Corona Virus Treatment

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by ricky101, Feb 10, 2020.

  1. Mike Allen

    Mike Allen Total Gardener

    Jan 4, 2014
    Retired. Plant Pathologist.
    Eltham. SE. London
    I can see where Pete is coming from. I have mixed feelings at times over the NHS. I think we Brits are very fortunate to have it, especially when you look around the world and see how others have to fend for themselves.

    To me it seems that we have these great organizations, we expand them and then things go wrong. Too many fingers end up in thge pie.

    Anyway. You all know some of the problems I have had due to this pandmic etc. I thak one and all for your constant help and advice. It is now evident that I am on the radar. My medical number is in the system. Now I get a continuous flow of text messages each day. In addition phone calls from folk I don't know but who, without any prompting from me, know a lot about me. Strangely, all of a sudden people are so nice. Numerous offers of help, even to come and do a bit of domestic help, shopping and even just to phone and have a chat.

    I can well understand how many folk who are on lockdown can soon feel isolated. Obviously I miss my mate so much, but I have Amanda and the grandkids. I have maintaned an active regime to keep my brain working. Gardening of course, my scientific studies and research my writing and probably most of all............................getting on the nerves of my truly great friends here on GC. Thank you.

    Hearing a chap on todays news. He admitted that he was so afraid. He'd stock-piled food etc but was so afraid that he might die. How I wish I could chat with him.

    Thank you. Stay Safe. Luvs yer all.
    • Friendly Friendly x 4
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      It's sad that with all the wonderful work that the NHS staff have been doing there are some (very few) of them that are getting others a bad name.

      At a distance, I have been trying to help out some friends who have had a bereavement (not Covid). Their friend has been in a London hospital seriously ill for some time. She has no surviving relatives but a few friends have been listed as the equivalent of 'next of kin'. One of them was the friend who was able to be with her when she was admitted to hospital and the hospital have her listed as the contact. Another of the friends is the executor of the will and has Power of Attorney. This was all organised by the, now, deceased.

      Although not a religious person she wanted to be buried in the same cemetery as her parents who were Jewish. None of the friends were Jewish and didn't know how to go about it but knew that the religious procedure was to be buried within 24 hours and 48 at the outside. All systems are geared to this, including government rules, and normally runs very smoothly. There is an organisation called the Burial Society that only requires a phone call notifying the death and they organise everything - but need the death certificate.

      As our friend, the executor, was busy trying to contact other friends and do other civil organising I volunteered to find out everything else (I didn't know the deceased but am good at organising :noidea:). To try and get everything moving quickly I contacted the rabbi in the nearest town to me and they immediately said 'leave it to me - and I will also conduct the service'. Fantastic!

      So the religious side was organised, the rabbi sorted out the Burial Society and the Registrar was organised for the paperwork. This all occurred on Sat/Sunday and everyone was so enormously helpful that we couldn't praise them enough.

      Then came the blow! The registrar needed the notification of death in order to issue the paperwork. So our friend, the executor, phoned the hospital for the notification of death - and they refused! The nurse in charge and then the office refused because our friend wasn't on their list of contacts. So she said she would take in the Power of Attorney and the documents showing showing she was the executor. They told her she wasn't allowed to come to the hospital, so she offered to fax or copy them over the internet. They flatly refused and were quite rude about it. All the other people/organisations were disgusted. The funeral, which should have been on Sunday didn't happen until Tuesday and only after a lot of pressure was put on.

      The problem was mainly from the medical staff and not the admin. I can't mention the hospital as there are now official complaints going ahead but I did a bit of research and have found other complaints about that hospital. It's such a pity that one place can ruin the view of such a wonderful group of people that are working so hard for all of us. One of the friends is a nurse and also got nowhere!

      Letters of thanks have gone to all the others who helped although it was over the weekend. The rabbi got an extra special thanks for making the service a very personal one although they not only didn't know the deceased or the participants but isn't even in London. I think that most religious ministers would do the same but it's still praiseworthy.

      i'm pleased I got that off my chest :)
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      • Telmadee

        Telmadee Gardener

        May 7, 2020
        Lab tech
        @shiney so sorry to hear your friends have had to go through that and have the added upset with the hospital staff, I know it must be so stressful working for the NHS at this time, but they also need a bit of compassion to special cases like people of certain religions who's beliefs and customes are to lay their beloved to rest within a certain time scale. Once again my friend you came to someones aid, your friends are very blessed to have you, once again confirming that you are a good man Shiney,
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        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Thanks @Telmadee but my bit was the easy part. I only made two phone calls :noidea:
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          • Telmadee

            Telmadee Gardener

            May 7, 2020
            Lab tech
            @shiney it doesn't matter if it was 'only' two phone calls as you say, it is the fact that you came forward in someones time of need to offer assistance to try relieve some of their burden (if that's the right word to use without sounding disrespectful, as that isnt intended) and no doubt at all that those phone calls you made will have helped your friends so much and hopefully helped ease a bit of pain and upset two, and I have no doubt at all knowing you only for the short time that I have, but referring to our previous conversation, that should you have been able to or asked to do anymore to help your friends that you would have stepped straight up and would have done so.
            • Friendly Friendly x 1
            • Upsydaisy

              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

              Apr 26, 2017
              Living in hope of world wide peace.
              Hampshire. Zone 8b
              Can't fault the NHS in any way whatsoever. When my Dad suddenly went very downhill, about 3weeks ago, and it became obvious that he wouldn't pull through they pulled every possible stop to ensure he was looked after and supported.
              Within a day a hospital bed was delivered and set up for him in his lounge by the patio doors so that he could look out over his garden. When they realised he needed slip mats.....they magically appeared within the hour. He was prescribed a drug that was notoriously hard to get....3 hours later we were told which chemist had it in stock. He needed a hoist to assist the team in getting him in and out of bed very gently....the same afternoon a hospital hoist arrived. His pain needed managing and we were soon provided with a syringe driver which was fitted to Dad and we were shown how to use it and what to do if there was a blockage. He had two carers every 4 hours, OT , District Nurse and his own Dr check on him daily.

              We couldn't have asked for more, apart from wishing Dad was still here with us.

              A friend of mine passed away 5days before my Dad, she had the same Pancreatic Cancer too.
              On speaking with her husband this week,he too had only had praise for the NHS, she had the same high level of care from their medical team too. Hospital bed in their lounge overlooking the garden ,team of daily carers..etc.

              We knew how busy it was for his medical team, but they all arrived and seemingly had all the time in the world to gently tend to all Dad's needs and then talk and sit and support us too. There was an absolute air of peace and serenity at all times, even though we knew full well they had a huge list of patients to attend to following their visits to our Dad.

              Words cannot relay the depth of our thanks to you were definitely Dad's Angels in his time of need....and ours too.
              Thank you so very much.

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                Last edited: May 22, 2020
              • Scrungee

                Scrungee Well known for it

                Dec 5, 2010
                Central England on heavy clay soil
                Two months lockdown tomorrow, a significant date for the construction industry as either party in most construction contracts can terminate them after 2 months suspension of work.

                So if still shut tomorrow, many Contractors and Clients will have the opportunity to extract themselves from what may have become unprofitable or unviable projects.
                • Informative Informative x 4
                  Last edited: May 22, 2020
                • pete

                  pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                  Jan 9, 2005
                  Mid Kent
                  Must admit, once you get into the system they are good, in a lot of cases slow as in waiting lists, but you have to get passed the receptionist who is briefed to cut out time wasters, and then convince the GP to refer you.
                  You then get put on an endless waiting list before seeing a consultant and then an endlessly waiting list to get anything done.

                  If you are critically I'll you get a very different response and are mostly treated well.
                  The thing I find annoying is I could have probably managed to pay a private medical insurance for most of my life if I wasn't paying the NHS.
                  And I would expect much faster responses to my ailments than I get from the NHS.
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                  • clanless

                    clanless Total Gardener

                    Jan 20, 2013
                    Gentleman of leisure.
                    North Wales
                    I see that the beeb are reporting that Government spending has gone up , whilst personal spending has gone down...well...who would have guessed...
                    • Agree Agree x 1
                    • Scrungee

                      Scrungee Well known for it

                      Dec 5, 2010
                      Central England on heavy clay soil
                      When I collected my repeat prescription from the pharmacy at our village doctors surgery yesterday I used a disposable hand covering when pressing the entry system buzzer push. They don't sanitise it between visitors, so it's been touched by loads of visitors.

                      Mrs Scrungee was waiting outside and told me about the next visitor arriving swinging his face mask, pushed the buzzer, rubbed his nose/top lip with same finger, put on mask and then poked same finger inside to make it fit properly.

                      All the measures that the surgery put in place to prevent cross infection, and their system fails before even reaching the front door. There is no hope.
                      • Informative Informative x 1
                        Last edited: May 22, 2020
                      • pete

                        pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                        Jan 9, 2005
                        Mid Kent
                        Which points out that most of the stupid things people are doing to protect themselves is a total waste of time.
                        Its a publicity thing to make people feel safer, the only things that are working is the total shutdown we have been through and the distancing, everything else apart from washing your hands is pointless.
                        • Agree Agree x 3
                        • Jiffy

                          Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                          Aug 25, 2011
                          Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                          A friend of ours has to go for an op, with the NHS they will have to wait just over an year for the op so they looked at going private, they could have the op in two weeks, now the funny thing is that the op will be done by the same doc's and nurse's in the same hospital :dunno: must be lots of people wanting it done on the NHS then
                          This was before the lock down and the op hasn't be done yet
                          • Agree Agree x 1
                          • shiney

                            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                            Jul 3, 2006
                            Retired - Last Century!!!
                            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                            The virus is incredibly confused

                            It will only go 6ft but no further, unless it's on the beach, and then only at certain times.

                            It lives at parks outside. It doesn’t like supermarkets or grocery stores but it loves bars, churches, and small businesses.

                            It doesn’t live on take-away food because it only stays inside restaurants.

                            It apparently doesn’t live on the mail or any other home deliveries.

                            It will only enter a grocery store using a specific door and exit using another and while in the store, will only travel in one direction.

                            It apparently doesn’t like gloves, especially those that are never changed.

                            And it doesn’t mess with people driving alone in their car wearing a mask.

                            It's rumoured that it's planning on disappearing next month... but then... maybe not..

                            Because it's confused...
                            • Agree Agree x 1
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                            • pete

                              pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                              Jan 9, 2005
                              Mid Kent
                              Looks like Cummings might be Goings. :biggrin:
                              • Agree Agree x 2
                              • Funny Funny x 1
                              • Jiffy

                                Jiffy The Match is on Fire

                                Aug 25, 2011
                                Retired Next To The Bonfire in UK
                                Rules are meant to be broken by some !!!!!!!!!

                                I say they should lead by example
                                • Agree Agree x 2

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