how to use fertilizer, greenhouse and cat questions

Discussion in 'Greenhouse Growing' started by miriam, Mar 26, 2011.

  1. miriam

    miriam Gardener

    Feb 28, 2011
    Hello everyone

    I have bought a "feed for fruit and vegetables" liquid fertilizer NPK 3.5-3.5-3.5 and micronutriets,
    I have seedlings who are just starting to show the "real leaves" and slightly bigger growing plants.
    I have been reading in the internet but iam confused, it says i can use this fertilizer for everything, my question is how often should I use it ?

    I am growing flowers herbs and tomatoes from seeds, and also where to pour it, some people say not to touch the leaves and others not in some parts of the roots, i have been trying youtube with no success. Also they say is advisable to do it in the morning and with wet soil?

    Also can anyone advise which one is better a glass or the polycarbonate greenhouse? I am about to buy one
    I have a problem with my neighbor's cat as he likes using my garden as a litter :S and urinating everywhere damaging some of my flowers any suggestions on how to deal with this?

    thank you very much

  2. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Hi Miriam, regarding feeding, its best to wait until the plants have a good root system before feeding them, so small seedling should have enough nutrient in the compost for a few weeks before you need to feed.
    You can then apply it at least once a week when you water as normal.

    Dont use feed if the plants are bone dry and limp, use just water on those occasions.But best not to let them get like that in the first place.
  3. miriam

    miriam Gardener

    Feb 28, 2011
    thank you Pete when the plant grows where do I apply the liquid fertilizer on the soil around the roots or the leaves?
  4. firsttimer

    firsttimer Gardener

    May 11, 2010
    As for your Cat problem, i know how you feel i have 7 cats myself and the only way i found to stop mine was to buy a few canes about 4ft long and some cheap bean netting and i built a small fence round the plots this really worked for me as it stopped them digging up me carrots and shallot bulbs. Tthis year i plan to do a proper job and build a caged with a lid i can remove to aid weeding as it was a pig of a job last year. Also where in ipswich to you live as live on chantry.
  5. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hi Miriam,

    To the soil unless it says its a foliar feed. If it is, then don't put it on the leaves in the morning as the droplets will sit on the leaves and act like a lens, causing the sun to burn the leaves.

    That applies to normal watering too. During drought periods, where you might have to water in the morning just water the ground and make sure its not sitting on the leaves.

    With herbs, most of these have come from plants that live on poor soils, so will not really need a feed.

    I only feed things like tomatoes, peppers & chillies when they set fruits.
  6. miriam

    miriam Gardener

    Feb 28, 2011
    thanks everyone, i love cats but I have to admit this cat is driving me crazy as I put so much effort in my garden, I will try first cutting lemons and putting them in the soil, they say cats dont like the smell, I dont think is fair that I dont have a cat and i end up having to spend money protecting my garden from other animals, oh well... hopefully the lemons will do the trick:) i saw in B& Q a cat repellent called cat-a- pult aparently it confuses the cat/dog and it is no dangerous to them, have anyone tried that?

    the liquid fertilizer doesnt say anything, but I had already put them everywhere :S I hope it doesnt damage the plant


    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    I not sure about cats not liking lemons, miriam, as I found one of them asleep in my wicker basket of fruit of which there were 3 lemons on the top and she was right on top of them!! They might work if you throw them at the cat!!

    I wouldn't worry about the fertiliser doing any harm, adding it at this stage merely means the plants have a more than adequate supply of food.
  8. miriam

    miriam Gardener

    Feb 28, 2011
    hi Armandii, I think you need to cut them in pieces to work! jajja i wouldnt dare throwing anything to the cat or animal lovers would hunt me down but I am very tempted

    maybe the cat you saw had had a nose block or a cold jaja


    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Hi Miriam, the cat I thinking of is Jenny, who is into everything and always getting into trouble. When she got off the basket, in her own good time, I could see she had clawed a lemon quite badly out of curiosity so there were bit of rind littered around and she hadn't bothered about the smell or jiuce.

    I doubt if you'd be able to hit a cat with a lemon anyway at 10 paces unless you were a marksman!! Once a cat that is not yours uses your garden as a public convenience it will come back time and again. I honestly don't think putting a piece of garden aside for the cat is feasible as a cat will decide where it wants to go and ignore all spots other than the one it wants.

    This is a very much discussed subject and there's no quick fix that has come out of the posts. Different solutions have been offered such as, sensor motivated water jets, gadgets that emit a sonic sound that cats supposedly don't like [some don't and some are not bothered], Lion manure, pepper in the area where they toilet, and so on. None seem to be the universal answer I afraid.

    Even raising your fence height as a deterrent is not going to work unless you raise it really high. I've raised the height of my already high fence with a 3' extension of slack chicken wire, not to keep cats out but to keep my cats in!! I won't go into the trials and tribulations I had putting sections up and thinking I'd succeeded only to find Jenny looking at me on the other side of the fence. I had to put the 3' extension up all around the garden before success. The trick to the chicken wire is that there's not much purchase for the cat's claws to hold onto, and with the chicken wire not being tight when the cat tries to climb the wire gives way towards the cat so that it's leaning backwards - and they do not like that!!
  10. miriam

    miriam Gardener

    Feb 28, 2011
    oh no!!I hope my garden survives with his cat's poo and wee ... how anoying will try everything and see what works, i was told that cats prefer the neighborh's garden as it is their way of marking territory..
    if nothing works will just have to have a word with the neighborh we might be able to find a solution together or i wont be happy :S although not sure what she can do about it she might just say he is just a cat and can't restrain him!

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    I think that's exactly the answer your neighbour will give you. I'm sorry I couldn't be more positive. There are other threads about cats which you might want to have a look at, if you haven't already, that might have some suggestions that might tempt you to try, although I don't think many will try Clueless's!!
  12. firsttimer

    firsttimer Gardener

    May 11, 2010
    Armandii, did you try putting a removable lid of the fence thats wot i did and my cats got rather angry when they jumped up thinking they were getting in only to bounce of in the opposite direction. Its actually quite funny to watch especially as the cat in question is a bit thick and kept trying until he landed wrong then he never bothered the beds again until i cleared them in the winter. As for lemons i think oranges and limes work better, after an orange my cats won't come anywhere near me for about 4 hours.
  13. miriam

    miriam Gardener

    Feb 28, 2011
    thanks all for your replies, I have put some lemons down and they seem to be doing the trick so far, so fingers crossed.
    so happy as I was just given an old greenhouse for free and making husband to go and collect it this saturday! :)

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Miriam, I just hope the cat doesn't take lemon with it's martini!! Good luck!

    Hi, First timer, no I didn't try the removable lid trick. I discovered the slack chicken wire trick when I saw my cat jump up on the first section of chicken wire, and saw the wire give way to her weight in her directioni She ended up hanging on leaning backwards and she definitely didn't like that!!

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