Acer very unhealthy

Discussion in 'NEW Gardeners !' started by starbuck88, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. starbuck88

    starbuck88 Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 8, 2020

    I am not a gardener by nature, I am very new to looking after my own garden and plants.

    I have what was a lovely Acer, I am worried it has verticillium wilt. I've attached photos for you to see what it all looks like.

    This is what it looked like after I bought it and immediately potted in a bigger pot.


    This is what it looks like now 3 years later...


    I know, I am ashamed.

    One of the main trunks? appears green the other is all dark brown, the one that is all dark brown doesn't have anything growing on it...



    I have already pruned off all the completely dead branches.

    Here you can see a stub where I have pruned off a dead branch, but you can see very slight green colour to the right hand side of it...


    this entire side has nothing growing on it, as the trunk? moves up it turns from brown to green, I cut back some of the branches and there is green inside...


    Close up of the Dead (not sure?) side.


    On the other side that's growing (poorly) there are all these spots, what are they?


    Again on the 'good' side you see green branches and then there is a redish colour branch?


    The following is a branch/shoot that has come off the side near the base, nothing was growing on it so have cut it to see inside and it is mostly green inside..


    Last picture, of all the current leaves on it...


    Can I save it? what should I do? Is what I'm calling the bad side done for? What should my next steps be? I bought it as it had lovely bright red leaves and now they are a dull red, will the colour come back when it's healthy again?

    I am a total noob and I am ashamed it has come to this.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    It probably would have preferred an Ericaceous compost ...

    They hate wind (particularly the finely cut leave types), so I would keep it very sheltered.

    if it is outdoors / exposed overwinter (and even if not ...) Acers suffer dieback of old branches. Not much that you can do about that (that I know of ...)

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