Plant pests

Discussion in 'Gardening Discussions' started by Ian Franklin, Jun 23, 2022.

  1. Ian Franklin

    Ian Franklin Apprentice Gardener

    Jun 23, 2022
    This year, all of my outdoor and indoor plants are infested with white fly, black fly, green fly and vine weevils. Why are they so abundant this year and how can i eradicate them please?
    We've tried washing up liquid and water, Moonshine bug off and soaking the roots and physically pick the eggs off the plants and roots and nothing works. We've also tried electronic pest control and sticky fly control. All my plants are infested.
  2. NigelJ

    NigelJ Total Gardener

    Jan 31, 2012
    Mad Scientist
    Paignton Devon
    @Ian Franklin
    not one I've heard of before, or is it a a homebrewed concoction.
    The mild winter (depending where you are) allowed a larger number of pests and their eggs to survive and get off to a flying start.
    Are you growing in pots outside, a greenhouse or in the open ground.
    Vine weevil you can buy a nematode water on treatment for these supposed to be effective.
    In a greeenhouse: you can get a number of different biological controls for white fly, red spider mite and greenfly, sticky traps also work well.
    Outside: you can buy ladybirds and larvae to boost the predator population; I think you can also get lacewings. A bug hotel to help population levels might be an idea.
    Indoors is harder with my indoor plants they get kicked out for a summer break and the change of environment seems to help.
    In all of these places I've had success with some of the organic acid based insecticides.
    Overall try and keep the plants growing well and unstressed. Encourage natural predators to thrive in the garden, tricky indoors unless you like spiders.
    You will never eradicate all pests, what tends to happen is that pest populations go up, followed by predator populations rising and then a balance is reached.
    Outside unless it's lupin aphids or particularly bad I tend to leave things to sort themselves out.

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