How do you occupy your time when you are retired?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Victoria, Jun 30, 2021.

  1. Upsydaisy

    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

    Apr 26, 2017
    Living in hope of world wide peace.
    Hampshire. Zone 8b
    Oh no Michael I didn't say I had finished it, I don't think we can ever finish our family trees really!! I've gone back as far as is feasible for me to do, most of our family are from London and that was fairly easy to get confirmation on records as we're only a hour's train journey away and I could travel up and explore records and get birth/ marriage and death certificates and also London had it's own records that are more easily accessible that the National ones. I've even stayed up there with relatives for holiday breaks and had great fun searching out the addresses. London based records were easy to get hold of up to a certain point in time....then of course a lot got lost due to the war and homes and roads wiped out by bombs.
    I have written up each individual's life...including all the available documentations, birth, marriage, war ,death. Researched into their occupations, even found an old black and white pic of a pub my great, great grandparents had in London......sadly long gone now. Have Census printouts and in some cases actual photos of the houses as they are now.
    Found myself down some really narrow alleyways that led to some very dingy buildings that are uninhabitable now as dwellings but were homes to many family members back in the 1700 and 1800's.
    I walked around Blackfriars and found one address and remember feeling a cold shiver as I thought about my family living with the fear of Jack The Ripper.
    There were sad discoveries too, many early infant deaths, rapes, workhouses and dying as paupers and buried in unmarked graves.

    London was a tough place to survive in for the less wealthy. More prosperous relatives took in the children of others , in the hope they would give them a better start in life than their poorer parents had.

    I followed my great grandma Sara's life with both admiration and great sadness. She was widowed at just 28 and had 5 children.She managed to keep the family together by working all hours ,in a pub in Hackney in the evenings and cleaning and doing laundry for the well off by day, no mean feat for a woman in the 1800's!!
    I also have very old newspaper cuttings, some advertising the self employment of realatives...from builders to Drs. Some with the court case outcomes of the naughty ones:heehee:. Plus some bereavement announcements and wills.

    I have sourced some really old London maps, going back to when it was made up of lots of villages, and have pinpointed the roads where many lived.
    No, mine isn't a list of names either , it's the people behind the names that interest me too.:dbgrtmb:

    As I discovered by going further and further back in time our relatives originated from Norfolk and surrounding areas and by now there were no real recorded record keeping to search through easily. The only option ,as you have no doubt discovered ,is to visit the areas to carry out searches but for me with family and working that was not so easily done .So I decided to draw a line at the 1600''s.

    My Uncle was already retired and sadly widowed when he did the other side of our family, so was willing and able to dedicate a lot of his time to researching. When he too hit the era of the family being more widespread he was able to visit all the various places and search the local graveyards and church held records...that's really the only way to go as reliable ( if in fact any) records and census info gathering had yet to be started.

    Now I have more time but sadly I've had / got new commitments Dad ,now sadly departed and my brother who is not only disabled but also has Alziheners and lives alone, but very nearby.

    I too love discovering the history of places....and have delved far back in time to learn about the area we live in now.

    Good luck with your future hunting.:biggrin:
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      Last edited: Jul 1, 2021
    • gks

      gks Total Gardener

      Feb 28, 2021
      Production Manager
      wow, 100 countries, so your to blame for all this climate change..:heehee:
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      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        @gks I also used to write guidebooks :blue thumb:. We were given a freebie one month stay in a very posh apartment in Hawaii (cost $10 million :rolleyespink:) in order to tour the islands and write the book. Another freebie for a month to write a guide to Colorado and another of New Zealand. :) All since retiring :old:

        Some of the more recent trips have been touring Myanmar, Rajastan, Bhutan, India, Cappadocia (very interesting part of Turkey), Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay and travelling through the Atacama desert through Chile and Peru. Indonesia was interesting seeing ancient temples in Java and going through Bali to Komodo (Komodo dragons).

        Back in the old days we used to bring plants back with us as Mrs Shiney had a Plant Licence.

        And in my spare time ....... :roflol:
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        • gks

          gks Total Gardener

          Feb 28, 2021
          Production Manager
          Never really thought what I will do when I retire, until now. Knowing my luck, I probably would only get a 24hr freebie at a Blackpool beach hut with a day pass on the tram thrown in.
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          • Michael Hewett

            Michael Hewett Total Gardener

            Mar 13, 2016
            Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
            I'm sorry @Upsydaisy you said you'd 'compiled' your family tree but I read it as 'completed' , I need new glasses :smile:
            You've done a lot of work on it and it's very interesting. I can't begin to tell you about mine, it would take too long, but I am not stopping at a certain date, and I'm doing all the branches on both sides and Beryl's both sides too. I'm in no hurry to finish it, I want it to last the rest of my life so that I've got something to do in the winters.
            The furthest I've gone back is 1401.
            I've been in the past like you are now, with people to care for (elderly parents and disabled partner) and that makes it more difficult to do the things you want. But I have all the time in the world now :yay:
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            • Upsydaisy

              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

              Apr 26, 2017
              Living in hope of world wide peace.
              Hampshire. Zone 8b
              No worries @Michael Hewett .:) I would love to be able to carry on as I loved doing it but it would be far too time consuming to have to travel to each area now to do the necessary research....shame.:sad:

              I'm envious of you...have fun.:blue thumb:

              I even considered at one point of offering to do other people's family trees....but since realised time and travelling here ,there and everywhere wouldn't be possible. If I could go back in time then it would definitely be top of my list as a career choice.:dbgrtmb:
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              • Sandy Ground

                Sandy Ground Total Gardener

                Jun 10, 2015
                Making things of note.
                Scania, Sweden
                How do I occupy my time since retiring? What time? Nowadays, I dont know how I found time to work!

                A lot depends on the time of year. Summer will see me in the garden, of course. Added to that I'll go out on the motorbike somewhere, or take a trip with the motorhome. Do some outdoor house repairs, or other things that require good weather.

                Winters will see me doing other things. A lot on here know that I do a bit of woodwork, or perhaps metalwork. Although its more or less at an end now, I'll do a bit more restoration work on my classic car. Then again I do some family research, not that I can do much more of that now, as I've got back to 1087...

                All year round I will practice my guitar playing as well...

                There are still things that I have probably forgotten and not mentioned, such as irritating you lot on here! :whistle::heehee:
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                • CanadianLori

                  CanadianLori Total Gardener

                  Sep 20, 2015
                  Battle Axe
                  Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                  Retired? I'm only partially retired and I have no problem filling my non work days.

                  I do a lot of my own repairs to the house, sewing machinery, appliances- at least until there is no hope of revival.

                  I do my own wiring and plumbing outside. I make a lot of my own clothes. I bake my own bread and some for neighbours.

                  Gardening is almost year round. Outside from April/May to October/November, and then inside from December 26th up until I'm back outside again. November/December are spent getting ready for holidays.

                  Like most here, I don't have a cleaning lady or laundress or chef so there aren't many idle hours left during the daylight no matter what time of year.

                  And I have lots of friends and family close, or whenever possible, within 6 feet of me!
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                  • Selleri

                    Selleri Koala

                    Mar 1, 2009
                    North Tyneside
                    This is a truly inspiring and interesting topic, makes a fascinating read. Thank you lovely folks for sharing! :)

                    Personally I have loads of interests but unfortunately am a seriously lazy person. I dread my retirement (thankfully, it is approximately 178 years away according to my latest pension statement) as I'm afraid I will just mooch about and not get anything started. A typical day off for me sees me getting up early and then spending 6 straight hours reading, occasionally transferring my location between the dining table, bed and the sofa.

                    My friends often describe their day in words such as "I never sat down until 9pm" whereas my bottom seems to be my most used asset during my waking hours. Reading, internetting, doing puzzles...

                    This topic has so very inspiring stories on family tree investigations that I may finally take that up. My Dad and my Godfather have done a lot, reaching 1600s', but I'm particularly interested in the human stories behind the numbers. There are some real thrillers, and also the quiet lives that ended sadly that need to be told in a way that they will not just dust away in some corner.
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                    • Michael Hewett

                      Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                      Mar 13, 2016
                      Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                      Funny thing @Upsydaisy I also once thought of doing that as a career, when I was fed up with the one I had, but never did anything about it because of the travelling.
                      I don't know if I'll ever be able to do as much research as I would like because some of my ancestors were from Devon and Lancashire ... well a quarter of them were Devonshire people actually (maternal grandfather) ... and I can't travel much now due to being rather agoraphobic on times and unable to leave the house some days, so I keep to the Welsh ones :smile:
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                      • pete

                        pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                        Jan 9, 2005
                        Mid Kent
                        I'm trying to think of something I do that is different, but I've got to be honest I just spend my time in the garden, greenhouse, allotment when the weather is good, winter and summer.

                        In bad weather I've been trying to redecorate the house, but I really hate decorating, I wish I was back at work when I have to do that, its like torture.

                        I sat around a lot after Christmas last and put on a few pounds, so was hoping to come up with something I like doing that keeps me reasonably active for next winter.

                        But cant think of anything.

                        I'm not a sports type person and marathon running has never been my thing, I did used to like walking but my legs dont work as well as they should so that is out.

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                        • Nikolaos

                          Nikolaos Total Gardener

                          Jun 26, 2019
                          Midlands, UK
                          That's the trouble I seem to be having lately Pete, horticulture seems to be becoming such an all-consuming passion that I hardly have time for anything else! :dunno::doh: And when I'm not gardening, I'm mostly reading about gardening and foruming about gardening! :wallbanging::biggrin: And the worst of it is, I'm supposed to be a low-maintenance gardener! How the bloody hell am I supposed to tell normal people I'm into low-maintenance gardening and then tell them I do about 20 hours of gardening a week, that doesn't even make any flipping sense! :roflol:

                          • Funny Funny x 7
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                          • Selleri

                            Selleri Koala

                            Mar 1, 2009
                            North Tyneside
                            That's all right, you are Swedish so we understand ;) :whistle:
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                            • shiney

                              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                              Jul 3, 2006
                              Retired - Last Century!!!
                              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                              Re family trees:- there are a few cousins that have been doing all the hard work for me :heehee:. Some of it goes through to other countries and as far back as the Spanish Inquisition.

                              One of my relations is listed in the police records as possibly having disturbed Jack the Ripper assaulting a woman. They don't know whether it was actually Jack as he was disturbed before he could murder her. He had come out of a bar/club semi-drunk and saw a man attacking a woman down a dark alley in Whitechapel and he had a knife in his hand. He called out and the man ran away. The woman/prostitute was injured by survived.

                              Six of my uncles fought in WWI and, fortunately, all returned although two were injured.
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                              • CanadianLori

                                CanadianLori Total Gardener

                                Sep 20, 2015
                                Battle Axe
                                Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                                When I retire, I'd like to spend more time working on my old mustang. I'd like to take off all the inner door panels and clean and service the parts. Ditto for all of the dash board.

                                I'd like to have time (and money) to put up strapping on my cellar walls, get wires run for outlets and lighting and in preparation for an electrician to hook up. And then put up the wall board - got 78 sheets down there!

                                I like to explore interesting things within a hundred mile radius. When covid stops confining, I'll get back at that.

                                Just never enough time!
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