Hello all I hope you are well. Can anyone tell me if this is Primula Japonica or Primula Candelabra? Thanks in advance Kevin
Hello @pete It is definitely not Primula Denticulata as I have them on the other side of the Water Feature and they are completely different, having a Round Head. Thanks Kevin
Looks like Primula japonica Miller's Crimson to me. Candelabra primula is a popular name for various species with similar whorls of flowers at the top of a stem. Eg. P. japonica, P. pulverentula, P.bulleyana etc.
This is white Primula denticulata. Flowers form an almost perfect ball on the top of the stems. Local name here is Kirrie dumplings! Nearby village called Kirriemuir involved in the past. Primula denticulata - the Kirrie Dumpling