Corona Virus Treatment

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by ricky101, Feb 10, 2020.

  1. DianneW

    DianneW Head Gardener

    Dec 26, 2020
    Mr. W has had the Cominarty de Pfizer Vaccine and the whole set up was completely brilliant. It took 45 mins, he went in on time so went straight into his allotted cubicle where he was run through the procedure of his health(which I sent a file to them as he takes BP tablet daily)and asked of any allergies any knowledge of any possible contact with a suspected covid19 victim.
    He had exactly 15 mins rest afterwards and was asked how he felt.the injection by the way was completely painless..Home and now lunch:)
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    • DianneW

      DianneW Head Gardener

      Dec 26, 2020
      We are a population in Deux Sevres of approx 375.000 people yesterday we had 2 fatalities and cumulative deaths of 180 this link shows my regions figures as a guide
      Deux-Sèvres - Bulletin départemental Coronavirus SRAS-Covid-19

      • Vaccination strategy
      • Last updated: 03/02/21
        Number of people who received a first injection:

      • Last updated: 03/02/21
        Number of people who received a second injection:

      • Last updated: 31/01/21
        Doses in stock in health facilities:
    • Gizmo

      Gizmo Gardener

      Sep 19, 2020
      Hi we are both disabled with lunge disorders and heart problems we are aged 58.
      We was informed that we are on priority list 6 so still waiting for vaccine not only this but I am the main carer to my wife.
      I heard a while ago that after you have the vaccine you are suppose to stay in for 2 to 3 weeks for vaccine to work by the government
      Then why is it when you have the vaccine your not told by the professional who gives vaccine to say in for 2 to 3 weeks
      Thanks for your help and advice
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      They don't actually say you're supposed to stay in for two to three weeks. They say you should take the precaution of follow the same routine, for that period, as you have been before the vaccine. It takes that time for the vaccine to train your body. Even then, you shouldn't think it's a passport to gallivant around.

      The vaccine doesn't stop you contracting Covid but it helps the body fight it. :)
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      • Gizmo

        Gizmo Gardener

        Sep 19, 2020
      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        I could only see the first part of that article as I never click on 'agree to cookies' but it is highly likely that, being the Mail, it is their interpretation of what he said. I remember listening to him on the radio and what he was saying, with all his follow up, was that you still need to all your usual precautions and don't use having the jab as an excuse for not needing to be careful. They may actually be using some of his words as he keeps saying that at the moment we need to 'Stay at home and only go out if necessary'.

        I, and most of my friends, have had the jab and we have not changed what we have been doing. It doesn't stop you from catching Covid. It is certainly likely to reduce the incidence of people needing hospitalisation and take the pressure of the NHS. It should also help bring down the R rate and, hopefully, gradually allow life to return to a more normal state. The new normal is bound to be different.
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        • Gizmo

          Gizmo Gardener

          Sep 19, 2020
          Thanks for your reply. I don't really understand why the article is saying after first jab stay at home for 3 weeks. When people we know had the jab no advice was given after by health care professionals who give the vaccine.
          To be honest with you I am the main carer to my wife we are both disabled and I am extremely scared about going out of the house. Due to what was said by matt Hancock people with no symptoms can pass on covid.
        • JWK

          JWK Gardener Staff Member

          Jun 3, 2008
          @Gizmo, having read that article the advice is to carry on as we are now, essentially not to rush out as soon as you are vaccinated! I guess some people think they will be allowed to flout the rules once they have the jab. So you need to keep on as you are, avoiding going out unless essential. The lockdown rules apply to all not just the unvaccinated.

          Prof Van-Tam said: 'Regardless of whether someone has had their vaccination or not, it is vital everyone follows the national restrictions and public health advice, as protection takes up to three weeks to kick in and we don't yet know the impact of vaccines on transmission.'

          'So even after you have had both doses of the vaccine you may still give Covid to someone else and the chains of transmission will then continue,' he wrote.

          'If you change your behaviour you could still be spreading the virus, keeping the number of cases high and putting others at risk who also need their vaccine but are further down the queue.'
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          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            • Funny Funny x 9
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            • DianneW

              DianneW Head Gardener

              Dec 26, 2020
              4 February 2021
              [​IMG]France should receive around 27 million doses of Pfizer-BioNTech's Covid-19 vaccine by the end of June, 2021
              By Connexion journalist
              Pfizer is on track to meet its targets of vaccine dose deliveries to France and the EU, David Lepoittevin, director of the vaccines division at the French subsidiary of the American laboratory Pfizer, told Franceinfo.

              In mid-January, Pfizer announced that its shipments of doses would be affected as it was making changes to its manufacturing process to boost production.

              This led to France receiving 300,000 fewer Pfizer vaccine doses than expected in January.

              But Mr Lepoittevin said the situation is now resolved.

              “To be able to readjust our lines from a quality point of view, we had to reduce the pace and therefore slow down deliveries over a week. Today, we are in line with the objectives we had set ourselves.

              “Our objective is to be able to deliver 5 million doses to France by the end of February, 9 million by the end of March and 27 million doses... by the end of June,” he said.

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              • Mike Allen

                Mike Allen Total Gardener

                Jan 4, 2014
                Retired. Plant Pathologist.
                Eltham. SE. London
                So. With the greatest respect to one and all. Many of us have posted our dealings with this pandemic. Now. Can we make it more personal.

                OK. Lockdown. How has that affected you.
                Perhaps you are not alone. Wifey or hubby is here. So how have you coped?
                For us who are on our own. How have you fared?
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                • Gizmo

                  Gizmo Gardener

                  Sep 19, 2020
                  Thanks for your reply. We'll I am a main disabled carer who suffers from brocoextasis so I keep getting infections I have been on 19 lots of antibotics since Jan 2020. I also suffer from rapid depression. Personality disorder. Eptopic heart beat. Chronic pain in spine. Diabetic.admitted to hospital for Stoke in Nov 2020. I also have blood clot on my brain that effects my hearing and nose. hopefully with help from care for the carers tested for ptsd as well as I have had issues with professionals since 1996
                  My wife has bi polar disorder. In some cases she has been violent towards me. Diabetic. Asthma. Copd.sleep apena. Dystonia.gallstones. admitted 3 times to hospital for pancreas issues. Over weight. Learning disability. Since covid started we like alot of people have had no support from anyone apart from triage call from Dr Surgery. Nothing from asc. Social services. Even wellbeing can't help me with my mental health.
                  Every time I go out I am extremely scared and look at other people and think have they got covid. If I have to go to eg petrol station. Supermarkets.we get shopping online when it arrives has it got covid. I wear a mask. Gloves. Use hand gel but I am in and out I don't want to be there. As lots of different news about covid and transmission. I look on the news several times a day I can't really relax.
                  When we get our vaccine is not sure at the moment I looked at a vaccine calculator and it said first 2 weeks of Feb 2021 but like alot of people not had it yet. I have to take the dog for wee etc I am looking around all the time for people who may have covid has government said people with no symptoms can pass it on.
                  I wear a mask but I am out of breath my glasses steam up I put wash up liquid on don't seem to help. I just don't know if we will survive like alot of people very worried. Scared....
                  • Friendly Friendly x 9
                    Last edited: Feb 7, 2021
                  • Victoria

                    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                    Jun 9, 2006
                    Lady of Leisure
                    Messines, Algarve
                    We don't have a shortage of beds ...

                    "There are some examples of hotels, in the Algarve, Madeira or in the north of the country, that are receiving Covid patients with mild symptoms, in direct contact and with express request from the regional health authorities.

                    "In the case of the Algarve, "hotels have been available since the beginning of the pandemic to receive medical, civil protection and all health-related people who had to come to the region and had nowhere to stay," says Elidérico Viegas, president of Association of Hotels and Tourist Enterprises of the Algarve (AHETA)

                    "Hotels in the Algarve will be available to collaborate, and to receive patients with mild symptoms, in partnership with health authorities, if necessary ", guarantees the president of AHETA. "Hotels have the facilities, and have services that can be used in case of need, such as meals, hygiene and cleaning."

                    "In the Algarve we have about 500 hotels with 130 thousand beds, more than all hospitals put together, which are suitable places to receive patients with mild symptoms, while the health system saturated. Hotels are available to help, but they need to be contacted for this purpose ", stresses Elidérico Viegas, president of AHETA.

                    "For people with mild symptoms, and as there is no capacity for hospital structures, hotels seem to be very suitable places for this purpose" ,

                    "In the initial phase of the outbreak, last year, the Association of Hotels in Portugal (AHP) assumed the role of coordinating the provision of hotel rooms to health professionals who feared to contaminate their families, in a project called "Rooms against covid". But this year, and with the point of overload that hit the hospitals, the association has not yet signalled that there is a need for hotels to accommodate patients, and to alleviate health structures.

                    "The main national hotel groups, Pestana and Vila Galé, are receptive to helping the current critical situation in hospitals, providing hotels that are closed to receive patients with mild symptoms, quarantined people or health professionals, similarly to what happened in March last year. The hotels that are currently doing so are Ilha Dourada, in Porto Santo, Pestana Bay, in Madeira, and Pestana Blue Alvor, in Algarve "
                    • Informative Informative x 2
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                    • Upsydaisy

                      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                      Apr 26, 2017
                      Living in hope of world wide peace.
                      Hampshire. Zone 8b
                      During the first Lockdown a local hotel here took on ( non Covid) recovering patients from the Hospital so as to make more beds available to those with Covid . Not sure if it's doing so this time, but it's a good idea. My Dad was offered a room at the Hotel, but ( thankfully) he decided to spend his last days at home.
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                      • pete

                        pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                        Jan 9, 2005
                        Mid Kent
                        I'm on my own, I suppose I'm lucky that as far as I know I don't have any lung problems or are susceptible to any.
                        I'm carrying on pretty much as normal, I don't think I'm invincible but I do have the advantage that if I pop my clogs I'm not going to bother any one else much.
                        So take what I consider sensible precautions, have a daily chat with the walls, and my self and hope things get better in a few weeks.
                        I do need a haircut.
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