Hello. I planted some Antirrhinums last year in a big pot on a south facing wall. they still look perfectly healthy now. I just trimmed them up a bit but are they likely to flower this year or are they just hanging on in there for as long as poss?! I know they're an annual but I rather thought they would have died back.
Yes they can if the winter is mild or they are pretty sheltered. I have them in our garden, not particularly long lived though, so I take cutttngs each year.
ok, so I"ll hoik them out in the spring. At the moment, they're doing a good job of protecting my young clematis! Thank you
ah. well they have lots of little new shoots coming so I will have a go at that. I've not tried growing from cuttings before but they were really lovely and it would be good to give it a go. thank you!
Watch out for rust, probably not there now but later in the season, often overwintered plants harbour it and it gets passed onto the new generation.