My Garden Progress

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Kevin Cowans, Jul 19, 2018.

  1. Sheal

    Sheal Total Gardener

    Feb 2, 2011
    Dingwall, Ross-shire
    You're right Kevin. If we look after the things we have then they will last. Plus as you say, if you buy cheap you tend to get cheap and it doesn't last long.

    Nothing wrong with expensive taste except it's harder on the pocket. :) I was in the opticians today and had to choose two new frames. Of course the one's I really liked were above my price range, although I'm happy with those I've chosen.

    I'll look forward to seeing the furniture you eventually choose for the garden.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Kevin Cowans

      Kevin Cowans Super Gardener

      May 12, 2018
      Doncaster (DN3)
      Hello @Sheal

      I know what you mean by Frames for Glasses, when I started with Varifocal Lenses I needed a larger Frame so obviously I chose the expensive Frames, Tag Heuer at £500 :)

      I am pleased I did though, they are really nice Frames.

      As for the Garden Table, I think I have settled on one, I do not know the Policy on linking to Websites on this Forum, so I will just show a picture:

      Sleeper Table.jpg

      The size I will be going for will be 2.1m (L) x 0.8m (W) x 0.75m (H).

      I spoke to the company and they said that they can make the Benches higher if needed, as standard they are 450mm tall but I may request them to be made slightly higher because of my height.

      The Table is made out of European Oak so it should last a lifetime, hopefully.


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      • Sheal

        Sheal Total Gardener

        Feb 2, 2011
        Dingwall, Ross-shire
        Hi Kevin,

        I couldn't run to that amount for frames as I change mine every couple of years, but I do buy good frames in a middle price range. I have glasses for use when I'm on my laptop. I've had the frames for at least ten years although the lenses have been updated, and they've been the most comfortable I've owned. Surprisingly they were very cheap, I only paid £30 for them and bought them because they suited me. I wear bi-focals as I couldn't get on with varifocals. My two new pairs are a 'buy one, get one free' deal. One pair bi-focals the other straight forward reading glasses.

        I was expecting to see another suite for your garden not a table and benches, but they are practical and I like them. :) Solid oak is beautiful and will feel lovely when you run your hand over it. It will also be very heavy so you won't be moving it very often.

        If they make the benches higher, will they have to make the table higher too, so you can get your legs underneath?
        • Like Like x 1
        • Kevin Cowans

          Kevin Cowans Super Gardener

          May 12, 2018
          Doncaster (DN3)
          Hello @Sheal

          Regarding the Glasses, I need to clarify, it was £500 for the Frames and Lenses at the time, I think the Frames were approximately £300, still expensive but out of all the Frames I tried on they were the only ones that suited me :)

          Each Prescription is now approximately £400 so the prices have gone up, however, I do have Varifocal, Anti Glare, Reaction Lenses etc.

          With the seating I have decided to go with a more natural look which, to be honest, actually suits me more, also, the same company does other items in the same style such as a Cube Seat as can be seen below:

          Cube Seat.jpg

          I can add this in the other corner of the Patio, either as an extra seat or for other uses.

          I think it will look good when all is said and done :)

          I will have to check regarding the height of the Benches in relation to the Table, but I do not think that an extra 1" height on the Benches will affect things much, however, I will check, thanks for pointing that out.

          At the moment I am still waiting on the new Landscaper to come and put right the issues with the Patio :sad:

          He was due to come on 10 September but cancelled as he said he was running a few days behind schedule which is fine, these things happen, however, I have not received a new date for the work as yet and am now trying to decide if he is being genuine or if he is just messing me around.

          I will leave it another week and see if he gets in touch and I will then go from there.


          • Like Like x 1
          • Sheal

            Sheal Total Gardener

            Feb 2, 2011
            Dingwall, Ross-shire
            Hi Kevin,

            It's quite expensive just to be able to see properly, but needs must! I understand that Tag Heuer make watches too.

            The cube is quite a good idea, I don't think I would want to try and lift it though. :)

            I've found landscapers can be fickle people at times, not only with choosing what jobs they want do but also their pricing. Many years ago I wanted a two tier bed created in my previous garden with sleepers. I had a number of quotes for the job and found that those that didn't want to do the work either didn't reply to me or quoted an extortionate price. One quoted £5000, but the chap that took it on quoted £600 and did a very good job.
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            • Kevin Cowans

              Kevin Cowans Super Gardener

              May 12, 2018
              Doncaster (DN3)
              Hello @Sheal

              Sorry for the delay in replying, I have had a migraine :wallbanging:

              You are correct, Tag Heuer do indeed do watches, now they are out of my price range :)

              Actually, I do not wear a watch at all, not since I was a teenager.

              With the Cube, I was thinking I could actually use it as a base for a Buddha Sculpture, not sure though, more thinking required maybe?

              I do not know where I stand at the moment regarding the Landscapers, I did contact them and they did reply asking where the original Landscapers sourced the Slabs and the Setts which was a little surprising since when they visited they asked the same question and they actually said that the only place they have found them is a local (ish) company, who, according to their website have stock available of both the Slabs and the Setts.

              Maybe it is just me, with my Autism my memory tends to work differently to most, I remember every conversation I have ever had which comes in useful but can be too much at times since I experience my whole life in the present, difficult to explain.

              The last reply I got from them, where I reminded them of our previous conversation concerning the availability of the Slabs and Setts was that they would be in touch 'Soon', time is a difficult concept for me so I have no idea what 'Soon' means :noidea:

              I am going to leave contacting them again for a while, hopefully they will get back to me.

              I am also waiting on a Plasterer to get back to me, he said he was going to visit this past week to look at the wall I need skimming but he never came.

              All fun.


              • Like Like x 1
              • Sheal

                Sheal Total Gardener

                Feb 2, 2011
                Dingwall, Ross-shire
                Hi Kevin,

                I hope you are feeling better. :) Migraines I understand are quite debilitating and I count myself lucky that I never suffer from headaches.

                That's an interesting idea it also triggers others. My first thought was a sun dial, not that we see much of it. :biggrin:

                You are obviously worrying about the Landscapers. Calling them will make you feel better so may I suggest contacting them on Monday to find out where things stand. If they are evasive again perhaps you should ask them if they want to do the work. If they say yes, then try and get a start date from them.

                I don't mean to be patronising but from what you say you seem to handle your Autism very well. But as far as the situation with the Landscapers is concerned you have done all you can and it's now down to them. Gone are the days when it was polite to keep people informed about a business transaction. It's down to us to chase them now and find out what is happening.
                • Like Like x 1
                • Kevin Cowans

                  Kevin Cowans Super Gardener

                  May 12, 2018
                  Doncaster (DN3)
                  Hello @Sheal

                  Thanks, I am feeling better than I was, still feeling off, but better.

                  I have always suffered with headaches and have had Migraines going back to my early teens, you are definitely lucky to not have to endure them .

                  Over the years I have got used to the Migraines and how they act and for me personally, there is the pattern of 3 days to come, 3 days to stay and 3 days to go.

                  Thanks for the suggestion of the Sun Dial, however, where the Cube will be situated will be a Metre or so from an East Facing Fence so it would not be suitable, also, I really want to put a Buddha Statue in the garden to evoke Peace, I already have the sound of water which is calming.

                  You are correct, I am worrying about the Landscapers, I am also worried that if I contact them too much they may decide that they do not want the work whereas they may currently want it and it was difficult enough to find someone willing to correct the work of another Landscaper to begin with.

                  Overthinking much :wallbanging:

                  Your last paragraph was not patronising, at all.

                  I have had issues throughout my life and was only diagnosed as being Autistic in 2016 at the age of 50.

                  The diagnosis provided many answers to my life but also raised many new questions which I am still trying to work through.

                  I am going to try and move on to other things, if the Landscapers and the Plasterer contact me then great, if not then I will just start the search afresh.

                  It is just annoying, with the Patio in particular, since the things I want to do are dependent on getting the issues with the Patio corrected first such as getting the Patio Sealed which is now not going to be possible until next year due to the weather, only then will I be able to add the new furniture.


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                  • Sheal

                    Sheal Total Gardener

                    Feb 2, 2011
                    Dingwall, Ross-shire
                    Hi Kevin,

                    Mr S has suffered from bad headaches all his life too, but they are not migraines. I often wonder if the lack of caffeine in my diet makes the difference. I only drink water or very diluted orange squash. I'm also intolerant to many medicines including painkillers and they contain caffeine too.

                    Of course it's your decision when, or if to contact the Landscapers. I hope they come good for you. It's strange how thing's have that 'snowball' effect, one thing leading to another or holding up a specific process.

                    Taking your age into account that is quite a late diagnosis, but probably a relief to know what you are dealing with. It's really only in the recent couple of decades that doctors have recognised and started to understand it.
                    • Friendly Friendly x 1
                    • Kevin Cowans

                      Kevin Cowans Super Gardener

                      May 12, 2018
                      Doncaster (DN3)
                      Hello @Sheal

                      Thanks for the reply.

                      I do not think my headaches are related to caffeine intake as I too only drink water and I also stay away from painkillers as I am not able to tolerate them, luckily I have a relatively high threshold for pain.

                      Regarding my Diagnosis, I think that being born in 1966 there was nothing known about Autism until maybe the early 80s', even then knowledge of it was limited.

                      I really owe the Counsellor I was seeing at the time for other issues since she had dealt with people with Autism and picked up on the traits in me, if it was not for her I would still be going around in circles not knowing who I am.

                      I was finally Diagnosed on January 14 2016 at 11:10.

                      I think I will leave contacting the Landscapers until later this week, hopefully I will hear back from them before then, hopefully.

                      I have started running the Main Supply Hose for the Drip Irrigation around to the front garden so I need to finish positioning that and then installing the Drippers for the Plants so that will keep me busy for a while although I hate being out the front as I do not like being around people.

                      All fun :)


                      • Friendly Friendly x 2
                      • Sheal

                        Sheal Total Gardener

                        Feb 2, 2011
                        Dingwall, Ross-shire
                        Hi Kevin,

                        It was good that the Counsellor you were seeing had the experience to diagnose you. As you say, if not for her you would still be tormented not knowing one way or the other.

                        Let's hope the Landscapers do the right thing when you contact them and set a date for the work to be done.

                        Will it take long to set up the irrigation system in your front garden? You can try and choose a time when there's very few people around, perhaps lunch time when everyone has disappeared to eat. I do my weekly supermarket shop at that time as there are fewer people around. :)
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                        • Kevin Cowans

                          Kevin Cowans Super Gardener

                          May 12, 2018
                          Doncaster (DN3)
                          Hello @Sheal

                          Regarding the Landscapers, i just received an Email from them this morning saying they should be with me this Friday and that they will confirm later.

                          Hopefully things work out.

                          It should not take long to setup the irrigation system in the front garden, the main supply hose is in place so I just need to install the Drippers for the 16 plants.


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                          • JR

                            JR Chilled Gardener

                            Jul 19, 2020
                            Retired oil magnate
                            This is interesting Kevin. I've often thought back to my class room of the early 60's.
                            Kids that were either quiet or introvert would often get the cane..(i was in that category)
                            Likewise noisy boisterous one's did too.
                            Thankfully when i entered the secondary school there were no more wackings.
                            Back then the kids had to fit in the mainstream or else.
                            These days it's gone the other way... Little Freddy has got HLS (horrid little sod syndrome)
                            or some other excuse for getting their own way.
                            But that detracts the focus from genuine conditions such as Autism.
                            Our grandson was diagnosed with it at age 4. He avoids crowds..
                            Now he is 10 and you'd hardly notice, other than the fact that he can thrash me easily at any computer game.
                            I've never heard of a diagnosis at age 50 before, i wish you less headaches and a happy home and garden.
                            • Like Like x 1
                            • Kevin Cowans

                              Kevin Cowans Super Gardener

                              May 12, 2018
                              Doncaster (DN3)
                              Hello @JR

                              Thanks for the reply.

                              When I was at school I was always the child sitting at the back of the class keeping to himself, even in the Infants and Juniors I would not mix with the other children.

                              I too am wary of crowds, it is difficult to explain but it is like Claustrophobia but in open spaces, as I said, difficult to explain :)

                              Technology has always been a strong area for me, I was changing records on the record player at 3 years old, I just seem to understand technology, I can use anything instinctively hence why I have drawers of manuals that have never been opened.

                              I have been told by various specialists that I am in the unique position of being able to verbalise my Autism and I have in fact helped various Support Workers understand people with Autism who are not able to verbalise what they are feeling.

                              It feels good to help people :)


                              • Like Like x 3
                              • Sheal

                                Sheal Total Gardener

                                Feb 2, 2011
                                Dingwall, Ross-shire
                                Hi Kevin,

                                That's great news about the Landscapers, you were right to delay contacting them. I hope all goes well. :)
                                • Friendly Friendly x 1

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