I've been to Nandos a couple of times, their chicken and rice dishes were a lot healthier than the greasy battered stuff served up in KFC, although that seems to appeal to the youngsters.
And scarcer too. Our local Tesco has only sold pre-packed fish since the pandemic began, and not much of that either. I went off red meat about two years ago but I still ate chicken, but I've gone off that now as well. I don't know why I've gone off meat, it wasn't a conscious decision, but the thought of it turns on me now. I think I am slowly going off fish too.
If you don't eat meat or fish, the protein has to be replaced. It's essential for the human body. As far as I know, not many 'vegetarians' combine vegetable proteins properly. There are going to be an awful lot of enfeebled sickies a few years down the line. Can't help but feel that the French approach of small quantities of a wide range of foods and a glass of wine is sensible. Sadly, fast-foods are getting a hold here, too, though.
@Michael Hewett , I wasn't impressed with Tesco's fish years ago, not been in there recently. Pre packed fish, imo, is never good. Can't really fault Morrisons for its fish, always lots available and on ice, although what is available can vary. Still prefer a run down the coast to get some, usually that little bit fresher.
I used to get fish in Morrisons in a not-far-away town but since the pandemic they've had rubbish. Tesco in my local town was quite nice actually, and the one on the outskirts of Swansea has nice fish usually, but it's a long tedious journey to get there. In Swansea market in the city centre there's beautiful fish, comes straight from the docks, but I never go there these days, it's a long and unpleasant journey and I don't like going on my own. If you're lucky you can catch the fish monger in another nearer town, but it isn't always open, and yes it's very expensive, but since the only other thing I spend money on is plants I don't mind I don't say I'm a vegetarian, I eat eggs (as long as they're not runny) and cheese, and still eat fish. But the sight of meat turns on me ...
I have such a nostalgy for McWhatnots that if I'm allowed out alone I always go for a meal and then quickly remember that the stuff is actually only borderline edible and the environment is so to say, terrible. Fast food chains came to my town when I was about ten, and were something totally out of my sheltered world. First of all, you were allowed to eat with your hands. No plates. And, a miracle of miracles, Pepsi as a drink! Lemonades were strictly for parties or a special treat on an outing. Unfortunately my offspring has skipped fast food taste buds so ever since she was small when I tried to suggest a McWhatnot, she insisted on an interesting looking Lebanese or unpronounceable Asian streetfood style deli. Not a cheap child to feed. In Italy McDonalds actually serves decent rice and mozzarella salads, and wine. In Finland, they serve milk as a drink option. Nando's is quite close to real food but their concept is just as annoying as those of the coffee places where you have to tell your name and a "large black coffee" doesn't exist. It's like a club where you feel a total outsider unless you are a regular and know all the quirks. If asked for my name when getting a coffee I always go for a celebrity and let them call "George Clooney" a couple of times before I collect my drink. Even a small revenge is still a revenge
Only had a Nandos once about 5years ago at Greenwich, chicken is my favourite meat so I loved it. Agree with @JWK their rice dishes, and in fact their menu on a whole is so much healthier and tastier than that of KFCs
It does vary, our local one in Guildford is awful. I have had it abroad as well as Mc D in places like Indonesia and Singapore when I was working there. Some of my colleagues were homesick and wanted KFC! Personally I would have happily lived on the local street food, but tagged along anyway. It was a lot better than the UK version, served with sticky rice.
KFC do something here called Crispy Strips which is what I like. They are fingers of white meat dipped in Tempura batter. That is delicious.