Well hello GC, after a 6 months absence I am glad to be back. The reason I have not been around is my gardening mojo sadly just seemed to leave me. But hope springs eternal and hopefully it is on its way back ! I have just ordered some Petchoas, a new plant to me. Apparently they are a cross between calibrachoa and petunias/surfinias. For baskets I find calis are to small, but superb in a small 6" wall pot. Surfinias love them but they can get very lanky even though I prune them back, also in my windy location the baskets can get straggly. Has anyone else grown these, and what is your opinion on them? My plan is to have two 14" baskets, will 5 plants fill them OK ? TIA Petchoas
Good morning @HarryS my friend I understand perfectly it happens to the best of us,a warm welcome back ,I have never grown Petchoas but hopefully this link might be of some use to you Petchoa - the New Kid in Town
Thank you WOL and Shiney. Good to see that some other old fogies are still here Hopefully I can participate a little from now and pass on my dubious gardening pearls of wisdom
Good afternoon @HarryS no worries my friend ,I have just googled "Fogies" and it says "a very old-fashioned or conservative person". I have some of that
Can I be a youngish 'fogie' please? Hiya HarryS! I missed you, welcome back! Please will you stop torturing me with glimpses of bedding plants that I can only dream of?
Hi John, thanks for the post. I just seemed to lose interest in gardening at the end of last year. But now I have all my seeds germinating and plugs from Brookside potted up . So hopefully I can get back into it. Anyway as we are social-distancing now, I have nothing else to do
@noisette47 , unlucky there is no plug supply chain in France. Never come across Kinder plugs before. I use Brookside Nursery for plugs , excellent quality plus they deliver on the week that you specify, I think JWK uses them as well.
Yes I use Brookside Nursery too, my order is coming next week. I'm getting Surfina, Impatiens, Bacopa and Sunpatiens. I've not heard of Petchoas before Harry, please let us know how they perform.
Will do John. I love Surfinias , bit they do tend to get wind swept and a bit straggly at the front of my house. Hoping the Petchoas will be a little more compact.
Glad you are back Harry. I wonder whether these hybrids are going to be sticky or not as Petunias certainly are. Calibrachoas are more compact and smaller leaved so what Petchoas will be like we will have to find out. When you have to tray up 1/2000 Petunias or more at a time (as I have done in the past) your fingers almost stick together!!