I want an indoor areal for a TV which is in a different room to the 'main' one (not that I watch the 'main' one much anyway) but if I happen to watch something on the 'other' TV I would prefer not to have to move the areal around until I get a good picture every time I change stations. Does anyone know of a good areal I could buy ? I've had a look on line but there are so many to choose from ...
I have a small outdoor one, for freeview, attached to my conservatory, but its not the kind of thing you would want indoors.
I'd have no way of bringing the lead inside. I've seen lots of indoor ones but don't know which would be the best one. I've found the dearest things are not always the best ones. I only have freeview
I think a lot depends on how strong the signal is in your area, do you have an indoor aerial that works ok on the other TV.
Yes it's in the attic, and I can see the TV transmition mast clearly from the back bedroom window. It's on a hill just a few miles away.
Is it practical to run an aerial cable from the existing Main tv aerial cable point to the other rooms TV ? In a strong signal area you may be able to get away with a simple passive splitter. Does your other room TV have freeview built in ?
Or, invest in a wireless transmitter and receiver. You dont need an aerial and you can watch whatever your main set is receiving.
Not really, the tv is in one of the bedrooms and the main areal comes into the front downstairs room, it would be such a fiddly job for something I don't use very often. I think it's only got freeview. I don't know what that is. It sounds complicated. Can you explain please - in very simple words.
I had one of these when I lived in Fife. Just stuck on the inside of our window. At £8.49 I'd give it a go. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07S6MMTQC/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
You don't have Freeview built into a receiver, you just need a digital tv set. It sounds like you are in a good reception area Michael, so I would just buy a middle range aerial.