Indian bean tree, Catalpa bignonioides, but it’s not from India! Travelling a bit further, Moonflower, Ipomoea alba, a night flowering morning glory, I want one!
Sunflower is quite appropriate today as the Parker Solar Probe shot through the sun's atmosphere about lunch time. Fingers crossed it's still functioning.
Corsican hellebore, Helleborus argutifolius. Mexican fleabane, Erigeron karvinskianus. Echinops tienshanicum, literally the globe thistle from Tienshan. In the same vein Camellia sinensis, literally the Camellia from China
Norfolk Island Pine, Leptospermum (New Zealand Tea Tree), Cedar of Lebanon, Spathodea (African Tulip Tree).
Cissus antarctica Kangaroo Vine. Thunbergia mysorensis, Indian Clock Vine. Verbena bonariensis (Buenos Aires).