How do you occupy your time when you are retired?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Victoria, Jun 30, 2021.

  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Is it just me??? My garden more or less looks after itself because I planned it for my climate ... and retirement Consequently there is not a lot to do.

    T'other Half does the watering because I am not up to it yet! ... and today has been working on his irrigation system which went assunder many years ago! He is currently doing what the system should be and not happy about it in 24c with no breeze.

    I am tired of crime and nature programmes (everything is so repeat) and can only take reading for an hour or less. I don't crochet in the Summer. Listening to music (preferably country) on the TV so videos also but I have to have something to do with my hands. I sit outside for a few hours a day in several sessions, late morning and late afternoon. I have children's books to finish writing but can't get my head around it at the moment.

    I exercise every morning, including static cycling I get fidgety.

    If there is no gardening to do, what do you do to occupy your mind and soul?
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    • Victoria

      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

      Jun 9, 2006
      Lady of Leisure
      Messines, Algarve
      Just to add, T'other Half has a hobby buying/selling musical instruments which takes up most of his day. But we do play games, Backgammon and Skip-Bo every day taking an hour or two.
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      • Nikolaos

        Nikolaos Total Gardener

        Jun 26, 2019
        Midlands, UK
        Not retired, but I have a couple of friends who get bored very easily. I scratch my head and feel frustrated when I hear them say that because the older I get, the fewer hours there seem to be in the day to do what I want to! :wallbanging:

        I adore Horticulture most but also have many other hobbies and interests. My other main passions are menswear, enjoying most genres of music and studying/collecting antiquities, mainly Greek South Italian and Cypriot pottery. I also have an interest in horology and collect wristwatches. I really enjoy exercise although I haven't been doing it anywhere as often as I should as of late. :redface: My favourite forms of exercise are HIIT training in the form of sprinting and Tai Chi, the latter does wonders for my anxiety disorder if I just do 15-30 minutes of it a week, believe it or not! :blue thumb: I also enjoy studying New Age beliefs and Astrology but oddly enough don't believe most of it, I just think it's a really interesting way of looking at the world! Another thing that has fascinated me since childhood is different subcultures and I spend a lot of time finding out about them, I particularly enjoy the programmes/books of Jon Ronson and Louis Theroux. Oh, and I love watching/listening to stand up comedy! I also thoroughly enjoy sending people to sleep by writing really long posts about my interests on online gardening forums! :whistle::roflol:

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        • Michael Hewett

          Michael Hewett Total Gardener

          Mar 13, 2016
          Hilly Carmarthenshire in Wales
          I've always enjoyed gardening since I was a child and should have made a career of it instead of being a social worker, which was a very frustrating job and I'd never do it again.
          I remember having to go to work on a summer day and wishing I could give it up and spend my time in the garden.
          However, I am not good at coping with cold weather so in the winter I concentrate more on my art, I enjoy painting old buildings and in the summer Beryl (late partner) and I would go places and I'd take photos of things to paint the following winter.

          I also have a pottery wheel and kiln which I haven't been able to use for several years due to caring for Beryl who became severely disabled ... and that took up most of my time for a few years.
          I am now trying to get my pottery hobby up and running again for the coming winter.

          I have also been digging into my ancestry because I was fascinated by old stories people would tell when I was little, some of which were supposed to be secrets ... and I spend time during the winter visiting various archive repositories to see what else I can discover.
          So far in my roots I have found two 'Sirs', someone who murdered two people, a wealthy lady who ran away with someone 'beneath' her family and was disowned, several gentleman farmers and many paupers and a few people who were sent to the County Asylum.
          It's interesting to visit the places where they lived and worked. I have even been known to spend hours wandering around old graveyards looking at memorial stones :heehee:
          And I discovered in my grandfather's house a Book of Shadows, which is a thing witches used to keep in olden days with spells written in it, so there were witches in my family too :yikes:
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          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            I have now been retired 21 years and don't really have enough hours in the day to do what I would like - even though my day is usually 21/22 hours long.

            Some of the reason I don't get everything done that I would like is because of slowing down due to my body not always wanting to do what I tell it. :old:

            Gardening takes much longer and we certainly haven't made it any easier for ourselves. Mowing is about a four hour job which I used to do in one go but need to spread it over three days now. Having a cat around (not ours) whose sole purpose in life seems to be trying to trip me up also slows me down.

            I have a number of hobbies (apart from gardening) of which the main two are playing bridge and cooking. I play bridge 5 - 7 times a week and run three bridge clubs. I don't buy pre-prepared food and cook all our own meals, have friends round for meals frequently (during Covid we have eaten outdoors under our large covered pergola) and I run my own weekly 'meals on wheels' for some elderly (even older than me!) people in the village.

            We grow and sell plants for a charity and even in these 'lockdown' days have raised £2,000 so far this year. I'm also involved in the admin of some other charities and am still, in a small way, involved in some consumer advice. I'm also president of the Chamber of Commerce in a nearby town and President of the Grumpy Old Men's club - listed under my avatar :heehee:

            In my spare time I read about six books a weak plus the magazines I subscribe to. During the early morning, and through the day, I and the other GC Admin fend off anything up to a couple of dozen spammers trying to invade the forum each day. That's one of the few techie type jobs I can do - unlike the others who can do much more on the techie side :love30:

            Pre Covid, travel was also one of our hobbies and we have been to over 100 countries (I don't like beach holidays :noidea:). We like to go to see the culture, traditions and the way people live - particularly in out of the way places. The last country we visited, a few weeks before Covid hit, was Myanmar and we toured around it quite a bit. Travel is now out of the question :dunno:

            @Nikolaos I only made my post this long to stop them complaining about yours! :roflol:
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            • wiseowl

              wiseowl Amiable Admin Staff Member

              Oct 29, 2006
              Philosophy of people
              In a barn somewhere in North Kent
              Good morning well for me after caring for Mrs Woo and Daughter and perennial weeding .I take Penny out for a walk 3/4 times a day my frequent ambles to the local forest and photography plus my Blog and caring for numerous Rose beds for local GP surgeries etc My Samaritan work and Gardeners Corner (I didn't realise I did so much) until I have written it all down I shall have to slow down:heehee::smile:
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              • JR

                JR Chilled Gardener

                Jul 19, 2020
                Retired oil magnate
                Blimey! The posts above have given me a smile :smile: There are some great characters in G.C.
                The wife and i retired last year and the first priority was an allotment which has provided a very pleasant pastime both growing veg and meeting other allotmenteers.
                Mrs Ewing volunteers with the local cat charity in which she is very involved.
                On wet days i like a good book or film..particularly stuff based on true history.
                I've found as the years have gone by that i have less tolerance for fiction (blokes jumping from one aircraft to another etc)
                Though i did like that kind of nonsense as a kid.
                I guess if a garden is so up together that you need something else, then volunteer work is quite appealing. I've got a friend that gives one day a week to a nearby National Trust house and gardens which he enjoys.
                Hopefully all gardeners should have a fulfilling retirement.
                I was very busy back in the spring, and didn't see the very sad post from Armandll until a bit later. That was a shock.
                I always valued his posts as I'm sure everyone else did.
                His contributions were always bright and cheerful and i had no idea that his time was nearly up.
                I hope everyone here enjoys their long awaited retirement and for younger members just keep safe and well and enjoy everything :SUNsmile:
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                • wiseowl

                  wiseowl Amiable Admin Staff Member

                  Oct 29, 2006
                  Philosophy of people
                  In a barn somewhere in North Kent
                  Hello @shiney my friend I thought that such a long post was unusual for you:heehee::heehee::heehee:
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                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    Hmmm good question ....Since lockdown I've forgotten some of the things I use to do!!

                    My main love is and always will be gardening.I especially love growing and nurturing plants from seed, so in addition to all the perennials I like to grow extra bedding plants to ring the changes each year + plus it's another great source of exercise too.:dbgrtmb:

                    I love walking..:fingers crossed: I'll be able to enjoy this again soon.

                    NT visiting is great and I love researching into the history of the properties and their past owners befkre our visit.

                    Cinema least a couple of times a month...with friends as hubs isn't too keen.
                    Coffee, cake and chat in cafes with friends.
                    Hoping to start Aquazise classes in the not too distant future with a friend.

                    I've researched and compiled our family tree.....back to the 1600's, and now keep it topped up with new arrivals and sad departures. It's so easy to fall behind and I want it to be a live and current record of our family status.
                    My uncle who sadly died earlier this year did the other side of the family....he delved back even further 1400's!! So this too will be kept in check as well.

                    I adore reading....more so on dismal days or in winter, but I always have a couple of books ' on the go ' in the summer months as well.

                    During winter ( or dismal days :heehee:) I like to knit. These days I just make small things as my boys don't really go for the homemade knitted jumper or socks look anymore!! ;) I make Christmas Tree decorations, flowers and for myself I add to my collection of snood scarves every year!. I also knit little figures /items to complement some famous children's books. I did this originally as a work aid but now to share with my great nephews...and maybe one day grandkiddies.
                    I also make knitted cuddly toys too.

                    I find the adult colouring-in books a great way to chill and I've now got quite a few sets of lovely pens and pencils ..these are strictly out of bounds to all others!!:nonofinger:

                    Again in during winter ( or dare I say on dismal days:roflol:) jigsaw puzzles are enjoyable too. I currently have one that's almost finished lurking under the sofa!!

                    I did use to cook....honestly....when all our brood were living in the nest too and before hubs retired.....always fresh, no pre packed shop meals here either, but now admit it's mostly done by hubs these days..although I do occasionally shock him!!

                    In the evenings I do online Suduko and Mahjong and occasionally Word Search...but that tends to make my eyes go wonky!!

                    I don't really watch that much tv normally, but have done so recently due to health restrictions leading to boredom!!
                    What I do always like to watch are the Walter Presents programmes....these are all international crime thrillers and are subtitled.
                    I avoid the darker more grisly ones.

                    I'll stop waffling on now.....:biggrin:
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                    • Nikolaos

                      Nikolaos Total Gardener

                      Jun 26, 2019
                      Midlands, UK
                      Hardly sleeps and is incredibly analytical... OMG I've just figured it out, Shiney's clearly a reconnaissance cyborg from an alien civilisation! :yikes:

                      Didn't realise you were a goth, Michael... :biggrin::heehee:


                      On a serious note, I have really enjoyed reading this thread, feel like I know you all a little more as people as well as gardeners!

                      Well said JR, still miss his wit, reflectiveness, knowledge and kindness daily. :imphrt:

                      I thought the fact that members of this forum who even only had a couple of conversations with him felt moved enough to post on his tribute thread said an awful lot about the kind of gentleman he was! :)

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                      • shiney

                        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                        Jul 3, 2006
                        Retired - Last Century!!!
                        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                        Shhhh! Don't let anyone know! :th scifD36: :nonofinger:
                        • Funny Funny x 6
                        • pete

                          pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                          Jan 9, 2005
                          Mid Kent
                          I've just realised how, compared to you lot, I'm pretty boring. :smile:
                          • Funny Funny x 9
                          • Victoria

                            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                            Jun 9, 2006
                            Lady of Leisure
                            Messines, Algarve
                            Nick, you beat me on commenting, I meant to exclude Shiney from this as we are all aware he is a 24/7 person. :whistle:

                            I thought all the responses enlightening. We know each other as avid gardeners but it is nice to know the other side of folk.

                            I love all Arts & Crafts (a bit like Mrs Shiney). I paint on stretched canvas with acrylics (even giant wall paintings), crochet for charity, write, but with my current limited mobility I find it difficult sitting on my derriere so much ... and it is not good for my rehabilitation anyway. I love criminology and forensics, photography, but ... I can't seem to fill 15 hours a day.

                            This is the current mural on our shed wall in the lower dining area ...

                            Bay View2 Apr 08.jpg
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                            • Nikolaos

                              Nikolaos Total Gardener

                              Jun 26, 2019
                              Midlands, UK
                              I think you may be being a bit modest and mischievous there but not boring at all Pete, your breadth of horticultural knowledge and brilliant sense of humour are a big part of why I visit this forum daily! :love30:

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                              • Michael Hewett

                                Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                                Mar 13, 2016
                                Hilly Carmarthenshire in Wales

                                You reminded me of another pastime too Nick - I do Tai Chi , I try to do some every day but sometimes don't get around to it. It has helped me a lot with anxiety and panic attacks :dbgrtmb:

                                How can you have finished your family tree @Upsydaisy, I've been delving into mine since 1975 and haven't finished yet. The more questions I can answer the more seem to come up. It's never ending.
                                But maybe it's because of yet two other pastimes I have - local history and social history, and I am interested in the history of the farms and villages where my ancestors lived so that takes a lot of my time researching too. For me it's more than just a list of names, in includes the way people lived and how their environment affected them etc, and looking at old maps and other documents too.
                                I am also looking into Beryl (late partner) 's family tree ...

                                Of course I haven't been able to do much for a few years because I became a 24hr carer for Beryl but now I'm free (so to speak) and I can devote more time to my hobbies again :smile:
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