We should have been spending more on defence years ago, we, and that includes all of Europe have relied on America for too long. When you compare our military to what we had some years ago it's pretty pathetic. It's alright for politicians to come up with commitments and saying what we are prepared to do but ask the people who have to carry it out and it's a different story. I think most of our equipment has already been sent to Ukraine , I doubt any of it has been replaced.
It is pathetic @pete and all the more reason why having the likes of Starmer going in waving his willy as if he is a big shot, really worries me. We don't have the firepower/manpower to back up this stance where we think we can somehow dictate the way things are handled. I am firmly in the camp that I want to see an end to the killings, however that is achieved.
But defence spending is an arms race we can ever win while sections of the world are run by mad dictators. Safety is an expensive illusion. If we could see details of the money trail, the whole edifice would come crashing down. If we knew the specifics of who sells want to whom, the pointless circularity of it all would be laid bare.
Whilst I agree, it is also an arms race that we cannot afford to lag behind in. Sadly, the huggy-wuggy view that the world was becoming more peaceful therefore everyone needed less arms etc was scuppered because one set of madmen were simply replaced with others. We firmly took our eye off the ball when it came to Russia. but more worrying for me is how we've not only taken our eye off the ball with China, but we've positively funded them in building their arms etc. Meanwhile, we still go in and poke our nose in all over the place as if we are some sort of superpower. Sure, we've got Trident to fall back on, but let's be honest.. the day we are deploying that is the day we are all done for anyway.
I think you just have to ask yourself where would Putin stop if he finds no opposition or fear of opposition. What actually is an illusion is the idea that if we leave ourselves defenseless then nobody is going to attack us.
Indeed. However, on the other hand, nobody bothered their backside when it came to Crimea being annexed. What happens if China choose to dive into Taiwan? Much as we'd love to have it all the way we want things to be, we certainly aren't going to win them all. Some of the things that have been done in "our" name are equally questionable, not least the £3bn that has been committed annually for the next 100 years.. why? Sure, Ukraine will need rebuilding and no doubt that deals will be done involving companies from all over the world to do so, but that isn't going to take 100 years. Meanwhile, our own country is going to the dogs. I also know one thing for absolutely sure - the current methods haven't ended this war so far, so maybe a change of tack is in order.
As I can't do anything about it I think I shall do this:- Or go out in the sunshine and do some gardening.
I’m not under that illusion. But in this day and age, physical weapons are no real safety net. War could fall out of favour if it were made not-for-profit.
Well, quite! The US, aided by the UK, has been behind a number of regime changes and destabilising conflicts. Potentially AI could be developed to deter physical invasions, with instant “penalties” for doing so. However, that is unlikely because the wealthy don’t want to stop war. It is integral to their profiteering. So, if they are the ones funding AI, which they are, it could be programmed to increase death and destruction, not lessen it.
I have a service contract for the boiler with British Gas. Yesterday I discovered what I thought was a very minor leak from a pipe below the boiler, reported and first engineer visit is Friday! Today I discovered the leak is much worse than I though so called to report it as an emergency because we have no heating or hot water. The person I spoke to had to go through a set of questions despite me explaining what the problem is. So far so bad, but eventually informed that an engineer would be here today. He then asks if I want the annual service carried out at the same time. I advised him as politely as I could that I don't care about the boiler service, I just want the leak fixed. I did finally blow my top when he went on to say they have an offer on to cover other household appliances. I'm pretty even tempered normally, and don't take things out on those in call centres. This time it went too far, as even when I said I wasn't interested he tried to continue with his yap!
If British Gas were the only supplier available, I'd rather use candles. That shower did me out of hundreds about 20 years ago and I've never forgotten (or forgiven)
With some of those call centres they are made to repeatedly ask you for add ons and can lose their job if they don't. We have a similar problem with companies calling up about our solar panels. They all say the same spiel about it being a free safety check that you must have by law but they never answer when you ask, what's in it for them?. I know they are just trying to get their foot in the door but like all non solicited callers, they get a political no thank you before I hang up.
I've never heard of a gas leak being neglected it's just not something they are allowed to do. My brother in law worked for British gas and transco for all his working life and not treating any leaks as any thing other an emergency was very dangerous.