I'm no computer buff so when things go haywire my son takes over remotely via Teamviewer to put them right. That said, my problem today was that Teamviewer decided I no longer have an account. So after some investigation my son decided to try an alternative and came up with a similar site called AnyDesk. It 's easier to use than Teamviewer although it doesn't respond as quickly. I'm now running both as a belt and braces situation. Has anyone else used it?
No but i read its avisable not to use or download this app as its easy for scammers to fraud people but they might have improved it making it more secure
Not something we have used, but as @Janet mahay mentions, its not necessarily a bad program in itself, but because its easy to install and use, its equally easy for scammers to con folk into installing it and gain access their details / pc. It sounds like you have overcome Team Viewers account problem so we would stick with that as it seems a much safer option. The bottom line, never trust or engage with incoming calls from your banks or pc/internet providers etc. If in any doubt call your real bank etc back on a different phone line to ask if it was really them. We had an unexpected call from our bank, (actually genuine) , but when she asked to take us though security we refused, in the end she actually thanked us, saying she wished other folk would be as cautious, we called the banks helpline a little later to check the call was valid, which it was.
Just wondering Sheal, why and how often do things go haywire. I think those of us who are not too computer savvy do have the occasional problems but its part of finding out what makes it all tick. And when you manage to sort out the problem you dont half feel good.
Too often @pete. Anything that goes wrong with my computer is never straight forward. I use Edge because Google, Firefox etc. just won't function properly on my laptop, even Edge gives me problems now and again. My son knows that when I ask him to sort out a problem for me it will be complicated and more often than not something unusual. If one of those horrible grey boxes appears on my screen, I don't understand what it's saying, let alone do something about it. I don't like computers and hate technology in general, probably because I have a brain that doesn't understand how it functions. Give me something mechanical - that's something I do understand. To be honest I don't, because I just get angry during the process and just want to drop the machine in the dustbin. You may well ask why I use a computer? Primarily for every day contact with my three children who, as you know, live far and wide. Being a member of GC is a bonus but I have various glitches with this site too, which I, my son and GC admin can't sort out.
Sounds like you must be giving off static electricity or some such thing that affects it. Tell me, do lights tend to dim when you walk into a room.
Well we used to use Firefox but as @Fat Controller recently mentioned it seems to be causing various problems that we also started to encounter. We have been trying out the Brave browser which so far seems to work ok. Secure, Fast & Private Web Browser with Adblocker | Brave Browser A very simple download that will import/copy your old browsers bookmarks for you, and you can still use Edge or any other browser at the same time. Out of interest what is the make and model number ( usually on the bottom ) of your laptop and what version of Windows are you using . eg W7 or W10 . While we are relatively ok with the PC, the latest Android phones drive us to distraction, they almost seem to do what they want , not us, - so you are not alone ! Don't forget its just a machine to serve us, not the other way around.
Sorry @pete and @ricky101 I've been away from GC for most of the week and only just seen this. Yep, that's what I think, I often get static shocks. Not that I've noticed. My laptop has never liked Firefox and it's about six years old now. The make is HP and there's no chance of giving you the model number until I find my magnifying glass....the print is too small. I'm using W10. I couldn't tell you what an Android phone looks like. I have an old phone that's rarely used. Hmmm....no comment.