I'm reading different opinions on whether you should use hormone rooting powder for pelargonium cuttings. Please does anyone have experience / advice on this? Thank you.
Hi @JJ28 , I've grown Pelargoniums for around 30 years now and have never used Hormone Rooting Powder. They are one of the easiest plants to take cuttings off.. I've even rooted them in glasses of water on the kitchen window and then potted them up once they've rooted.
I grow 33 different cutting raised Pelargoniums, over 4000 every year, for retail to the public, never used rooting hormones, just base heat, and low nutrient seed and cutting compost.
Thank you KFF and Cuttings. No powder will be used then. I don't have base heat, just windowsill above....next to... radiator. I did wonder if they would root in glasses of water so will try some like that as well, along with Busy Lizzies. I can't go out for seeds so am relying for lots of cutting grown plants to use in the borders this year.
Sorry to thread hijack but does anyone have a guide on growing rose cuttings? My mum has the most beautiful wild rose in her garden I’d love to try and grow.
I stopped using so called hormone rooting powder when they took captan out of it. The only real reason for using it was that the fungicide helped to stop the cuttings rotting. I can also remember mixing up Benlate and putting cuttings in a plastic bag and making sure they got a covering, but you cant do that anymore.
Benlate! showing your age Pete. I never used HRP, just let the cut surface callus and then inserted. In a galaxy far far away we used to put one cutting in a three and a half inch clay pot, things have move on a bit since the early 70's.
English cocker called Rupert. Sadly he passed away a few weeks ago aged just one and left a hole so big in my heart. Thank you for the compliments though.
That's so sad Scotty, the loss of a loved dog does leave a big hole which never 100% heals. We have always kept Cockers. Molly is my avatar photo, a bundle of energy and fun.
Hi @Cuttings , Could we ask your thoughts on the practice of letting the Pel cuttings wound dry /callus over before placing in the compost and if so for how long ? You can take a straight cut under a node or almost pull of the cutting off against the main branch, so leaving a 'heal' on the cutting, do you recommend both ways ?