Rabbit proof plants?

Discussion in 'Pests, Diseases and Cures' started by MrsC2024, May 22, 2024.

  1. MrsC2024

    MrsC2024 Apprentice Gardener

    May 22, 2024
    I am OVERRUN with rabbits this year. I have managed to secure the veg patch, wildflower patch and pots with chicken wire but the little bit of garden i have just for decorative purposes and to enjoy it isn't practical (nor would it look nice) to chicken wire around every plant but they are decimating almost everything - anyone have a foolproof plant they don't like?

    I had read online they won't eat roses or things with a strong scent. Well they have clean shaven 2 little rose bushes I planted and while the larger more established lavender has survived so far the smaller ones I put in along with rosemary and geranium have all been cleaned out! It is pretty disheartening - we stay on a farm and I had dreams of a lovely cottage style garden with lots of different whimsical plants.... oh how naive haha!!
  2. On the Levels

    On the Levels Super Gardener

    Mar 17, 2024
    Sorry to hear about all the issues that rabbits do in your garden. We put up a chicken wire fence around the main veg areas in our garden many many years ago. This has stopped them. However we have areas that are not fenced and...thankfully....left alone. These include herbs, asparagus, globe artichokes and different salad crops. Our flowers in the main are left alone and none are fenced in. However they do like morning glory seedlings so we had to put up chicken wire to protect them until they got established. We have a lavender bed, again for many years, and never touched.
    Are you sure that it is always rabbits?
  3. MrsC2024

    MrsC2024 Apprentice Gardener

    May 22, 2024
    Thank you for your reply. yes definitely rabbits. At almost any given moment I can look out of my window and see at least 4 or 5 nibbling something. It is funny there is just one little corner where they definitely bury, but leave the plants alone.... but other parts where nothing is safe. We definitely need an....ahem... long term solution... but just trying in vain to get a colourful garden to enjoy meantime :)

    Up until last year we had the odd few but never a huge problem and they were never near my veg patch (it is across a little river) but last year they almost decimated the veg patch (hence it now has a second fence of chicken wire) and are just running amock in the garden..... so frustrating... and the really annoying thing is some of the little ones are actually very cute... but they still cause me to swear!!!!! :)
  4. On the Levels

    On the Levels Super Gardener

    Mar 17, 2024
    We did try one of those sonic deterrents many years ago and then watched a rabbit sitting directly in front of it. Just our luck to have a deaf rabbit. Didn't work for getting cats away from our garden either.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Sheal

      Sheal Total Gardener

      Feb 2, 2011
      Dingwall, Ross-shire
      I had problems with rabbits in the past and found they didn't touch Lupins in the garden.
    • fairygirl

      fairygirl Total Gardener

      Oct 3, 2020
      west central Scotland
      Unfortunately, rabbits will have a go at many things initially, even if they then decide they don't like something, and subsequently leave it alone.
      There's not much you can do. For trees and shrubs, it's the caging around them until they get mature enough. For anything else, it's often trial and error.
      If you have anything in a container, which is one way of protecting a plant you love, it's important to make sure they can't access them by using anything nearby as a step.
      You may also find there are years where they're much worse than others in terms of quantity.

      The sonic things are a total waste of money IMO - for keeping anything away. :smile:

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