ phase. Of course, ‘we’ can all do our bit, but that’ll get us nowhere. The time has come, in my view, for legislation, a job for governments. Left to our own devices, we’re our own worst enemy. It won’t be popular, but it is necessary. Sadly, I think the sceptics will get their way, but that’s ok, they won’t have to suffer the consequences...