One of our most liked, loved and respected Actors who seemed to turn the Characters he played into reality while also adding a touch of Scottish wry humour. If God is "M", Sean will be at home.
Always like Sean from seeing From Russia With Love in 1964. Possibly my favourite was The man who would be King. A sad loss.
That's quite right Pete, According to Wikipedia he was married to wife Micheline for 45 years..I don't see any complaints from her, but he did perhaps make some wacky statements years ago in what context who knows.
I have no time for anyone who abuses a woman, no matter what she may have done. Especially ones mate or ones children. How can you abuse one so special to you, one you claim to love as your own body?
Totally agree Mike. Schools should play a big part. I remember back at my primary school. The boys were told regularly that to hit a girl is the most cowardly horrible thing that you could do. I don't remember a single incident of it happening back then. I did talk to a work colleague some years back who announced that his wife 'presses my buttons' so he 'gave her a swipe' I never spoke to him again and he left the firm shortly after. They are out there sadly (they ought to be put in a cage) The animal kingdom looks after their own better than some people.